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US Nearly World's New No. 1 Oil-and-Gas Producer

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no, our technologies are far more advanced so we have some better cost controls. but yeah if prices drop , production will drop.

Oh dont get me wrong. I know that at 100+ a barrel the Americans are making alot of money but from what I have read, its costs about 50 dollars a barrel to produce while the Russians can extract oil for about 10-12 dollars a barrel. Its still an achievement but not as economical as Russia or Saudi Arabia.
Oh dont get me wrong. I know that at 100+ a barrel the Americans are making alot of money but from what I have read, its costs about 50 dollars a barrel to produce while the Russians can extract oil for about 10-12 dollars a barrel. Its still an achievement but not as economical as Russia or Saudi Arabia.

you maybe right about that, I honestly don't know... but just on economics of it. Th extraction plus refining plus transportation plus additions it gives to our GDP ( it is our employees doing it and we charge fees to oil companies for the rights) vs. importing, may ultimately prove to be better ...
you maybe right about that, I honestly don't know... but just on economics of it. Th extraction plus refining plus transportation plus additions it gives to our GDP ( it is our employees doing it), may ultimately prove to be better ...

Thats the main thing.Its prevents money from being sent abroad. Thats the good part. While expensive ,light shale oil is at wellhead cost, but its domestically produced and creates jobs and money with in the nation,instead of going to those useless arabs.
UAE has a per capita GDP lower than us when measuring at PPP; Qatar is the only Arab nation richer than us. Nonetheless, it is we who have given oil value. Before Anglo-Americans arrived oil was not worth sh**. We were the one's that exposed it's true value, not to mention building up their refinerires and transferring technologies.

Only when they accrued enough wealth from our purchases of their resources were they able to go it alone, and even today they can't make money off of it without selling to us (and more recently China and Japan).

Norway's Statoil is one exception, not the rule. Look at Gazprom, look at the wasted efficiency of the Chinese State-oil companies which have returns of 5% vs. average returns of private companies of 12%, or the Saudi ARAMCO which is just one behemoth which monopolized the entire sector (back to your point on the "few major players" due to "lack of competition").

And your point is? My main point was not to compare how much each country makes or how much they produce...it was about how much of the wealth is actually benefiting the citizens of the respective countries.

You can produce 1000x as much as everyone else and buy 1000x more than everyone else...there's no benefit unless the oil is either sold cheaper to citizens / industries, or there needs to be a moderate tax increase so that the money isn't all funneled to rich executives only.

Norway's Statoil is managed well because they produce a moderate amount and sell it at a decent price and then use the revenue to actually help their citizens by paying off debts, provide cheap education, and establishing an oil fund for future benefits and pensions.

China holds down the oil price to help their industries flourish (it's not only cheap labour).

The US subsidize its oil industry using taxpayers' money then let all the profit go into execs' pockets while the country's debt goes higher and higher.
And your point is? My main point was not to compare how much each country makes or how much they produce...it was about how much of the wealth is actually benefiting the citizens of the respective countries.

You can produce 1000x as much as everyone else and buy 1000x more than everyone else...there's no benefit unless the oil is either sold cheaper to citizens / industries, or there needs to be a moderate tax increase so that the money isn't all funneled to rich executives only.

Norway's Statoil is managed well because they produce a moderate amount and sell it at a decent price and then use the revenue to actually help their citizens by paying off debts, provide cheap education, and establishing an oil fund for future benefits and pensions.

China holds down the oil price to help their industries flourish (it's not only cheap labour).

The US subsidize its oil industry using taxpayers' money then let all the profit go into execs' pockets while the country's debt goes higher and higher.

You don't understand that they provide millions of jobs in the energy sector, and those people that pocket the money have a right to as it's THEIR money. I believe in freedom, the freedom to own what is yours and not have it stolen from you.

Socialist and Communist nations have historically had ****-poor economies and collapse quite quickly (or they remain poor hellholes for generation upon generation like Vietnam and Cuba).
shrill as much as you want, and rant away with racist comments, but the fact still remains that you are a tainted pool. Yes whites contributed to many things but not your kind. Your kind were considered as the Somali whites of this country- and that is precisely the point. You are inferior not because I call you that- you own white race brethren call you that!

How can Whites be inferior to Whites? Your Indian brain is showing. Unless Whites think low of themselves your comment makes no sense.

You have this fixation about defecting but they do it India because they are poor, lack of sanitation, while you do it as an act of sexual depravity.

Indians do it because they just don't care. They have no hygiene, no respect, no cleanliness, and your right! They don't even have basic sanitation or enough wealth to build toilets; that's supposed to be a compliment? Once an Indian, always an Indian. Oh, and we invented modern sanitation, so talking about how we WHITES defecate on the street just proves my point about you slowly devolving into a more and more unstable fit of rage.

and btw- if your looks were so fine how come your women are craving for blacks so much?

You sure about that wannabe White douche?

In the United States there has been an historical disparity between Black female and Black male exogamy ratios: according to the United States Census Bureau, there were 354,000 White female/Black male and 196,000 Black female/White male marriages in March 2009, representing a ratio of 181:100. This traditional disparity has seen a rapid decline over the last two decades, contrasted with its peak in 1981 when the ratio was still 371:100. In 2007, 4.6% of all married Blacks in the United States were wed to a White partner, and 0.4% of all Whites were married to a Black partner.

Not only are interracial marriages rare, they are rarest among White females and Black males.

Among all newlyweds, intermarried pairings were primarily White-Hispanic (43.3%) as compared to White-Asian (14.4%), White-Black (11.9%), and Other Combinations (30.4%). Other combinations consists of pairings between different minority groups, multi-racial people, and American Indians.

White Americans were statistically the least likely to wed interracially, though in absolute terms they were involved in interracial marriages more than any other racial group due to their demographic majority. 2.1% of married White women and 2.3% of married White men had a non-White spouse. 1.0% of all married White men were married to an Asian American woman, and 1.0% of married White women were married to a man classified as "other".

So Blacks are in that "other" category, which consists of 1.0% of the entire White female married population. Indian wrong again.. who's surprised?

Really- which country has more tanning salons trying to get away from being white?

What you should have said is, why don't we try to brown our skin instead of TAN it, which is protection from UV rays in addition to minor cosmetic changes that reflect Southern European looks.

That we have been interchanging the No 1 spot in terms of combined production before. But the article says differently.

Your chart goes back to 2008, or are you still too illiterate to read that? And who's we? There is no we here, unless you are referring to India in which case you are far more retarded than I had thought.

But you are right that my nation surpassed Russia before, you JUST admitted it right here -
In your chart, when we did get to no 1 before- we did so ONLY because Russia economy collapsed and they dropped production rates to below ours.

You just want to argue because you're attached to me due to that raging inferiority complex. You just admitted what I was saying all along yet I'm sure you'll continue to argue over nothing.

where English language is not their first language

No you incompetent piece of trash Indian, don't take back your **** now! You said that they speak NO English. Get it? There is a difference between 2nd language as English and NO English. Do you understand the difference 3rd worlder? Too late to back yourself out of the corner now.

Go ahead and list these people that don't speak a lick of English, I'm waiting. Just try and do it QUICKLY, you'll be banned very soon.

your brethren you try so desperately to associate yourself with

You probably don't even understand the contradiction in terms there. I'm not surprised that you'd make a fool of yourself so easily, your entire essay's worth of responses are an indication of your innate inferiority to even the least intellectual of Whites.

Races are GENETIC, dumbo, they don't appear out of thin air or through culture. I know my genetic lineage, my ancestry, and my heritage. I know the common bond I have with my people, and that's something you are not going to take away from us, even if you wipe that black off of your skin.
You don't understand that they provide millions of jobs in the energy sector, and those people that pocket the money have a right to as it's THEIR money. I believe in freedom, the freedom to own what is yours and not have it stolen from you.

Socialist and Communist nations have historically had ****-poor economies and collapse quite quickly (or they remain poor hellholes for generation upon generation like Vietnam and Cuba).

US oil and gas industry is subsidized and protected, so spare me the nonsense about "freedom". Socializing the cost and privatizing the profit is part of fascism, and is just as far away from "free market" as communism. Remove the subsidies plus the various incentives, and watch how fast the "millions of jobs" (a statistic which includes minimum wage gas pumpers :cuckoo:) disappear.

Seriously, the Chinese mobile phone market is a REAL free market, the US oil industry is anything but.
US oil and gas industry is subsidized and protected

True, but that's a thing I don't agree with.

Seriously, the Chinese mobile phone market is a REAL free market, the US oil industry is anything but.

Are you trolling? The same mobile phone market which has state-owned companies? Is that not worse than subsidization? You just contradicted yourself.
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