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US offers reassurances of support for Taiwan


Please I have a request. Don't say or claim something that does not even pass the laught test. Don't even feel like responding. In 1953 we could have nuked the hell out of you ( you are welcome-:) ). But we had just done it to Japan and it would not have looked good so we decided to be nice and have mercy on you. Again "you are welcome".

As to your core interests I see why you and Pakistan are the best of friends. Their core interest is Kashmir which they can only dream of. Likewise for you. Boq already responded well to you so let me stop here.

You could have nuked us but didn't and ended up getting thrashed.

Anyone that tries to mess with our core interests will get a ruthless and uncompromising response just like in the Korean War. who already won the Korean War ?

We are not a vassal state of the US like India. When India is a vassal state of the US ?

We will do what we want, when we want. US has nothing to hurt us with. Anyone messing with Communist China has been dealt a crushing blow including the US and the Soviet Union. US bring the liberation to China after WW2. US keep selling weapon to Taiwan, does it hurt China ? US threaten China not to invade Taiwan, and what else China could do?

Consider yourself warned :coffee:

There is not a country or empire on this planet that is strong enough to defeat China. Keep dreaming your dream

We proved our capabilities in the Korean War when we utterly murdered the living snot out of the US military. That was a time when the gap between the US and China was at its widest and yet the US and its vassals got thrashed. Then you once again proved your disability in Sino-Vietnam conflict in 1979, nearly 30 years later with same strategy, and get terrible hurt by only Vietnamese army. Who is stronger that time ?

China won the Korean War when we kicked out the Yanks and their allies out of North Korea.

Mao bought liberation to China. US bought fascism into the world. China brought Vietnam into this world. Vietnamese are part of greater Chinese civilisation.

I repeat, there is not a country or empire on this planet that is strong enough to defeat China. This is a fact!

Vietnam was crushed by the PLA in 1974, 1979 and 1988. Only brainwashed Viets believe otherwise. What does Vietnamese military have that even remotely bothers the PLA? go on, I'm waiting....
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="Huawei, post: 5511789, member: 155750" You could have nuked us but didn't and ended up getting thrashed.

China won the Korean War when we kicked out the Yanks and their allies out of North Korea. So where's Chinese now in North Korea. They even call China - enemy? and there is still several US troops in Korea peninsula . is it ?

Mao bought liberation to China. US bought fascism into the world. China brought Vietnam into this world. Vietnamese are part of greater Chinese civilisation.
Mao brought Cultural Revolution to China, while US and ally slaughtered fascism during WW2. That's a fact.
At last China was cilivised by Mongols and Manchus ... Qing is the last dynasty of China, and unluckily that's not Han ruled. Vietnam cleared Qing soldiers in large quantity too. 290,000 slaughtered

I repeat, there is not a country or empire on this planet that is strong enough to defeat China. This is a fact! Fool fact bid on Chinese nonsense people head.

Vietnam was crushed by the PLA in 1974, 1979 and 1988. Only brainwashed Viets believe otherwise. What does Vietnamese military have that even remotely bothers the PLA? go on, I'm waiting....
Vietnam kill triple times more than China during 1979 war ... about 62,000 Chinese troops. That's not too surprise in comparing to 290,000 KIA of Qing soldiers during 18th century invasion. Let check again for China population in 1979 ( 975 million ).
April 5, 2014, 12:09 am TWN

WASHINGTON -- An American official on Thursday reiterated the United States' commitment to Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) as part of its overall rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific region.

“The Obama administration has placed a high priority on strengthening our unofficial relations with Taiwan,” said Daniel Russel, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, in answering a question during a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Asked if the developments in Ukraine and Crimea would affect the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, Russel said that maintaining peace and stability in the region is a top priority of the U.S.

“The tolerance in the region for steps by China that appear to presage a more muscular approach has gone down as their alarm over Russian action and annexation of Crimea has increased,” he said.

The key underpinning of U.S. policy rooted in the TRA is its opposition to any effort to resolve the differences pertaining to Taiwan through intimidation, coercion or military force, Russel said.

In a later e-mail to CNA, Russel said the U.S. remains firmly committed to the U.S. one-China policy, the three joint communiques, its responsibilities under the TRA and its “six assurances.”

The assurances were made in 1982 by then President Ronald Reagan. They include not setting a date for ending U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and not pressuring Taiwan into negotiations with China.

US offers reassurances of support for Taiwan - The China Post

I think U.S should "keep up with Russia", apply Crimea-style: Support a Taiwanese referendum, then annex Taiwan .
The problem with US foreign policy these days is that through the trees they can't see the forrest. After having angered Russia in Europe they are now provoking China in Asia. They are turning Russia and China against them and are forcing Russia and China to come closer to each other.

I'm not too worried about US actions in Asia. All that China has to do is to sit still and do nothing. China can sit the US out economically. The Americans are becoming weaker by the day as they have a untenable economic situation back home.

In all their power politicking abroad they are ignoring the home front and that's going to cost them dearly.

It's all part of the grand plan to start ww 3. US + Europe + lap dogs vs. Russia+China+Iran
Taiwan would be the representative of China for TPP partnership, other is Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, USA , Australia ...

Vietnam expect to get the medium-range reaching ability with JASSM ... transfered from USA ...

370km (230mi)[JASSM]
1000km (620mi)[JASSM-ER]

B-1 Lancer
B-2 Spirit
B-52 Stratofortress
F-15E Strike Eagle
F-16 Fighting Falcon
F/A-18 Hornet
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
F-35 Lightning II
P-3 Orion ( both side discussing this )



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Taiwan to Begin Receiving P-3C Orion, AH-64E Apache and UH-60M Black Hawk

After some delay, Taiwan is set to finally receive the aircraft it had previously ordered during the first administration of President Ma Ying-jeou. The aircraft to be delivered by the United States include:
  • a $1.96 billion contract for delivery of 12 P-3C Orion anti-submarine warfare aircraft to replace the S-2T patrol aircraft starting at the end of 2013
  • a $2.53 billion contract for 30 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters to supplement the two existing squadrons of AH-1W Super Cobras starting in the fourth quarter of 2013
  • a $3.11 billion contract for delivery of 60 UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters to replace the UH-1H utility helicopters starting in March 2014
The total value is around $7.6 billion.

The Lockheed Martin P-3C Orion is a four-engined turboprop, anti-submarine warfare and maritime surveillance aircraft with:
  • a length of 35.6 m
  • a wingspan of 30.4 m
  • a height of 11.8 m
  • an empty weight of 35000 kg
  • a max takeoff weight of 64400 kg
  • a max speed of of 750 km/h
  • a max range of 4400 km
  • an endurance of 16 hrs
  • a max ceiling of 10400 m
  • 4 Allison T56-A-14 turboprop engines, 4600 shp each
The aircraft can be fitted with depth charges, torpedoes, anti-ship missiles and other air-to-surface missiles

By Los688 [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

By US Army [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

good, EVERYONE know US despise poor trained and coward China army, only Chinese here think they r so 'powerful' and can 'rule' Asia :pop:
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