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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

No body would come back to Pakistan this is a fools dream...ever compared what kind of living standard Pakistan would offer to them? First glass of water in Pakistan would give them life threatening diarrhea...and also does Pakistani state has money to finance scientific R/D ? No ....all that money is sitting offshore...
Lol i've never had diareha drinking pak water, maybe u are a bozo that lives near a nala and drinks from it...
Speak truth and get reported...! Its been 15 years of WOT...and situation in Pakistan has not improved..
It has everything to do with it..today we launch avalanches, in a few years will be creating, tornados, hurricanes, twisters, tsunamis, thunderstorm..and what not...we may don't need fighter-jets...a few farts will destroy all IAF near the border

Pakistan has sacrificed thousand of civilians, soldiers, and officers and still you think, Pakistan is not serious?
No, you just can't fcuk obligation. We are not in position to create enemies, just we can do humble request & give them correct POV , & try to gain trust .
Give them shakeel Afridi which is useless for Pakistan. We need to play smart card.
Whores are fucked without respect in this world, maybe u are one judging from the fact that u advocate bending over backwards so vocally, we've been affording enemies since our conception, niether a new thing nor a bother for us..
That would be Great.

and the question is what is Pakistan going to do about it? take it lying down or reciprocate with a similar ban on Americans including their military personnel and equipment. also prohibit their military aircraft from using our air space.

Stop US cargo to Afganistan if your leaders have guts to do it.
Whores are fucked without respect in this world, maybe u are one judging from the fact that u advocate bending over backwards so vocally, we've been affording enemies since our conception, niether a new thing nor a bother for us..
We lost east Pakistan due to this mindset. You people support enemies of Pakistan like Molana Sami ul haq that openly says he is father of Taliban, you mourns on the death of Hakeem ullah mehsood , Mumtaz qadri and Osama bin Ladin and you people point the "Noor" on face after their death and brainwash our generations. You people are only good to spread extremism. Government will demolish extremism & terrorism , both will go to gutter. No matter how some people cry.
We have to walk with world , and need to continue our policy on war against terrorism. This is in the interest of Pakistan to root out extremism & terrorism, we have no other way
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When you are using american war machines, you should worry not just about spares but about sabotage as well. All that avalanche stuff has nothing to do with this.

You can tell your American buddies to start closing down their mega embassy in Pakistan.

Don't worry about our F-16s. We got plenty of other options to deal with your country very effectively.

I am not talking about sanctions, I am talking about sabotage. You are aware that F-16s are monitored by US personnels in Pakistan. All it will take is a simple software kill switch in F-16 avionics to bring them down.

LOL you ban our people and expect to keep monitoring the F-16s? All rules and regulations are privy to change. LOL at kill switch. The Americans couldn't stop their drone from being hacked by the Iranians. What a shameful episode. Take a hike now.
I do hope its true....

But i have a feeling that even trump is not that stupid...

But this is a full toss and needs to go to boundary as soon as its bowled...

Cut non essential staff from US embassy ..
Cut all allied services..
Reciprocal ban on US citizens travelling to pak..
Cut all intelligence and defence ties...
Let see how this turns out
Chinese have moved past F-16. They stole F-35 secrets long back.

If the Chinese did than your F-16 claims are as hollow as the rest of your claims. After all, F-16 is the last American plane in Pak colours. Our next beast is from China and according to your own admission possibly armed with F-35 tech. Choke on that.

I do hope its true....

But i have a feeling that even trump is not that stupid...

But this is a full toss and needs to go to boundary as soon as its bowled...

Cut non essential staff from US embassy ..
Cut all allied services..
Reciprocal ban on US citizens travelling to pak..
Cut all intelligence and defence ties...
Let see how this turns out

American embassy staff are on their way out after this ban. It will be the last nail in the coffin. The world is sick and tired of these lousy Americans always whining. They can fvck off and live an isolated life. Make America great by grabbing pu$$y and building walls.
If they decide to ban a non-NATO ally like Pakistan, then the future of American foreign policy will be in shambles.

Pakistan is an important strategic partner, and if the US puts a ban on us then it will destroy whatever relations the Americans have and push us further out of their sphere of influence which is bad news for the American defence industry, Republicans, and diplomats in Pakistan. Furthermore it would put a massive question mark over Americas exit strategy in Afghanistan.

LOL these Americans are still contemplating to put Pakistan on the list. They are confused and befuddled whether to go ahead. I hope Trump has the balls to go ahead.
Stop thinking of Pak as beggars, have some self respect. It's a mutual give and take relationship. Israel and india get the highest aid from US/western world, do you ever read any indian referring to themselves as beggars?

Beggars just can't dictate, Truth is bitter and sometimes hurt
Stop thinking of Pak as beggars, have some self respect. It's a mutual give and take relationship. Israel and india get the highest aid from US/western world, do you ever read any indian referring to themselves as beggars?

The beggar argument won't work anymore. It is outdated. This is not 9/11 anymore where we were threatened you are with us or against us. We will bomb you back to Stone Age won't work anymore either.

This is a different Pakistan today.

Beggars don't have nuclear weapons, CPEC or MIRV warheads.
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We have to walk with world , and need to continue our policy on war against terrorism. This is in the interest of Pakistan to root out extremism & terrorism, we have no other way

Only if the policy yield real results...if the policy is tool for so called generals to earn big medals and retirement benefits..then those generals are the first to be hanged...! if you compare the sheer size of India vs Pakistan...there is no common terrorism in India unlike Pakistan despite India having so many insurgencies on its land..
Only if the policy yield real results...if the policy is tool for so called generals to earn big medals and retirement benefits..then those generals are the first to be hanged...! if you compare the sheer size of India vs Pakistan...there is no common terrorism in India unlike Pakistan despite India having so many insurgencies on its land..

Pakistan can root out terrorism without spoiler Uncle Sam. In fact, Pakistan armed forces have fought terror without US help all along. Despite American pressure to do more and blantant lies. Zarb-e-Azb is a clear example where Pak armed forces have destroyed terror emanating from the inside as well as external threats. We did not get any help from our so-called ally. We don't require any lectures on fighting the war on terror from anyone. Pakistan has a proven track record which speaks for itself.

On the contrary, we have seen American failure in Afghanistan and elsewhere. There is a stark contrast.

Pakistan is going to defeat terror on its own. It has the strength, the determination and power to do so.
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