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US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

"The Xinjiang attacker may have trained with Uzbek militants in Waziristan"-Provincial Govt Spokesman

There is a huge difference in the said statement and how you paint it.

come out of denial sir....terrorists are getting training inside pakistan and they are spreading terrorism across the world including pakistan... world don't say that pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism without any proof.....my god OBL was also found in pakistan along with all big leaders of AQ

"He added that Pakistan itself is an "all-weather friend" of China, echoing previous remarks from Chinese officials."

Go fish.

You are missing the point.... or don't want to see...

PAKISTANI SOIL is being used for terrorism.
@janigibaz and Icarus..i've modified my post witha quote from your president..why don't you read that before making comments..its from the wiki..and here is its real link..

Pakistani president Asif Zardari admits creating terrorist groups - Telegraph

now don't want to be too brave when your country's president is admitting the truth.. :rofl: :rofl:

i posted a google link...please click there and you'll get as much link you want..just click and read and then we'll talk..

Already addressed.
come out of denial sir....terrorists are getting training inside pakistan and they are spreading terrorism across the world including pakistan... world don't say that pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism without any proof.....my god OBL was also found in pakistan along with all big leaders of AQ

You are missing the point.... or don't want to see...

PAKISTANI SOIL is being used for terrorism.

Who ever is denying that there are terrorists on our soil? Why do you think we are fighting this accursed war for the past decade! The point I am trying to prove is and your friends are constantly reiterating is that Pakistan IS NOT sponsoring terrorism.
@janigibaz and Icarus..i've modified my post witha quote from your president..why don't you read that before making comments..its from the wiki..and here is its real link..

It's jungibaaz* kiddo!

Now I could insult you through personal attacks in many ways, but why stoop to your level?

and nice modification, it seems we aren't the only country to use non-state actors for our own gains, the US did too, as did India

i posted a google link...please click there and you'll get as much link you want..just click and read and then we'll talk..

Most of them are irrelevant, one of them is a wiki page, some of them are talking about irrelevant stories, such as 'counter-terrorism funding cut'.

it seems you haven't read through them.

So lets talk already lad! I need not waste my time with those links. Please proceed, enlighten me.
Who ever is denying that there are terrorists on our soil? Why do you think we are fighting this accursed war for the past decade! The point I am trying to prove is and your friends are constantly reiterating is that Pakistan IS NOT sponsoring terrorism.
yeah...the old dilemma of Good and bad terrorists... enjoy !!

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It's jungibaaz* kiddo!

Now I could insult you through personal attacks in many ways, but why stoop to your level?

and nice modification, it seems we aren't the only country to use non-state actors for our own gains, the US did too, as did India

Most of them are irrelevant, one of them is a wiki page, some of them are talking about irrelevant stories, such as 'counter-terrorism funding cut'.

it seems you haven't read through them.

So lets talk already lad! I need not waste my time with those links. Please proceed, enlighten me.

i already posted..i don't have time to read 41,300,000 links..and sry for my typing mistake..

anyway...i found one of the stories...i'll post more...there are plenty of links.. :rofl: :rofl:

BBC News - Pakistan 'gave funds' to group on UN terror blacklist


its from India..don't mind..

i already posted..i don't have time to read 41,300,000 links..and sry for my typing mistake..

anyway...i found one of the stories...i'll post more...there are plenty of links.. :rofl: :rofl:

BBC News - Pakistan 'gave funds' to group on UN terror blacklist

Punjab govt. funds terror-linked charity - Washington Times

its from India..don't mind..

US confronts Pak with proof of ISI`s terror link

Nor do I have the time, why don't you stop posting links and debate this with some of your own knowledge, the way you're limited to posting semi-relevant links shows that you lack the ability or knowledge to debate this.
Who ever is denying that there are terrorists on our soil? Why do you think we are fighting this accursed war for the past decade! The point I am trying to prove is and your friends are constantly reiterating is that Pakistan IS NOT sponsoring terrorism.

What would you classify as terrorism?

Would attacks on NATO soldiers and Karzai Government in Afghanistan classify as Terrorism if they were planned and hatched in Pakistan?

Or Even the 7/7 Bombers were trained in Pakistan before they attacked London. Is that Terrorism?

Every other day there is a drone strike and some foreign terrorist dies. Its not the official policy of Pakistan to train terrorists and send them overseas to attack foreign targets but turning a blind eye to them when they are being hatched from Pakistan is just as guilty.

Look at how other countries deal with terrorism from their own soil.

Look at Jordan in 1970. Same situation as Pakistan. Difference is that Jordan send its Army in an all out attack to wipe them out.

Nothing is more sacred that sovereignty of a nation. How can Pakistan protest US drones violating Pakistani sovereignty when Pakistan can't even extend its soverignity to those areas where the drone strikes are taking place.
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