Surely you realize that every single one of those things could never have happened without American support!
Some happened with American support, some happened with Russian support, some with other countries support.
I would list out
numerous cases where India has fought against US in WTO.
1. India has been largest/biggest/most powerful critic of WTO policies and has had its way in changing the WTO treaties to allow Indian subsidies in agriculture among other issues.
2. India has been the most powerful - this time with China - voice in changing the environmental negotiations. All the countries - including Pakistan - were twisted to support the developed countries agenda.
both these cases India directly fought US.
The point then becomes that India is supported by any country to get what it wants.
Supported by US for nuclear deal.
Supported by Japan for massive investment
Supported by China for environmental treaties
Not supported by anyone in WTO and yet still getting what India wants.
Do you get the point? Its that India guns after Indian interests. And India is able to secure those interests most of the times because of intrinsic power. Which is why other nations support India because they feel India would be useful to
their interests.