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US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

indians getting so happy. india can have amreeka.

“America's friendship is more dangerous than it's enmity”. Henry Kissinger
In a join press conference with visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Merkel said that it will be made clear to Pakistan that terror is not a means to an end when it comes to solving political problems

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in India to sell your plane, do as they do.

:lol: for what ? do they say the same against india when pakistani visits their state ?
Nor do I have the time, why don't you stop posting links and debate this with some of your own knowledge, the way you're limited to posting semi-relevant links shows that you lack the ability or knowledge to debate this.

so..my links are semi-relevant now???and i don't debate without proof...the link that from BBC is clearly stated that fund was provided to proxy LET organisation "Jamat-ud-dawa" by panjab govt...and it is not relevant to you..right????
What would you classify as terrorism?

Would attacks on NATO soldiers and Karzai Government in Afghanistan classify as Terrorism if they were planned and hatched in Pakistan?

Or Even the 7/7 Bombers were trained in Pakistan before they attacked London. Is that Terrorism?

Every other day there is a drone strike and some foreign terrorist dies. Its not the official policy of Pakistan to train terrorists and send them overseas to attack foreign targets but turning a blind eye to them when they are being hatched from Pakistan is just as guilty.

Look at how other countries deal with terrorism from their own soil.

Look at Jordan in 1970. Same situation as Pakistan. Difference is that Jordan send its Army in an all out attack to wipe them out.

Nothing is more sacred that sovereignty of a nation. How can Pakistan protest US drones violating Pakistani sovereignty when Pakistan can't even extend its soverignity to those areas where the drone strikes are taking place.

We cleared pretty much the entire expanse of FATA, however, we simply did not have the manpower to maintain a presence on the Eastern Border while fighting the TTP at every alley in FATA. We will have to tackle NWA after a military presence in Swat has been established.
discussion should be substantiate with the facts not with mere rhetoric... if you have any problem in reading please don't waste our time...

He is telling me to go google it! and read through 'it'.
You can't be serious, I've been around long enough to see noobs like that post exactly what he's posting and this is what they continue to do till eventually modz and members are fed up for low quality discussions and spamming and they ban the kid.
:lol: for what ? do they say the same against india when pakistani visits their state ?

Pakistan is not buying 128 of their most expensive planes, if we were, then yes. Like in the 60s, everyone was pressurizing India on the Kashmir issue, no surprise that one of the leading clauses in the Shimla Agreement was that Pakistan would not allow any third country to sustain it's stance on the Kashmir issue.
Who ever is denying that there are terrorists on our soil? Why do you think we are fighting this accursed war for the past decade! The point I am trying to prove is and your friends are constantly reiterating is that Pakistan IS NOT sponsoring terrorism.

Mate, agreed that the people of Pakistan do not support terr groups in fact they are the worst affected but what the Americans and the rest are saying is that the state is directly or indirectly supporting them and that the state is not doing enough to stop the new ones getting created. We all know and agree that terrorism is affecting Pakistan more than any other country.
so..my links are semi-relevant now???and i don't debate without proof...the link that from BBC is clearly stated that fund was provided to proxy LET organisation "Jamat-ud-dawa" by panjab govt...and it is not relevant to you..right????

where's the evidence?

It's our claims vs their's, that is inadequate to say the least.
and I did read through it, they denied any affiliation with leT and insisted that it was all humanitarian.

No proof, just baseless accusations.
Mate, agreed that the people of Pakistan do not support terr groups in fact they are the worst affected but what the Americans and the rest are saying is that the state is directly or indirectly supporting them and that the state is not doing enough to stop the new ones getting created. We all know and agree that terrorism is affecting Pakistan more than any other country.

The state has fought these people on all fronts and has achieved numerous successes against them. What more is expected of us?
We cleared pretty much the entire expanse of FATA, however, we simply did not have the manpower to maintain a presence on the Eastern Border while fighting the TTP at every alley in FATA. We will have to tackle NWA after a military presence in Swat has been established.

What do you mean we don't have the manpower? We have the 7th largest Military on the planet.

As for the Eastern Border, we don't need a massive presence, as we have Nuclear Weapons should India try anything. And then again, why would India start a war with Pakistan?

And for Swat, we re-took Swat in 2009. We need to send our Military to North Waziristan and wipe out this menace once and for all.
so you think for few billion dollars they are accusing pakistan ?? please come out with some serious argument ....

It's called diplomacy, they need to be on your good side because you are a booming economy and represent good business. At the expense of a washed out and exhausted ally, it's a bargain. That's how it is.
It's called diplomacy, they need to be on your good side because you are a booming economy and represent good business. At the expense of a washed out and exhausted ally, it's a bargain. That's how it is.
and that is why they accused a innocent nation named pakistan ...great... why the world leaders only blame Pakistan...World doesn't revolve around India...by your logic everyone should side with CHina...isn't it ?
How about this ????

About that.

Interesting story behind that. I watched through it, same story, all BS,no proof, no valid sources, no ewt, all baseless accusations.

In fact I was so pissed off after watching this, I emailed the BBC, as I do a lot with their documentaries.
I have been critical of their documentaries, but I tell them to see it as constructive and most of the time I get some sort of repyl sometimes very friendly and lengthy replies, but with this one, they refused to reply back and said that I can't get in contact with the makers directly, I wonder why.

It's either that the documentary was actually more sensationalist then anything OR utter BS!

here is a list of the brilliant minds and powerhouse of propaganda behind the documentary...

Lesley Cherry
Rebecca Thomas
Eamonn Mathews
Edward Watts
Sam Collyns

Interesting to see what it gets too....
You see Mr Edward Watts is known to me for being a little anti-Pakistani, I have happened to see some of his propaganda on Channel 4 too.

I will present some arguments against these folks, see how open minded, un biased, truthful and accurate the media of the free democratic world is.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...kistan-26th-october-2011-a.html#ixzz1vufuXJE8
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What do you mean we don't have the manpower? We have the 7th largest Military on the planet.

As for the Eastern Border, we don't need a massive presence, as we have Nuclear Weapons should India try anything. And then again, why would India start a war with Pakistan?

And for Swat, we re-took Swat in 2009. We need to send our Military to North Waziristan and wipe out this menace once and for all.

The 7th largest Army also has limits. It's about 500,000 people to cover a huge expanse.
Nuclear weapons are a deterrent, they don't guard your borders, don't stop an enemy advance and don't stop border crossers.
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