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US holds the Indo-Pak line of control

That's not how it works.

The US knows exactly who is taking the aid and the aid keeps coming as long as those people do America's bidding.

Except for certain humanitarian programs run by NGOs, US "aid" money is a direct bribe to promote American interests. Since Pakistan lacks any independent institutions of accountability, it's a free-for-all.

Please be a bit more reasonable in this.

us AID is an acronym that is meant to emphasize "mutual assistance"

We all as humans assist each other on daily basis. Some times mutual assistance is in kind
and sometimes we pay for the service.

USA "AID" for Pakistan is no different than Apple paying Chinese Foxconn to assemble iphones and ipads

In both cases, Dollars are paid by Americans, and services are provided by Pakistan or China
In both cases, dollars go straight to the country's state bank and held their as hard currency reserve.

Chinese have worked hard for USA and now they have accumulated 4000 billion dollars.

Pakistani Islamists and marxists on the other hand keep on denigrating such transactions and continue attacking US personnel in the region. And thus slowing down the dollar flow.

No wonder we are now down to scary $10-12 billion reserve.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Learn to copy FoxConn of China and not commies and marxists.

Thank you.
Everyone should move on: Recognize LOC as Border and move on.

It is already "recognized" by everyone who matters in the debate (bunch of Islamist idiots on PDF don't count).

Indian need to "recognize" this simple fact (and quit living in 60s).

us AID is an acronym that is meant to emphasize "mutual assistance"

As I mentioned, some amount of US aid is genuine humanitarian aid; the rest is an investment to secure American -- not Pakistani -- interests.

Your example of China is not relevant since we are discussing aid, not business transactions.

When American companies do business in China, they are not engaged in governmental aid. The US government does not give tax breaks to companies so they can build factories in China -- quite the opposite in fact.
As I mentioned, some amount of US aid is genuine humanitarian aid; the rest is an investment to secure American -- not Pakistani -- interests.

Your example of China is not relevant since we are discussing aid, not business transactions.

When American companies do business in China, they are not engaged in governmental aid. The US government does not give tax breaks to companies so they can build factories in China -- quite the opposite in fact.

Every dollar of hard currency goes straight to State bank.

Our government uses that precious money to pay for all the imports that are absolutely essential for our daily life including petrol, and even tea and badly needed weapon/parts for our army.

Don't be childish about the importance of hard currency. Without this hard currency we'll go bankrupt in no time.

Remember you can't behave like nut case Iranian Mullahs. There is not much oil coming out of our soil that we can steal and spread Islamist/marxist corruption around the world.

Thank you
Every dollar of hard currency goes straight to State bank.

Our government uses that precious money to pay for all the imports that are absolutely essential for our daily life including petrol, and even tea and badly needed weapon/parts for our army.

Don't be childish about the importance of hard currency. Without this hard currency we'll go bankrupt in no time.

Remember you can't behave like nut case Iranian Mullahs. There is not much oil coming out of our soil that we can steal and spread Islamist/marxist corruption around the world.

Thank you

Ignoring your tendency to descend into troll mode, once again, please learn to read and stick to the topic.

Most countries manage to earn foreign currency through trade and exports.

They do NOT depend on aid money to get foreign currency.
Ignoring your tendency to descend into troll mode, once again, please learn to read and stick to the topic.

Most countries manage to earn foreign currency through trade and exports.

They do NOT depend on aid money to get foreign currency.

There are two ways to earn hard currency (and not any foreign currency that no one gives a damn).

There are two ways ONLY.

1. Work for (or help or supply goods and or services) US/UK/EU governments
2. Work for (or help or supply goods and or services) US/UK/EU corporations

Everything else is a combination of these two with differing proporations and ratios.

Problem with the blind marxists in pakistan is simple.

They hate BOTH 1 and 2

And thus

we are are pathetic poors in the region at the level of Afghanistan and Somalia

whereas India has 300 billion dollars worth hard currency and gold stored up in its government's coffers

But India is puny if you see how Chinese $hat upon Mao's policies and now use #2 option from my list and have accumulated 4000 billion dollars worth of hard currency.

Marxist in pakistan do not have a leg to stand on

so they end up spreading constipated conspiracy theories,.

so they end up spreading constipated conspiracy theories,.

Show us where anyone has denied the importance of trade.

You are the one who fails to understand the difference between trade (honest living) and aid (charity -- which usually comes with strings attached). You started equating China's economic success with American aid.

When someone calls you out on your confusion, you start ranting about mullahs and communists and Marxists.

The topic here, which seems to have escaped you, is that American aid comes with strings attached and Pakistan's salvation lies in economic strength which weans it off aid (American, Saudi or whatever).
Show us where anyone has denied the importance of trade.

You are the one who fails to understand the difference between trade (honest living) and aid (charity -- which usually comes with strings attached). You started equating China's economic success with American aid.

When someone calls you out on your confusion, you start ranting about mullahs and communists and Marxists.

The topic here, which seems to have escaped you, is that American aid comes with strings attached and Pakistan's salvation lies in economic strength which weans it off aid (American, Saudi or whatever).

Marxists and Islamists bark and snipe at everything Western and you proclaim "importance of trade".


"strings" are ALWAYS attached to flow of hard currency.

Ask South Koreans who know 1000 times more about trade than any 2-bit Pakistani marxist.

your views my dear are to cut off oxygen supply without getting a replacement "FIRST".

Read my post.

I said there are two methods.

and two methods only.

1. Work for (or help or supply goods and or services) US/UK/EU governments
2. Work for (or help or supply goods and or services) US/UK/EU corporations

If today we are 90/10 military services to corporate services

then work on 70/30

then 50/50

then 10/90

It is not either OR

it is always a mix

Hope you understand this time

They [Indian posters/media people) fail to understand the ground realities on LOC have totally changed in favor of India

Every passable region on LOC is now double or tripple barb wired

with 2 to 3 layers of Indian army behind the wire.

There is no forking way a bearded Mullah can ever cross LOC at least not in any significant numbers.

Thus ICK (Indian controlled Kashmir) is now purely an Indian LOCAL issue with no significant MILITARY support from Pakistan.

Even a bird has to get a visa before flying across LOC into ICK,

But Indians still live in self made fear of 1960s

Hope your understand now
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your views my dear are to cut off oxygen supply without getting a replacement "FIRST".

What part of "wean off" did you have trouble understanding?

The rest of your stock rants about mullahs and communists may impress some people, but will be ignored by those of us interested in a serious discussion.
What part of "wean off" did you have trouble understanding?

The rest of your stock rants about mullahs and communists may impress some people, but will be ignored by those of us interested in a serious discussion.

We need to wean off the Marxist/islamist mumbo jumbo

That's where you and I differ

and your lack of modern day hard currency trade

Hope you understand that Chinese and Indians dumped their marxist ideologies first and now they are sitting pretty with HUGE hard cash in their banks

China with 4000 billion dollars worth

India with 300 billion dollars worth
They [Indian posters/media people) fail to understand the ground realities on LOC have totally changed in favor of India

Every passable region on LOC is now double or tripple barb wired

with 2 to 3 layers of Indian army behind the wire.

There is no forking way a bearded Mullah can ever cross LOC at least not in any significant numbers.

Thus ICK (Indian controlled Kashmir) is now purely an Indian LOCAL issue with no significant MILITARY support from Pakistan.

Even a bird has to get a visa before flying across LOC into ICK,

But Indians still live in self made fear of 1960s

Hope your understand now

Since you mentioned the year 1960, most of the Indians see peaceful period of Kashmir before 1989 different than the insurgency period in Kashmir that existed after 1989. But if you have said 1989, many of us have agreed because 2014 is no more like 1989 when there was no LOC fencing unlike 2014, Pakistan of 1989 was running high on confidence after Afghans defeated Soviets while Pakistan of 2014 is facing one of the worst insurgencies in Pakistan's history.
Since you mentioned the year 1960, most of the Indians see peaceful period of Kashmir before 1989 different than the insurgency period in Kashmir that existed after 1989. But if you have said 1989, many of us have agreed because 2014 is no more like 1989 when there was no LOC fencing unlike 2014, Pakistan of 1989 was running high on confidence after Afghans defeated Soviets while Pakistan of 2014 is facing one of the worst insurgencies in Pakistan's history.

I think we are splitting hair.

you know what I meant. If you want to substitute 1960s with 1980s be my guest

Either way the point is that Indians thinkers and elite are living in the past

and they need to update their time frame to 2014.

Hope this helps.

same thing on Afghanistan

Both India and Pakistan are living in the past.

They both need to update their thinking and believe me, both can reap HUGE rewards as a result.
I think we are splitting hair.

you know what I meant. If you want to substitute 1960s with 1980s be my guest

Either way the point is that Indians thinkers and elite are living in the past

and they need to update their time frame to 2014.

Hope this helps.

same thing on Afghanistan

Both India and Pakistan are living in the past.

They both need to update their thinking and believe me, both can reap HUGE rewards as a result.

The matter is Pakistanis have very high expectations to reignite insurgency in Kashmir after America leaves Afghanistan, the tensions at LOC in 2013 was example of this. So, surely we Indians can't ignore the developments taking place in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
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