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US offers reassurances of support for Taiwan

a slap on the faces of the cheerleaders on the subcontinent, vietcongs and other haters

Taiwan students to withdraw from legislative building - China.org.cn

TRADE PACT SIEGE: No leniency for lawbreaking students: Luo
FACING THE MUSIC:The justice minister said that the authorities could not turn a blind eye if some students broke the law during the occupation

Tue, Apr 08, 2014

By Rich Chang / Staff reporter, with CNA

Students who have broken the law during protests against the cross-strait service trade agreement will not be treated differently from other lawbreakers, Minister of Justice Luo Ying-shay (羅瑩雪) said yesterday.

Luo made the remarks during a meeting with New Taipei City law enforcement authorities in response to a joint statement issued by several university presidents calling for leniency for students who may have broken the law during their occupation of the Legislative Yuan’s main chamber since March 18 in protest against the government’s handling of the cross-strait service trade agreement.

The fact that the protest involves students does not mean the authorities should turn a blind eye to actions against the law, Luo said.

“It is behavior rather than identity that is subject to punishment under the law,” Luo said.

Two valuable artworks the ministry gave to the Executive Yuan were damaged when hundreds of protesters broke into its compound late March 23, she added.

The students “did not know what they were doing” and it was very dangerous because they felt “powerful” because of their actions, she said.

Asked whether prosecutors would only summon leaders of the student-led Sunflower movement after it is over, Luo said many people have filed lawsuits against the student leaders and prosecutors must therefore investigate them.

“I don’t think prosecutors would wait until the end of the student movement because their work is constantly ongoing,” she said.

Judicial authorities have identified more than 200 students and members of the public who may have violated the law during the protests — some of whom have already been questioned by police.

Five permanent trustees of the Association of National Universities of Taiwan, including the presidents of National Taiwan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Chiao Tung University, Chung Hsing University and Cheng Kung University, issued a joint statement asking the government to deal with the students’ actions with leniency and strike a balance between safeguarding the constitutional right to freedom of speech and the rule of law.

They also urged the students to end their protest soon and return to classes.

TRADE PACT SIEGE: No leniency for lawbreaking students: Luo - Taipei Times
TRADE PACT SIEGE: No leniency for lawbreaking students: Luo
FACING THE MUSIC:The justice minister said that the authorities could not turn a blind eye if some students broke the law during the occupation

Excellent !

Five permanent trustees of the Association of National Universities of Taiwan, including the presidents of National Taiwan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Chiao Tung University, Chung Hsing University and Cheng Kung University, issued a joint statement asking the government to deal with the students’ actions with leniency and strike a balance between safeguarding the constitutional right to freedom of speech and the rule of law.

This is not freedom of speech. This is mob rule. And the ring leader is Tsai Ying Wen.
The problem with US foreign policy these days is that through the trees they can't see the forrest. After having angered Russia in Europe they are now provoking China in Asia. They are turning Russia and China against them and are forcing Russia and China to come closer to each other.

I'm not too worried about US actions in Asia. All that China has to do is to sit still and do nothing. China can sit the US out economically. The Americans are becoming weaker by the day as they have a untenable economic situation back home.

In all their power politicking abroad they are ignoring the home front and that's going to cost them dearly.
US approves sale of warships to Taiwan, reaffirms TRA
  • CNA
  • 2014-04-08
  • 17:38 (GMT+8)

THe USS Elrod (FFG-55). (Photo/CNA)

The US House of Representatives on Monday passed legislation reaffirming the importance of the Taiwan Relations Act and authorizing the sale of four Oliver Hazard Perry class guided missile frigates to Taiwan by unanimous consent.

The Taiwan Relations Act Affirmation and Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2014 will now be forwarded to the senate for further actions.

The bill authorizes the sale of four frigates — the USS Taylor (FFG-50), USS Gary (FFG-51), USS Carr (FFG-52) and USS Elrod (FFG-55) — to Taiwan based on the Taiwan Relations Act, which guides US arms sale policy to Taiwan and the unofficial ties between the two sides.

It states that the law has been "instrumental in maintaining peace, security and stability in the Western Pacific since its enactment in 1979."

The legislation reaffirms congress' "unwavering commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act as the cornerstone of relations between the United States and Taiwan."

It also supports "the United States commitment to Taiwan's security in accord with the Taiwan Relations Act, including Taiwan's procurement of sophisticated weapons of a defensive character, such as F-16 C/Ds aircraft and diesel electric submarines."

Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Ed Royce, who introduced the legislation, said the bill, which was passed three days before the Taiwan Relations Act celebrates its 35th anniversary, is meant to show the house's strong support for Taiwan.

He noted that America's support for Taiwan over the past 35 years has allowed the island nation to realize its full potential, as evidenced by Taiwan's "monumental transformation from grinding poverty and dictatorship to a vibrant, multiparty democracy."

"It is now more important than ever that we reaffirm our strong commitment to Taiwan and the Taiwan Relations Act," he said.

He also praised Taiwan as "a beacon of hope and democracy in a part of the world that still yearns for the basic freedoms that Americans and Taiwanese enjoy on a daily basis."

The legislation would also authorize the transfer of two Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates each to Thailand and Mexico.
Although 4x second-hand FFGs can not threat China & PLAN, selling weapons to TaiWan that's really a big trouble between China and U.S governments. Now BeiJing still not find a good way to solve it, but truth is American was undermining our sino-us relations.

In the game, American get score again ~!
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Tell that to Ukraine. They no longer have Crimea and where was the US?
Ukraine never had such a treaty with west/US. But where we do we WILL defend them. Please do not miscalculate
USA is making sure that if China is getting Taiwan it will be at a cost. Question is will China be willing to pay that cost ??? A mass volley of few hundred missiles can cause a considerable damage and still China wont be able to term it as a act of war on USA cause according to China itself Taiwan is part of China waiting to be reunited and the will face the sanctions

US to Taiwan: "I support you, but you go first."
No one should trust any promises that Obama may make. He only truly cares about his own comfort. Really, that's it.
You mean like in the Korean War?
You can choose to live in the past. Going further back you guys delude yourself as the middle kingdom that had all vassal states around it. That was then and this is now. Behave or ya SHALL perish. Consider yourselves warned
You can choose to live in the past. Going further back you guys delude yourself as the middle kingdom that had all vassal states around it. That was then and this is now. Behave or ya SHALL perish. Consider yourselves warned

Anyone that tries to mess with our core interests will get a ruthless and uncompromising response just like in the Korean War.

We are not a vassal state of the US like India.

We will do what we want, when we want. US has nothing to hurt us with. Anyone messing with Communist China has been dealt a crushing blow including the US and the Soviet Union.

Consider yourself warned :coffee:

There is not a country or empire on this planet that is strong enough to defeat China.

We proved our capabilities in the Korean War when we utterly murdered the living snot out of the US military. That was a time when the gap between the US and China was at its widest and yet the US and its vassals got thrashed.
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Anyone that tries to mess with our core interests will get a ruthless and uncompromising response just like in the Korean War. who already won the Korean War ?

We are not a vassal state of the US like India. When India is a vassal state of the US ?

We will do what we want, when we want. US has nothing to hurt us with. Anyone messing with Communist China has been dealt a crushing blow including the US and the Soviet Union. US bring the liberation to China after WW2. US keep selling weapon to Taiwan, does it hurt China ? US threaten China not to invade Taiwan, and what else China could do?

Consider yourself warned :coffee:

There is not a country or empire on this planet that is strong enough to defeat China. Keep dreaming your dream

We proved our capabilities in the Korean War when we utterly murdered the living snot out of the US military. That was a time when the gap between the US and China was at its widest and yet the US and its vassals got thrashed. Then you once again proved your disability in Sino-Vietnam conflict in 1979, nearly 30 years later with same strategy, and get terrible hurt by only Vietnamese army. Who is stronger that time ?
Anyone that tries to mess with our core interests will get a ruthless and uncompromising response just like in the Korean War.

We are not a vassal state of the US like India.

We will do what we want, when we want. US has nothing to hurt us with. Anyone messing with Communist China has been dealt a crushing blow including the US and the Soviet Union.

Consider yourself warned :coffee:

There is not a country or empire on this planet that is strong enough to defeat China.

We proved our capabilities in the Korean War when we utterly murdered the living snot out of the US military. That was a time when the gap between the US and China was at its widest and yet the US and its vassals got thrashed.


Please I have a request. Don't say or claim something that does not even pass the laught test. Don't even feel like responding. In 1953 we could have nuked the hell out of you ( you are welcome-:) ). But we had just done it to Japan and it would not have looked good so we decided to be nice and have mercy on you. Again "you are welcome".

As to your core interests I see why you and Pakistan are the best of friends. Their core interest is Kashmir which they can only dream of. Likewise for you. Boq already responded well to you so let me stop here.
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