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US military might have brought coronavirus to Wuhan China

You are a bit late 3rd world War already happened in 2015. Guess you were in future the missed it. It is time for 4th. Ask anyone here. Try going few years back to attend the war.
You are a bit late 3rd world War already happened in 2015. Guess you were in future the missed it. It is time for 4th. Ask anyone here. Try going few years back to attend the war.

I apologize if I caused offence. My post was not directed towards you nor was it intended to insult you, it was simply a general statement for anyone who believed in believed in groundless accusations. My post was careless, next time I will re-word my phrases.
The origin is absolutely China. Your spreading CCP propaganda. Stop
because news started reporting china.. they still dont report real usa stuff.. because they are controlled by usa,..
remove your blind fold
I apologize if I caused offence. My post was not directed towards you nor was it intended to insult you, it was simply a general statement for anyone who believed in believed in groundless accusations. My post was careless, next time I will re-word my phrases.

No my friend you have not offended me. It is an old trick if you want to disregard something just associate it with a conspiracy and a totally different from topic and that news will become a conspiracy it self. I know these tricks very well. You tried an old school approach. Most of comments here are from typical text book of USA. I would like you to comeup with something new to disregard this news. It will be good to learn.
This virus has a delayed reaction of exact 2 weeks and that is strange phenomenon. How many diseases are out there that exhibit hiding this long, spread through contact and cause deaths?

I would rather ask:
  • do humans have technology and knowledge to create a virus?
  • If answer is yes then, will a country attack their friends with this virus or their enemies? If answer is enemies then the next question,
  • which enemy of chica has capacity to make and spread such a virus?
Why is internet censored? Anyone criticising govt is silenced. The govt have a strong control. That does not mean chinese ppl are unaware.
Internet needs to be censored, it's more and more like real life now, in real life you need police to maintain law and order, internent is being increasingly used doing devil's job, fraudulence, rumor mongering, hatred spreading, communal violence instigation... sooner or later, all countries will take measures of various degrees to censor the internet.
You really don't know the Chinese internet and social media, blaming and making fun of the government is a national pastime on the Chinese social media. We Chinese people are full aware of what's going on in China and outside China more than most nations in the world, including Americans, who don't know much about outside world.
Chinese do more critical thinking and analysis when digesting information
Chinese students better at spotting fake news – Pisa

People who think USA media is unbiased and not in controlled need to watch this

I believe the US death toll from COVID-19 is the highest in the world. Higher than in China. US has been underreporting COVID-19 deaths by masking them as influenza deaths. They have thousands infected with COVID-19 that they don’t want the public to know. This is why they aren’t testing people because the true COVID-19 infected figure will be gruesome. US is looking like a failed state more than a superpower. Their economy is collapsing to make matters worse.
The origin of virus is not China and Iranians are also pointing fingers at USA. USA might be the first country where the out break started.

You want me to post Iranians statement as well. Not everyone is liar.

well , Iran was hit with two kind of Corona virus simoustlensly ... some source after extensive research we could identify the first one brought by Saudi national chinese wife from china which are currently under Quarantine in KSA , but second one suddenly apeared in diffrent citis .... and look like the virus is far more aggressive on Iranians due the genetical issues , so this is like the designed to attack people witch had some of Iranic genetic pool ... which mean Turkey , Pakistan , Iraq are in great danger too ...
Someone somewhere seems to have done a Biological attack. To bring about big changes in the world.
I want to get tested but I can’t because not available :(
Not just a consipracy theory anymore. This time round, it's an official statement from Chinese Foreign Ministry:

US military may have brought coronavirus to Wuhan, says China in war of words with US

BEIJING (REUTERS) - A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry suggested on Thursday (March 12) that the US military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak, doubling down on a war of words with Washington.

China has taken great offence at comments by US officials accusing it of being slow to react to the virus, first detected in Wuhan late last year, and of not being sufficiently transparent.

On Wednesday, US National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said the speed of China's reaction to the emergence of the coronavirus had probably cost the world two months when it could have been preparing for the outbreak.

In a strongly worded tweet, written in English on his verified Twitter account, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said it was the United States that lacked transparency.

"When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!" Zhao wrote.

Zhao, an avid and often combative Twitter user, did not offer any evidence for his suggestion that the US military might be to blame for the outbreak in China.

Earlier on Thursday, his fellow ministry spokesman Geng Shuang criticised US officials for "immoral and irresponsible" comments that blamed Beijing's response to the coronavirus for worsening the global impact of the pandemic.

Asked about O'Brien's comments, Geng told a daily news briefing in Beijing that such remarks by US officials would not help US epidemic efforts.

China's efforts to slow the spread had bought the world time to prepare against the epidemic, he added.

"We wish that a few officials in the US would at this time concentrate their energy on responding to the virus and promoting cooperation, and not on shifting the blame to China."

The coronavirus emerged in December in Wuhan and surrounding Hubei province, where around two-thirds of global cases so far have been recorded. But in recent weeks the vast majority of new cases have been outside China.

The Chinese authorities credit firm measures they took in January and February, including a near total shutdown of Hubei, for preventing outbreaks in other Chinese cities on the scale of Wuhan and slowing the spread abroad.

The administration of US President Donald Trump has pointed to a decision to limit air travel from China at the end of January to fend off criticism that it responded too slowly to the disease. Critics say Trump played down the disease in public and the federal government was slow to roll out tests.

"Unfortunately, rather than using best practices, this outbreak in Wuhan was covered up," Trump's national security advisor O'Brien said during a think-tank appearance on Wednesday.

"It probably cost the world community two months to respond," during which "we could have dramatically curtailed what happened both in China and what's now happening across the world", he said.

More than 119,100 people have been infected by the novel coronavirus across the world and 4,298 have died, the vast majority in China, according to a Reuters tally. The United States has 975 cases and 30 people have died.

"We have done a good job responding to it but ... the way that this started out in China, and the way it was handled from the outset, was not right," said O'Brien.
when money is concerned, the beans r finally let out of the bag:

Under Questioning, CDC Director Agrees To Provide Free Testing for COVID-19, Regardless Of Insurance
While testifying before Congress, CDC chief Dr. Robert Redfield confirmed his agency will pay for COVID-19 testing on people without insurance.

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