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US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam if human rights concerns are addressed

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
23 February 2014

The United States' efforts to expand security relationships across the Asia-Pacific could lead to Washington easing long-standing arms embargoes on Myanmar and Vietnam, Kenneth Handelman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Defense Trade Controls in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs has told IHS Jane's .

At present, Handelman said, military sales to both Myanmar and Vietnam are unlikely but could be possible in the future should both countries move to address issues such as human rights concerns.

In 2013 the US and the EU both eased trade and investment restrictions on Myanmar in light of its efforts towards political reform.

US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam if human rights concerns are addressed - IHS Jane's 360

That is clearly a hint for Vietnam.

America and Vietnam can work out a solution so that both sides can save face...and voilà, moderrn destroyers, submarines and stealth fighter jets can be bought from Uncle Sam. :-)
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Vietnam buying stealth fighters ? Lol ?
why not? Vietnam has ambitions. :D
the more customers for F-35, the cheaper per piece. very simple. Theoretically we can start to buy with $50m.
Vietnam should be pragmatic, buying expansive things that will never be used isn't the right thing to do given your small defense budget.
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Vietnam should be pragmatic, buying expansive things that will never be used isn't the right thing to do given your small defenseman budget.
I don´t remember the jet name, the one stealth fighter variant you have under development...ist it J-? or something?
sooner or later...we need some similar toy to counter the threat.

The most modern jet Vietnam has to date is SU-30MK2 that we pay $37m a piece.

Russia to Deliver 12 Su-30 Fighter Jets to Vietnam – Source | Defense | RIA Novosti

This Vietcong loves daydreaming, let him be.
I am not a Vietcong, You idiot!
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I'm French. And China has an aircraft carrier too, you'll buy one ?
Viet don't need carrier.. don't be so naive. .. a squadron stealth jet could give Vietnam breathing space against china.. I am not saying 1 sq enough. . but according to Vietnam financial status...
US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam if human rights concerns are addressed

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
23 February 2014

The United States' efforts to expand security relationships across the Asia-Pacific could lead to Washington easing long-standing arms embargoes on Myanmar and Vietnam, Kenneth Handelman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Defense Trade Controls in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs has told IHS Jane's .

At present, Handelman said, military sales to both Myanmar and Vietnam are unlikely but could be possible in the future should both countries move to address issues such as human rights concerns.

In 2013 the US and the EU both eased trade and investment restrictions on Myanmar in light of its efforts towards political reform.

US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam if human rights concerns are addressed - IHS Jane's 360

That is clearly a hint for Vietnam.

America and Vietnam can work out a solution so that both sides can save face...and voilà, moderrn destroyers, submarines and stealth fighter jets can be bought from Uncle Sam. :-)

America won't sell you stealth fighters, it's their most protected secret. They won't even sell to India.

But even if they would including weapons you are still looking at 200 million a plane, then there is the maintaince and training which could triple this price over its life time.

at less than 3 billion, you entire budget buys 10 and can barely train the pilots.

As to blue water navy, we are not yet a blue water navy with our close to 80 major modern warships. Of course our standards are of the American one and no one else sets the bar that high, so that's one of the reasons, but still a budget of 60 billion+ for 30 years is needed today for Vietnam to have similar capabilities as the least powerful blue navy France.

read comment above yours, lol
America won't sell you stealth fighters, it's their most protected secret. They won't even sell to India.

But even if they would including weapons you are still looking at 200 million a plane, then there is the maintaince and training which could triple this price over its life time.

at less than 3 billion, you entire budget buys 10 and can barely train the pilots.

As to blue water navy, we are not yet a blue water navy with our close to 80 major modern warships. Of course our standards are of the American one and no one else sets the bar that high, so that's one of the reasons, but still a budget of 60 billion+ for 30 years is needed today for Vietnam to have similar capabilities as the least powerful blue navy France.

read comment above yours, lol
I understand above comment. . am just telling him.. yup viet can get pak fa... which lower than f 35... china wants to project it power so aims for blue water navy.. and India as well.. Viet is puny... they cannot expect or dream about it in this century. .
Viet don't need carrier.. don't be so naive. .. a squadron stealth jet could give Vietnam breathing space against china.. I am not saying 1 sq enough. . but according to Vietnam financial status...
...just a thought of mine...I know operating aircraft carriers require a lot of money and human resources. And Vietnam is still far from reaching that point...BUT we need mighty sticks to protect our assets in Spratlys. You never know when the Chinese start a war against Vietnam again.

Nevertherless, as Vietnam shipyards can build any kinds of civil vessels up to 100,000t and more, so theoretically we can build aircraft carriers with foreign expertise, be from Russia, Japan or America. I don´t mention China here as they will never help us.

here for instance, a Vietnamese shipyard just completed a 60 meter Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) carrier.


...just a thought of mine...I know operating aircraft carriers require a lot of money and human resources. And Vietnam is still far from reaching that point...BUT we need mighty sticks to protect our assets in Spratlys. You never know when the Chinese start a war against Vietnam again.

Nevertherless, as Vietnam shipyards can build any kinds of civil vessels up to 100,000t and more, so theoretically we can build aircraft carriers with foreign expertise, be from Russia, Japan or America. I don´t mention China here as they will never help us.

here for instance, a Vietnamese shipyard just completed a 60 meter Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) carrier.


you don't need carriers for spratlys it's close enough to Vietnam.

Building civilian ships is different than naval ships. It's a difference like game designer and inventory systems designer. all software, but very different.

Also China is the only one who can and will help you, Japan can't design ships especially not carriers at tis point, all their crap are 1980s -1990s US clone. US won't sell sensitive tech to non-allies, even then they demand you pay them for them to strip sensitive parts like software out of the ship.

Russia isn't doing much from what I can see in the naval department these days, except nuke subs, but that may change, hasn't yet, but could change.

So that leaves China we may sell you tech not impossible, only some 30 years ago we were allies, things change.
you don't need carriers for spratlys it's close enough to Vietnam.

Building civilian ships is different than naval ships. It's a difference like game designer and inventory systems designer. all software, but very different.

Also China is the only one who can and will help you, Japan can't design ships especially not carriers at tis point, all their crap are 1980s -1990s US clone. US won't sell sensitive tech to non-allies, even then they demand you pay them for them to strip sensitive parts like software out of the ship.

Russia isn't doing much from what I can see in the naval department these days, except nuke subs, but that may change, hasn't yet, but could change.

So that leaves China we may sell you tech not impossible, only some 30 years ago we were allies, things change.
yes, having aircraft carrier is a challenge, operating it is a costly business, too. and surely it is not realistic in the next few years. I see no chance that China will ever help Vietnam, not now and neither in the future.

That sucks that the US still keeps arms embargo on Vietnam. I guess they have this loser mentality, holding arms embargo to anger Vietnam. They simply cannot forget the war.

Should the US decide to lift the embargo, I think, at first step Vietnam would request to buy some Aegis destroyers. At present, the major warships Vietnam has are 2,000t Gepard frigates and 3,000t Kilo subs. And they are no match to China.
why not? Vietnam has ambitions. :D
the more customers for F-35, the cheaper per piece. very simple. Theoretically we can start to buy with $50m.

Erm, currently F-35 cost about $200 million per plane with 400+ planes splitting the cost. In order to lower the price to $50m, Vietnam need to buy 1200+ of those. With a military budget of 3.3 billion USD, Vietnam would hard pressed just to buy 4 or 5 of them over the next decade. This is, of course, forgetting the fact that F-35's cost is still increasing, more country are withdrawing from the F-35 program/cutting the numbers of F-35 to purchase and assume US would sell F-35 to Vietnam without farther jacking up the cost. And all these are on top of the fact that US would even sell the plane to Vietnam considering its military and economic ties to China and Russia.
Erm, currently F-35 cost about $200 million per plane with 400+ planes splitting the cost. In order to lower the price to $50m, Vietnam need to buy 1200+ of those. With a military budget of 3.3 billion USD, Vietnam would hard pressed just to buy 4 or 5 of them over the next decade. This is, of course, forgetting the fact that F-35's cost is still increasing, more country are withdrawing from the F-35 program/cutting the numbers of F-35 to purchase and assume US would sell F-35 to Vietnam without farther jacking up the cost. And all these are on top of the fact that US would even sell the plane to Vietnam considering its military and economic ties to China and Russia.
Nobody knows how much Vietnam spends on defence. I think the same goes for China. the offical figure $3.3bn may be correct, maybe not. Vietnam GDP number is for everybody guess, too.

Just one example: in the next few years Vietnam wants to build 10 nuclear power plants for $50bn, 10 thermal power plants for another $15bn, casinos and resorts for Chinese tourists for $14bn. just to name a few projects.

How do we get the money considering our low GDP?

I agree F-35 is a costly mess.
Relax chinamen, if the U.S can sell Viet Nam the nuke reactors, they can start selling us weapons in the future.

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