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US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

Wow, only 5 minutes on this forum and I already find people arguing about IQ differences! Great! Let me jump in.

It is well known that the East Asians have the highest IQ's, at an average of 105.

At the same time Whites (Europeans and European-descended peoples') have an average IQ of 99.

It is true that in terms of testing, rote memorization, and general living standards, East Asians score higher than Whites.

At the same time, East Asians are not nearly as innovative as us Whites. We have developed over 95% of the technologies of the last 400 years. Everything from the software of the computer you are using, to the computer itself, to the internet you are using to communicate with it, to the AC running in your room right now, was all invented and innovated by Whites.

East Asians seem to be good at taking White technologies and inventions, and making thousands of incremental improvements to them.

As for inventing and the drive it takes to make new discoveries, I have not seen that in East Asian peoples.

U will see that very near future.By the rising of the east ,esp the China rise.more and more fund invest to science in China.Less than twenty yrs,The Chinese Tech will shock u white.
We Chinese had been leading the world for one or two thousand yrs whatever on culture and science and the military and all others,whilst the White enjoyed the rude tribes culture or farming there.U cannot deny the truth.

we lead the world over at least 2000 yrs on earth.
Just coz of War and chaotic that all know in Qing dynasty inflicted on us in the near modern mainly by some of ur bastard White.We began to lag behind of the west.But now we strive for another leading,that day is not far from now.Coz we are in a right direction.No one could stop the trend ,history trend.
U will see that very near future.By the rising of the east ,esp the China rise.more and more fund invest to science in China.Less than twenty yrs,The Chinese Tech will shock u white.
We Chinese had been leading the world for one or two thousand yrs whatever on culture and science and the military and all others,whilst the White enjoyed the rude tribes culture or farming there.U cannot deny the truth.

we lead the world over at least 2000 yrs on earth.
Just coz of War and chaotic that all know in Qing dynasty inflicted to us in the near modern mainly by some of ur bastard White.We began to lag behind of the west.But now we strive for another leading,that day is not far from now.Coz we are in a right direction.No one could stop the trend ,history trend.

Nobody can stop the trend? Well, if we nuked China right now, that would probably stop the trend.

Just a thought buddy.
. .
Nuke?Go ahead pls.If nuke power is easily used,no earth exist.nonsense arguement.

No, it was just a thought.

We can continue the thought though.

A few well-placed 2 megaton nukes hitting the Eastern Coast of China. No more than 2 warheads striking each major city. We could wipe out 50% of the Chinese population, and it would probably improve the environment too!
WHAT? do you know what is MICROECONOMICS?

WHAT? Is this the best you can do??

By micro-economic, I mean the Mathematical Calculation (1.07% growth for 10 years will double the country GDP) is violating the Cash Flow principal of Microeconomics, I do not mean the whole thing I wrote are about Microeconomics.

Indeed the calculation of GDP by term of Economic achievement and break down of a country is a subject or a field of "Macroeconomics" But actually, did I ever go into each sector of Chinese economy and explain why the 123 Trillions GDP is unobtainable?? I don't believe so.

I use the finding from economist and I use them to put out a simple calculation. Again, an mathematics literation of how the number get there. I have not once gone in and say, ok, China have something, something GDP on Manufacture and stuff, I don't believe so. Hence my post are on Microeconomics and some simple calculation, some people already done the Marco Stuff and I am just using their data. If you want to argue their data, take it to them ,not me.

Try harder next time, I beg of you
All of the people you listed ARE White. It doesn't matter that some people didn't consider them White some time ago.


Whats your age?

Umm 15?

So according to you, French, Germans, Spaniards, Serbs, British, Italians, Turks, Arabs etc are all "White" ? Tell that to French that hey, you are not french..you are 'white' ....duhh..

Ottoman Empire greatest territorial extent did not reach past the Balkans. Some "world". Arab conquests didn't go further than the Spain. Again, some "world".

Stupid it means that the super power/world leaders of the world in a given time period.

U.S is the global leader today..but it doesn't mean that it is 'physically' present all over the world.

Ottoman Empire in say 15th century was the super power of the known world...ahead of its competition...

Same goes for Arabs in 10th century..

Same goes for Americans today...

Learn to comprehend better.

BTW, can I get the statistics of 'average' IQs of whites, E.Asians, Arabs, and South Asians...I need complete studies..I mean, what was the 'sample size' of the study? Individual races break down? Like what is the 'average' IQ of Punjabis residing in India compared with Tamils of South India? Anything you got other than random internet blogs? :lol:

Average IQ my arse :lol:

Just a way to 'feel good' about yourself....

WHAT? Is this the best you can do??

By micro-economic, I mean the Mathematical Calculation (1.07% growth for 10 years will double the country GDP) is violating the Cash Flow principal of Microeconomics, I do not mean the whole thing I wrote are about Microeconomics.

Indeed the calculation of GDP by term of Economic achievement and break down of a country is a subject or a field of "Macroeconomics" But actually, did I ever go into each sector of Chinese economy and explain why the 123 Trillions GDP is unobtainable?? I don't believe so.

I use the finding from economist and I use them to put out a simple calculation. Again, an mathematics literation of how the number get there. I have not once gone in and say, ok, China have something, something GDP on Manufacture and stuff, I don't believe so. Hence my post are on Microeconomics and some simple calculation, some people already done the Marco Stuff and I am just using their data. If you want to argue their data, take it to them ,not me.

Try harder next time, I beg of you

You are wasting your time, sir.

These kids don't know what are they talking about. Leave them!
Anyone who thinks China is communist should have their head examined.

"India is the Most Free and Original Civilization in the World." :cuckoo:

Is that why another two Western women were raped today? Is that what freedom is?

You guys have different values than the rest of the world. I have good relations with Westerners, and I know that they are tired of seeing Indians pretend to be racist to Blacks to try to create a bond of friendship with Whites.

Indians are pathetic to the point of being funny. Everyone laughs behind your backs and you're all too dumb to see it!

lol black!! we dont like whites as well. the example in your post says it all!
I do not care for these links, please show me you have an analytical mind and can give coherent, logical arguments as to why the prediction could not possibly be right. You post was looking at China growing so big and also the Western imposed world order would still be intact - it won't as China would be so large it would be a massive economic pole in it's own right

btw - I do not care for people that want China to fail as they themselves are Westerners who would "lose" if China was to succeed.:lol:


Whats your age?

Umm 15?

So according to you, French, Germans, Spaniards, Serbs, British, Italians, Turks, Arabs etc are all "White" ? Tell that to French that hey, you are not french..you are 'white' ....duhh..

Stupid it means that the super power/world leaders of the world in a given time period.

U.S is the global leader today..but it doesn't mean that it is 'physically' present all over the world.

Ottoman Empire in say 15th century was the super power of the known world...ahead of its competition...

Same goes for Arabs in 10th century..

Same goes for Americans today...

Learn to comprehend better.

BTW, can I get the statistics of 'average' IQs of whites, E.Asians, Arabs, and South Asians...I need complete studies..I mean, what was the 'sample size' of the study? Individual races break down? Like what is the 'average' IQ of Punjabis residing in India compared with Tamils of South India? Anything you got other than random internet blogs? :lol:

Average IQ my arse :lol:

Just a way to 'feel good' about yourself....

You are wasting your time, sir.

These kids don't know what are they talking about. Leave them!

lol :lol: hehe
Europeans are not homogeneous at all, only the East Europeans are pretty homogeneous with predominantly Indo-European stocks, while the West Europeans are pretty mixed with Native Iberians/Mediterraneans influenced by Indo-Europeans.
No, it was just a thought.

We can continue the thought though.

A few well-placed 2 megaton nukes hitting the Eastern Coast of China. No more than 2 warheads striking each major city. We could wipe out 50% of the Chinese population, and it would probably improve the environment too!

LMAO :wave:

. .

Whats your age?

Umm 15?

So according to you, French, Germans, Spaniards, Serbs, British, Italians, Turks, Arabs etc are all "White" ? Tell that to French that hey, you are not french..you are 'white' ....duhh..

Stupid it means that the super power/world leaders of the world in a given time period.

U.S is the global leader today..but it doesn't mean that it is 'physically' present all over the world.

Ottoman Empire in say 15th century was the super power of the known world...ahead of its competition...

Same goes for Arabs in 10th century..

Same goes for Americans today...

Learn to comprehend better.

BTW, can I get the statistics of 'average' IQs of whites, E.Asians, Arabs, and South Asians...I need complete studies..I mean, what was the 'sample size' of the study? Individual races break down? Like what is the 'average' IQ of Punjabis residing in India compared with Tamils of South India? Anything you got other than random internet blogs? :lol:

Average IQ my arse :lol:

Just a way to 'feel good' about yourself....

You are wasting your time, sir.

These kids don't know what are they talking about. Leave them!

You really are dumb. Arabs and Turks are not European, therefore they are not White. French people are ethnically French, and they are racially White. And French people know this, retard.

"U.S is the global leader today..but it doesn't mean that it is 'physically' present all over the world."

Except it is present all over the world. And so was the only other superpower, the British Empire. The Ottomans were in no way shape or form a superpower. Stop being a moron.

"BTW, can I get the statistics of 'average' IQs of whites, E.Asians, Arabs, and South Asians..."

The most recent study: Intelligence, a A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences, 2012

This is a compilation THOUSANDS of studies that in themselves have studied thousands of studies from almost every single country on Earth, compiled over decades.

It is a fact that South Asian IQ is in the low 80's, and that East Asian and White IQ is in the triple-digit area.
Who told you I am brown-skinned, small-eyed South Korean monkey (thats what your folk actually look. Not even kidding)? :rofl:

Even Brown population of Pakistan are not as ugly as your folk. Brown Pakistanis atleat aren't Short, short-dicked, weak, and small-eyed as slave South Korean...

Brown Skin is just a sign of superior genetics. Brown Guys are inherently geared to survive hard sun..thanks to melanin. Unlike others who get sun burn in mere 40 C :lol:

Wait, don't they call your folk Yellow Fever in US? LOL

I don't get offended by anything..b/c this is NORMAL here cuz I've heard many insults from indians already :D but for you, this experience is new..and your response shows that you have taken it to the heart..but don't worry, thats your training here on PDF. Once you come down of your high horse..you'll be respected. Till then, keep this ching mong crap of 'high IQ' to yourself :rofl:

Your post reeks of an inferiority complex. It's easy to see. You focused only on my insults and not at my response to your dumb arguments.

You are off-topic, YET AGAIN.
lol black!! we dont like whites as well. the example in your post says it all!

No, you obsess over Whites. You really want to be considered as White (at least most of you). Even all of the Hindu Nationalists I met, after telling them they are wannabe Whites, they go on and tell me that they belong to the Aryan race of HITLER! LOOL!

Face it, you want to be White, and the Whites do not consider you White. This results in a back-and-forth on many forums of Indians trying to show evidence of their Whiteness by showing their linguistic or genetic connection to Europe, and Whites just sighing and telling him/her to leave.

Take this Stormfront post for instance. A simple Google Search and I found this: I want to be White... - Page 6 - Stormfront

I want to be White... - Stormfront

That's right, an Indian going to a bunch of White Nationalists, telling them he wants to be considered White! LOL! Their are many more posts like these, but this is just a teaser at the low self-esteem and inferiority complex of Indians.
OK, let's talk about micro-economic.

If China continue with its 7% growth each year, yes, indeed they can double their GDP every 10 years. But that was just a mathematical representation that follow the equation of 1.07^10 =1.96 times compound. But there is one major flaw in this mathematical representation. That is, you basing on an uncapped value.(Ie, there are infinite amount of money in the world, iie, the world keep printing money)

In micro-economic term, every financial entity have their cycle of flow. Cash have cash flow, while credit/account payable have their data flow. In fact, money (Hard currency or soft) only change hand, they did not disappear. To establish a 12 trillions GDP and a jump to 123trillions GDP, either it mean China have the LARGEST Pie in the world, or Money have deflated to a point there are no more value into it.

Given the world GDP growth is 3-4% (3.5 in 2012, estimate 3.9 in 2013) the world's GDP at 2040 will be (using 84trillion @2012) 220 Trillions GDP. And now, are you going to tell me more than 50% of the world GDP are coming from China (55% to be exact)?? People who have a slight Economic knowledge will know this is not going to happen. (Given US is only 16% of the GDP share now), then we all know World GDP are going down in % by the years, not going up.

So the only other way when China can get such value is when the global currency being deflated into a point money no longer have any value. Lets say, to be modest, China represent 20% of the world earning power. That's one fifth for people who do not know. That's 615 trillions dollars. For the world to reach that level of total GDP by 2040, the world need to INFLAT their value for 25% EVERY YEAR.........Which, make today monies become tomorrow toilet papers.....

So, for the 123 trillions statement to be true, either the writer imply China hold 55% of the world earning. Or the world is inflating it's currency 25% each year in EVERY COUNTRY. Eitherway, it does not sounded like someone who had any formal financial or economic training, lol

IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) - Coping with High Debt and Sluggish Growth, October 2012 -- Table of Contents
Gross world product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was what you wrote!

WHAT? Is this the best you can do??

By micro-economic, I mean the Mathematical Calculation (1.07% growth for 10 years will double the country GDP) is violating the Cash Flow principal of Microeconomics, I do not mean the whole thing I wrote are about Microeconomics.

Indeed the calculation of GDP by term of Economic achievement and break down of a country is a subject or a field of "Macroeconomics" But actually, did I ever go into each sector of Chinese economy and explain why the 123 Trillions GDP is unobtainable?? I don't believe so.

I use the finding from economist and I use them to put out a simple calculation. Again, an mathematics literation of how the number get there. I have not once gone in and say, ok, China have something, something GDP on Manufacture and stuff, I don't believe so. Hence my post are on Microeconomics and some simple calculation, some people already done the Marco Stuff and I am just using their data. If you want to argue their data, take it to them ,not me.

Try harder next time, I beg of you

there is nothing MICRO-ECONMICS in the contents of the first quote and you have demonstrated you know nothing in microeconomics other than doing a simple math calculation! What is cash flow to do with microeconomics? What is cashfllow to do with an GDP argument at all!?

you are growing from silliiness to the biggest joke on the forum
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