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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

Fair enough! Pakistan and muslim countries should also politely ask for US military bases to be vacated. Every intelligence official could be registered with a local thana and experience Pakistan's famous thanedar hospitality. Oil and construction companies could also be barred the space could be given to China/Russia.

A little game would not hurt anyone.

And a message to indians who are extremely ecstatic and are massively abusing muslims and islam - your call centers will be closed soon so book a slum in advance!
Good luck! you will need it to keep F-16 flying without US help. Feel free to use shortlegged JF-17 to defend Pakistan.
FYI, PAF has reserves of spares for F-16s for the next 5 years... and then there are many alternatives including Turkey..Within those five years JF-17 blk 3 and a few dozen J-31s will already be flying in green colors so don't worry about us...just worry about the avalanche tech that Pakistan has just deployed and employed...and don't call me stupid as the source is IA chief himself..so directly from horse..no sorry..donkey's mouth. :lol:
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FYI, PAF has reserves of spares for F-16s for next years... and then there are many alternatives including Turkey..Within those five years JF-17 blk 3 and a few dozen J-31s will already be flying in green colors so don't worry about us...just worry about the avalanche tech that Pakistan has just deployed and employed...and don't call me stupid as the source is IA chief himself..so directly from horse..no sorry..donkey's mouth. :lol:

When you are using american war machines, you should worry not just about spares but about sabotage as well. All that avalanche stuff has nothing to do with this.
No doubt , no international player want to come in Pakistan but terrorism & extremism is decreasing. I don't think trump will add Pakistan in the list, if they ban Pakistan then this is just temporary so that no extremist escape in U.S.A

It will decrease faster with trump threats...so far terrorism was rewarding for some people who made money and ranks out of it...not anymore...
The whole clandestine apparatus, and reinforced during zardari's rule would fall like a house of cards.
Yeh our FM Nawaz Sharif will condem and Bully trump too.Mr trump u don't know Panama u don't know us
If any thing block 52 will be dissected to bone and technology rereated with chinese help... some thing we cannot do at moment
Same reason Chinese want to keep us out from j20 and j31 development, So no TOT, they believe strength/weakness & technology can fall in U.S.A hand as U.S.A is old ally,
When you plays with other technology, don't fulfill international obligations and terms of service , then Trust ends and no body trust you . If you are customer, you must meet terms of service & international obligations.
When you are using american war machines, you should worry not just about spares but about sabotage as well. All that avalanche stuff has nothing to do with this.
:woot: and we Pakistanis believe in the conspiracy theories. Right?
Same reason Chinese want to keep us out from j20 and j31 development, So no TOT, they believe strength/weakness & technology can fall in U.S.A hand as U.S.A is old ally,
When you plays with other technology, don't fulfill international obligations and terms of service , then Trust ends and no body trust you . If you are customer, you must meet terms of service & international obligations.

Fck obligations... f16 were shifted to china before .... at start of jf17 project...
What do u expect us to do when they put pak on travel ban...bend over??
All that avalanche stuff has nothing to do with this.
It has everything to do with it..today we launch avalanches, in a few years will be creating, tornados, hurricanes, twisters, tsunamis, thunderstorm..and what not...we may don't need fighter-jets...a few farts will destroy all IAF near the border

Speak truth and get reported...! Its been 15 years of WOT...and situation in Pakistan has not improved..
Pakistan has sacrificed thousand of civilians, soldiers, and officers and still you think, Pakistan is not serious?
Fck obligations... f16 were shifted to china before .... at start of jf17 project...
What do u expect us to do when they put pak on travel ban...bend over??
No, you just can't fcuk obligation. We are not in position to create enemies, just we can do humble request & give them correct POV , & try to gain trust .
Give them shakeel Afridi which is useless for Pakistan. We need to play smart card.
No, you just can't fcuk obligation. We are not in position to create enemies, just we can do humble request & give them correct POV , & try to gain trust .
Give them shakeel Afridi which is useless for Pakistan. We need to play smart card.

America is an un announced enemy...

Where is ttp leadership at the moment?? Not in india

We have been playing smartly since 2001...

We are a nuclear power .... its time to play a bit rough
Pakistan has sacrificed thousand of civilians, soldiers, and officers and still you think, Pakistan is not serious?

these are not sacrifices because nobody went to the market willingly to be blown up by a bomb..these are plain cut terrorist attacks..and represents the failure of state in securing its citizens from the naked threat of terrorism..because the government and the military commanders were busy milking the cash cow of WOT for personal enrichment..where did Mushraff and Kayani build their assests from? Raheel Sharif bought some seriousness into the efforts but again it was more propaganda and less substance..when there are more terrorist attacks inside a country than number of weeks in a month..we are going to end up as laughing stock of the world....I know myself..people in Sawat aligned with terrorist and funding them as well...what do i get by launching a complain with FIA?? Only personal harassment..and attitude like..."yehan per to aisa hi hota ha" ...

Pakistani elite is only interested in infinite extension of WOT drama so maximum money can be stuffed in some people pocket...do you think a country where jokers like Zardari, Nawaz can grab power multiple times can do something seriously?? the answer is NO....

Mean time the nation and front line soldiers will continue to pay the price in blood..but again...no body won a war by dying for their country...they won it by making other fools do it...

Encashing terrible loss of life as heroic national sacrifices is the lowest point a nation could be...because those who glorify it have nothing to lose..they enjoy the comfort knowing their family and possessions are out of reach from terrorist attacks..and they are well connected...well protected.

What Trump is fed up with Pakistan is same as what every citizen is fed up of....constant lies, lies and more lies....lies in media, lies in government, lies in military....lies coupled with sheet incompetence makes a failed state..
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...we had eight terrorist attack during the month of Jan 2017 while Gen Raheel Sharif sits at WEF and lies through his teeth..the nation has been given the lollypop of Kul Bhushan for the army to wash its hands..
Special kind o idiot sorry indiot arent u?

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