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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

That would be Great.

and the question is what is Pakistan going to do about it? take it lying down or reciprocate with a similar ban on Americans including their military personnel and equipment. also prohibit their military aircraft from using our air space.
pakistanis dont have the balls to do something like that...
they will take it lying down...in fact the pakistani army and government will lube their *** for the USA as well before taking it lol..... thats just the position pakistan is in.
As a matter of policy when?? These refugees have been here with our complicit, tactic and explicit approval..even if we end terrorism inside our borders...what are we going to do with thousands outside our border???

The Afghan refugees have to go now. We did not bring them to Pakistan permanently. Afghan refugees have carried out attacks on behest of outsiders. Don't deny it.

Close the border. Simple. Keep them out. Terror problem resolved.

pakistanis dont have the balls to do something like that...
they will take it lying down...in fact the pakistani army and government will lube their *** for the USA as well before taking it lol..... thats just the position pakistan is in.

This is a litmus test for Nawaz Sharif. We will see whether he has the balls. Sher aya sher aya. Dekhte he ab sher me kitna dam he.
We lost east Pakistan due to this mindset. You people support enemies of Pakistan like Molana Sami ul haq that openly says he is father of Taliban, you mourns on the death of Hakeem ullah mehsood , Mumtaz qadri and Osama bin Ladin and you people point the "Noor" on face after their death and brainwash our generations. You people are only good to spread extremism. Government will demolish extremism & terrorism , both will go to gutter. No matter how some people cry.
We have to walk with world , and need to continue our policy on war against terrorism. This is in the interest of Pakistan to root out extremism & terrorism, we have no other way
Lol is this guy paranoid or what??, i advocated pakistan standing up to its enemies and this cartoon acusses me if supporting sami ul haq , ttp etc, do u have crystal ball? u seem to be be a witch lol, asshole all these prats like sami ul haq and other machuds are agents of foriegn intel who are and were waging a ruthless war against us, these proxies go from dehli to washington and their threads end in jerusulem, there was no extremism in pakistan just toads of foriegn intel in shape of fake mullahs, their sectarian groups funded by iran and ksa vis dehli and israel, we know who set ttp loose on us in the oast 15 yrs, we know who controls bla, do u think that the people on this forum are stupid that they will fall to ur idiotic propoganda??, the world wants us gone and destroyed, the western world that is, cause they cant tolerate an islamic nuclear power gaining economic strength, the same world u want us to walk hand in hand with is the one controlling proxies against us, the Us invaded afghanistan to conduct and control groups like ttp in pakistan and u want us to walk hand in hand with the Us, u my friend are either an indian or one of those anti islam anti pakistan libtards that are the mouthpiece of those that want us destroyed, the world which u like to get into bed with like a bitch in heat are the ones who control isis and groups of the sort to undermine and terminate true islam and that stupid western world has and will fail in their satanic designs, pakistan will continue to be a progressing islamic niclaer power, it will remain on the map, it willl gain economic might and one day we will teach a bitter lesson to all those who martyred our 60000 citizens in the past 15 yrs, both the ttp bla mercaneries and the liberal extremist groups will and are falling on their heads here, both sides serve the same master, they like to play both sides of the board yet they forgot that the centrepiece aka islamic ideology of pakistan is inpregnable to both liberal fascists and extremist fake mullahs who serve zionist and pagan masters, these selective groups of molvis which u label as extremists are not extremists but mercaneries working for a foriegn agenda, sometimes its an iranin one sometimes its a saudi one, if its iranina than its hindu agenda snd if its saudi than its zionist agenda, both sides like to put on a show of animosity to fool the general public but those with even w ounces of iq know that these sectarian rats are in cahoots and their ultimate agenda is disintegration if the islamic republic of pakistan just as those libtards and ttp were incahoots and their agenda was that one side ttp would project murderous notions in the name of islam than liberals would call for secularism etc etc because islam would be at blame for murder if innocent civilians, all in all it was a brilliant plan to weaken the islaimc foundations of pakistan but they plam and scheme and Allah plans too and Allah is the best of planners, they underestimated the faith of the pakistani people and hence their plsn is now more or less defeated, we are now officialy in the china russia block, sooner or latter our realtions with the Us will worsen...
All Muslim countries should bring back their diplomats and put ban on US goods see how US becomes great again. Orange man wants can't dictate or bully Muslim nations. Shame we got so many rulers in Muslim countries who are traitors and are only interested in to preserve their own rule. US is a bank corrupt country run on Arab and Chinese borrowed money and investments. Would KSA will show the balls since they claim they are the custodians of Muslim mosques and what goes with it.
This is a litmus test for Nawaz Sharif. We will see whether he has the balls. Sher aya sher aya. Dekhte he ab sher me kitna dam he.
oh please noora is f#cking coward and a arse kisser to anyone that will save him! he toes pro india policy more than the west ever did just to please his masters in washington.
Yes ban us, than face the consequences ! Pakistan should ban all US flights, military movements, and supply lines in Pakistan !
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...we had eight terrorist attack during the month of Jan 2017 while Gen Raheel Sharif sits at WEF and lies through his teeth..the nation has been given the lollypop of Kul Bhushan for the army to wash its hands..

Wow .. Brutal facts. At least there are a few sane Pakistanis
All Muslim countries should bring back their diplomats and put ban on US goods see how US becomes great again. Orange man wants can't dictate or bully Muslim nations. Shame we got so many rulers in Muslim countries who are traitors and are only interested in to preserve their own rule. US is a bank corrupt country run on Arab and Chinese borrowed money and investments. Would KSA will show the balls since they claim they are the custodians of Muslim mosques and what goes with it.

In this case regime change will come to many muslim countries..beside USA no longer exports mom and pop white goods..it exports high tech which is very much needed by the rest of the world..
Trump is a dick head. He should apply his brains and divide the Muslim world. First of all Ban should be enforced on Sunnies and Wahhabies. Rest other sects should be allowed. That way he will shoot two bird in one stone.
CIA will lose it's biggest base in the region. US will lose Afghanistan and influence over Pakistan. Pakistan a strategically important country will find new allies in china and Russia. US will lose more than expected.
Stop the fear mongering.
Trump did not mention banning Pakistan, and neither did anyone in his administration.
CIA will lose it's biggest base in the region. US will lose Afghanistan and influence over Pakistan. Pakistan a strategically important country will find new allies in china and Russia. US will lose more than expected.

Did US lose anything from sanctions on Pakistan earlier?
We lost an entire generation and entire country...had it not been for WOT..we would be another Somalia or Afghanistan today!
Trump is a dick head. He should apply his brains and divide the Muslim world. First of all Ban should be enforced on Sunnies and Wahhabies. Rest other sects should be allowed. That way he will shoot two bird in one stone.
sunnis are 90% muslims. It will pave ways towards caliphate i.e. the real one.

Did US lose anything from sanctions on Pakistan earlier?
We lost an entire generation and entire country...had it not been for WOT..we would be another Somalia or Afghanistan today!
yes they lost Afghanistan to Taliban. This time it will be pro US forces defeated. And now china is strong enough to take the lead as a world leader.
sunnis are 90% muslims. It will pave ways towards caliphate i.e. the real one.

yes they lost Afghanistan to Taliban. This time it will be pro US forces defeated. And now china is strong enough to take the lead as a world leader.

What a bunch of retard arguments..
If US really wills to defeat Taliban..it can bomb Afghanistan to oblivion..and we would later come to know it as great crater of dust...China is not a fix it all duct tape..China is the weakest power of entire club...

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