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US is a global dictator: Ahmedinejad

he is correct the US is a dictator and the time is comeing to free plastine hope too see anyone there? but still ahmedeenajad has to admit his laws against people and women especially are harsh and death penalty is the final verdic. its kinda awaken me up to a person who can be so amazing but at the same time is a extreamist
To be fair to Ahmedinejad, the US is the only country that has ever used nukes when someone did not listen to them.

So you are saying the U.S should of never nuked japan to end WW2?

That's kind of moronic considering japan nearly ruled all of the pacific ocean and had invaded half of china and was well on their way to invading Australia.

If the U.S never nuked japan, i would be speaking Japanese right now.

Do you realize that you sound exactly like Ahmedinejad?

I don't. If i was Ahmedinejad i would be talking about blowing peaceful countries like India off the face of the earth. That's what people are forgetting, he wants to kill innocent people and attack countries just so he can be all mighty and powerful.

Is wiping out any country off the face of the earth valid due to the stupid policies of their leaders?

Sometimes it's the only answer. It's either we get nuked or they get nuked. They are the aggressors. If Iran weren't threatening anyone with nukes, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

While it is a bully in international politics, other countries would have done much worse had they had this much of unchecked power.

The U.S is a bully but that's not a bad thing. The only countries it is bullying is the countries that pose a security risk to all peaceful nation. Countries such as north korea and iran who want to blow up countries deserve to be bullied.

People act like the U.S is some giant bully who goes around attacking countries for fun, that isn't true. Every country the U.S has ever attacked has been aggressive to another countries peace.
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Yes there is.

The U.S is focusing on countries like iraq and afghanastan and iran that are dangerous towards every other country in the world. If the U.S wasn't around, do you guys seriously think that countries like iran would all of a sudden become peaceful? Because thats what most of you imply. No, they would be invading countries, nuking countries. these dangerous countries should be wiped off the face of the earth if they refuse to be peaceful and stop threatening other people.
Nope - What US did in Vietnam (Agent Orange etc) was far worse then what Iraq or Afghanistan has done.I would think Aussie needs to be wiped out too for being the most racist country on world.You're a right wing nut.
US does have covet operations in a lot of countries throughout its history, mostly after WW II.
Nope - What US did in Vietnam (Agent Orange etc) was far worse then what Iraq or Afghanistan has done.I would think Aussie needs to be wiped out too for being the most racist country on world.You're a right wing nut.

So let me get this straight.......... i am a right wing nut because i want a country wiped out that is threatening to wipe everyone else out for fun?

Lol your logic is flawed.

It's like saying i should be killed because i want a mass murder killed.
So let me get this straight.......... i am a right wing nut because i want a country wiped out that is threatening to wipe everyone else out for fun?

Lol your logic is flawed.

It's like saying i should be killed because i want a mass murder killed.
Sure; can you provide me link where Iraq or Afghanistan or even Iran says it wants to wipe out everyone on world except itself?
how the US is a global dictator when Ahmedinejad is the dictator of iran
so Ahmedinejad finally figures that out.. hes getting wiser .. at least the dracullas are out of his dictionary..:rofl:
Sure; can you provide me link where Iraq or Afghanistan or even Iran says it wants to wipe out everyone on world except itself?

Ahmedinejad publicly said that if Iran gets nukes he will, i quote "wipe israel from the face of the earth" If he so freely destroys israel, why would he stop there?
XDrive, I wonder where did you get so much propaganda fed. Don't tell me Aussie media feeds BS like Fox News. The mullahs in Iran are not crazy to risk self annihilation by using nukes on someone. While Iran getting nukes may not be the ideal situation, it is something that can be dealt with without threatening to wipe the country off. Take a cue from Iran's neighbors. None many of them are so hyped up about this issue as the US, not even the Arabs.

And kindly send me some info or link of what these Iranians did by killing "thousands" of people :coffee: I believe I am getting a bit rusty here on history :)
The difference between the republicans and democrats is same as the difference between Coke and Pepsi.

I forgot the Iranian MP's name who said it.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: You are becoming one liner expert here...:rofl:
So you are saying the U.S should of never nuked japan to end WW2?

That's kind of moronic considering japan nearly ruled all of the pacific ocean and had invaded half of china and was well on their way to invading Australia.

If the U.S never nuked japan, i would be speaking Japanese right now.

You are probably too generous in your opinion of the US. They did not Nuke Japan to save any other country, but as a retaliation to the attack on Pearl Harbor. They had no means to attack them by land since even the ordinary citizens and rabble armies were ready to fight to defend their country. So to save their soldiers, they decided to attack their enemy's civilians. That goes against the ethics of any war.

I don't. If i was Ahmedinejad i would be talking about blowing peaceful countries like India off the face of the earth.

And yet he has never once mentioned blowing India, Pakistan, or any of his neighbors. He is an idiot, but entitled to his opinion of Israel being the aggressor and a threat to peace and security.

Sometimes it's the only answer. It's either we get nuked or they get nuked. They are the aggressors. If Iran weren't threatening anyone with nukes, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

A non-nuclear 'conventional' provocation will lead to a nuclear retaliation. At least that's what I understand from your defense of the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then Iran is within it's rights to attack any country they perceive as the aggressor with Nukes. Do you understand how silly this logic is? That said, if Iran genuinely has nuclear weapons, the target country is also at liberty to preemptively defend itself.

The U.S is a bully but that's not a bad thing. The only countries it is bullying is the countries that pose a security risk to all peaceful nation. Countries such as north korea and iran who want to blow up countries deserve to be bullied.

That is a matter of perspective. These countries have horrible domestic policies, but that shouldn't make us take sides in their issue with their neighbors. How come the US never cares about any of the African countries where genocides and civil wars are the norm?

People act like the U.S is some giant bully who goes around attacking countries for fun, that isn't true. Every country the U.S has ever attacked has been aggressive to another countries peace.

Again, too kind in your assessment. The US also attacks countries that are too weak to defend themselves, and are a threat to its interests or allies.
You are probably too generous in your opinion of the US. They did not Nuke Japan to save any other country, but as a retaliation to the attack on Pearl Harbor. They had no means to attack them by land since even the ordinary citizens and rabble armies were ready to fight to defend their country. So to save their soldiers, they decided to attack their enemy's civilians. That goes against the ethics of any war.
Consider what Imperial Japan did to Asia, I say the A-bombs were cosmic justice. Spare us all your crocodile tears for Japan.
To be fair to Ahmedinejad, the US is the only country that has ever used nukes when someone did not listen to them.

Do you realize that you sound exactly like Ahmedinejad? While for you, the dangerous country is Iran, it is Israel for him. Is wiping out any country off the face of the earth valid due to the stupid policies of their leaders?

All said, I personally feel the US is the best country to be a superpower. While it is a bully in international politics, other countries would have done much worse had they had this much of unchecked power.

gr8 reply brother..
speaker bhai , plz dont defend ahmedijinad , he is a lunatic warmonger, even his own country people dislike him like hell.
plz dont defend a evil man.
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