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US May designate IRGC as a terrorist organization soon.

As usual, yes, the Pentagon, State Dept and the CIA wrongly assumed the outcome is a revolt.....man, they just don't get it. They just juiced up all the hardliners in Iran they've been trying to hurt. I swear we need to send these idiots a guide. I can't believe how deep they are in the pocket of Israel. This is the most powerful nation in the world we're talking about and they are essentially controlled by a 3rd rate apartheid, racist country. LMAO

The depths of depravity shown on display by multiple US presidential administrations as well as the overall governmental structure in the United States at State, local and Federal levels is noteworthy. We are truly exceptional, exceptionally shitty....
As far as im concerned these incidents all are results of wrong USA policy that made the people of the region get fed up with their bulshit and raise against them and there is zero evidence. It has anything to do with iran or irgc.
Napoleon says something like "When your enemy is doing mistake don't fix it"
and are in wrong path, so we shouldn't fix them.
I just saw below table, Just look number of new born sheeps in Iran. these increase in productivity happened because of new situation and 100 toman meat price.(people are consuming less and producing more !!)
if Iran cut his hopes on west and Europe and focus on internal economy managements, it can flourish.

We need president who put all of it's energy on internal economy not waiting for European to fulfill their promises.

IRGC chief commander:
U.S forces in middle east wont be longer in peace!

following the death of 4 CENTCOM terrorists in Afghanistan, this terrorist group lost a B52 bomber this morning as well.
US terrorists’ B52 bomber crash in Afghanistan: report

I love timely coincidences!
Trump knows one thing well, how to run
just two night after the announcing US military an terrorist organization by Iran. US has lost a B_52 bomber in Afghanistan.

Iran gave the IRGC the right to blow the covered of any US spy in Asia, and any country or organization that arrests US troops can now receive money as a bonus by handing these forces to Iran for trial in Iranian courts.

US army ( designated terrorists organization ) B-52 bomber crashes in Afghanistan



IRGC chief commander:
U.S forces in middle east wont be longer in peace!

following the death of 4 CENTCOM terrorists in Afghanistan, this terrorist group lost a B52 bomber this morning as well.
US terrorists’ B52 bomber crash in Afghanistan: report

I love timely coincidences!
I say its just coincidence as I doubt Taliban has anything that can target this type of airplanes.and evenit don't seem they managed to hit it with manned as the engines seems intact and I even doubt looking half of the engines can result in crash.
How would the Taliban shoot it down? with sling shot?
These mountain goats try to take credit for anything it seems.
How would the Taliban shoot it down? with sling shot?
These mountain goats try to take credit for anything it seems.
It was departing airport ,if they managed to get near the airport they could have used heavy machine guns . (well it depend on the armour of the airplane)
The presence of Russian, Chinese and Iranian planes in Caracas has outraged the U.S., which already has troops based in neighboring Colombia and in other countries across a region long targeted by Washington's efforts to halt the spread of leftist ideologies.

IRGC goes to Venezuela with Russia and China

The terrorist Ayatollahs will find out about their places in the universe soon.
What's this gibberish?

Says the ayatollah supporter refugee from Canada, lmao!
Next time you want to address me....ask for permission first.

(note to Iranian members): Please do not gang up on this guy..he comes from a place where there are high incidences of incest and mental retardness.. He had a mental fart and he got what he deserved...case closed.
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