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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

1.A Chinese drive down the Himalayan slopes reaching the Brahmaputra will be welcome by BD. This is a short drive really and the Chinese located on the higher ground has the terrain advantage all the way down.The NE peoples, suffering Indian atrocity for over half a century would come out in open support.

2. Should China plan this with diplomatic tie-ups, political arrangements and building up support bases in the sub-region, this would really be a walk over. Peoples of the sub-region have long prayed for deliverance from the cruel hold of the Brahmonic rulers of Delhi. In fact even Purbanchal stretching from Nepal to Andhra coast will declare independence from the Brahmon rule.
1.A Chinese drive down the Himalayan slopes reaching the Brahmaputra will be welcome by BD. This is a short drive really and the Chinese located on the higher ground has the terrain advantage all the way down.The NE peoples, suffering Indian atrocity for over half a century would come out in open support.

2. Should China plan this with diplomatic tie-ups, political arrangements and building up support bases in the sub-region, this would really be a walk over. Peoples of the sub-region have long prayed for deliverance from the cruel hold of the Brahmonic rulers of Delhi. In fact even Purbanchal stretching from Nepal to Andhra coast will declare independence from the Brahmon rule.

Dont drink too much... and don't bother about our country. First you control your land and take all the emigrants from our country those are taking our foods and facilities...
And you once again bowed front her gun? :cheesy:


China-Vietnam Border War, 30 Years Later - Photo Essays - TIME

I'm pretty sure that there were some secret arrangement with these ladies that once these men go back home, these ladies can cross border for the reunion.:lol:.
i hope after 10 years china gets the military status which U.S presently have :laugh:
which is next to impossible...another loud mouthed iranian:lol:

Dont call my persian friend...loud mouth, you guys got owned by them in historical time...if your memory still fresh...these descendant of babylon empire children are certainly not Indian want to seek trouble with.

In Indian Ocean, Iran is a great counterweight to India...I will bet all my money on them instead of those losers in 1962. it's such infortunate that Western countries is trying to containt it...otherwise...Indians will have great concern in Indian ocean...not only have to face PLA NAVY but also the descendants of Babylon empire

How can this be since Vietnam was a French colony and the US didn't dispute the French ownership of Vietnam during the course of WWII and thereafter? Why the hell would the US suggest Chiang to set up an administration in a French territory? The following confrontations were between the French and the Vietnam communists, and did not involve China at all.

How can you be so ignorant? Oh I forget, you live behind the Great Firewall and the schools feed your mind garbage.

Some false flagger is revealing himself....LMAO
Dont call my persian friend...loud mouth, you guys got owned by them in historical time...if your memory still fresh...these descendant of babylon empire children are certainly not Indian want to seek trouble with.

In Indian Ocean, Iran is a great counterweight to India...I will bet all my money on them instead of those losers in 1962. it's such infortunate that Western countries is trying to containt it...otherwise...Indians will have great concern in Indian ocean...not only have to face PLA NAVY but also the descendants of Babylon empire

Some false flagger is revealing himself....LMAO

Not only Vietnam and Philippines, but india wants to be crushed by Chinese military too!
India wants to be crushed by China???

I think you've lost your marbles! Shortage of those brain cells, what? It sure looks like it! Your twaddle is both amusing as well as idiotic.

Because when you look back at 1967 at a place called Nathula, the drubbing and the crushing the PLA got at the hands of the Indian Army was not even funny. After all, losing 400 PLA troops and destruction of scores of gun positions and bunkers isn't supposed to be funny anyway!

And then you guys withdrew faster than the speed of light from the Somdorungchu Valley in Arunachal Pradesh in the late 80s when Sundarjee the then Army chief threatened the PLA with similar consequences of what they faced at Nathula if they failed to withdraw within 24 hours!

And you've got the gumption to say that India will be 'crushed'? Wake up and smell the coffee. You seem to be engulfed in a psychedelic haze of your own making! Jeeez! The guys we have to put up with here! There's a dire need for ensuring some basic education before attempting to post on PDF!

its much better than reading farts :lol:
and kissing farts :rofl:

you dont read farts nor kiss farts but you swallow farts...know it's a mistake to pick on our Iran friend...you Indians certainly not in Iranian league when come up with warfare business, considered yourself lucky that the west is giving Iran a hard time now..otherwise no matter how much % of GDP increase for your defense...you won't have a good sleeping night.

so try to swallow the farts...before Iranians blow it up in your face....LMAO
you dont read farts nor kiss farts but you swallow farts...know it's a mistake to pick on our Iran friend...you Indians certainly not in Iranian league when come up with warfare business, considered yourself lucky that the west is giving Iran a hard time now..otherwise no matter how much % of GDP increase for your defense...you won't have a good sleeping night.

so try to swallow the farts...before Iranians blow it up in your face....LMAO

yeah..that iran is giving us pil at low price :P and dealing in rupees..:rofl:
so eat your fart and shut your hole..as no body is intersted and u r polluting the air :rofl:
China is surrounded by India, Vietnam, Philippians, Japan, S Korea and Thailand...all will attack together and make 20 pieces of China...:D
Why does China start Stammering in front of a Full Fleged Navy like India, Japan, South Korea, Russia or US? :lol:

The irony of your post is that the Chinese would wipe the floor with any Indian force.

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