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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

Stop thinking of Pak as beggars, have some self respect. It's a mutual give and take relationship. Israel and india get the highest aid from US/western world, do you ever read any indian referring to themselves as beggars?
Where is proof India is getting highest aid from U.S.A, as far as I know they are investing in U.S.A heavily and purchasing costly military gadgets of the world, same India case with Russia , how they purchase most expensive items of world.
India doesn't keep bowl with them. But no doubt they are cry babies when policy with Pakistan on any issue.
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do some research yourself, btw what we received from US was not aid, it was the cost of our services for the wot.
Guys forget about the mentle slaves.... irritating and annoying they are..

Lets focus on topic on hand
He is right & I think he is telling truth , Count the terrorist attacks happened in pakistan in last 3 years compare to other countries but no doubt it is decreasing

terrorism did not dawn upon us like a shock & awe surprise out of blue...it was years of deliberate policy making on behalf of state and military...starting with obsession of India...conquest of Kashmir by Jihad? the defeat of evil empire...the narrative sold to public makes a good fiction for Nasim Hajazi novels..it was far from reality...beside the Afghan Jihad ended in 1990 with Afghanistan stabilized under Pro-Pak taliban regime? What did we do to help them bring on the table with the world? Instead we played along with the US plans of accessing central Asian energy and later used Talibans as a state instrument of denial..what did we get in return?? often it is said that US sanctions were result of Pak Nuke program..but there is a wider picture...it was result of us considering Afghanistan as our back yard and Taliban as our policy yard stick..

do know you how much wealth some lowest ranks retired officers of Pak army have comfortably stashed in US and Canada??? Because they knew the state was making fool of its public..and this country offered them no future..they stashed as much wealth as they could..and immigrated to US and Canada with their families...to live a comfortable life..if the stated accorded them the same..things would be different today...there are bitter realities of politics which are not black and white..rather shades of grey..

What made us lose East-Pakistan was neither mujeeb nor india..it was the same hate infested mentality and the use of terror...as instrument of governance...

Pakistan can root out terrorism without spoiler Uncle Sam. In fact, Pakistan armed forces have fought terror without US help all along. Despite American pressure to do more and blantant lies. Zarb-e-Azb is a clear example where Pak armed forces have destroyed terror emanating from the inside as well as external threats. We did not get any help from our so-called ally. We don't require any lectures on fighting the war on terror from anyone. Pakistan has a proven track record which speaks for itself.

On the contrary, we have seen American failure in Afghanistan and elsewhere. There is a stark contrast.

Pakistan is going to defeat terror on its own. It has the strength, the determination and power to do so.

the whole WOT runs on the back of Uncle Sam pressure..otherwise we created these so called terrorist we are fighting back today....and without uncle sam pressure..they would have alight the whole country in fire..what makes you think we could fight back a monster on our own will which we created at first place??

I know the Pakistan of 90s...stinky place..! dont remind me! Mullahs ruled the day..!
terrorism did not dawn upon us like a shock & awe surprise out of blue...it was years of deliberate policy making on behalf of state and military...starting with obsession of India...conquest of Kashmir by Jihad? the defeat of evil empire...the narrative sold to public makes a good fiction for Nasim Hajazi novels..it was far from reality...beside the Afghan Jihad ended in 1990 with Afghanistan stabilized under Pro-Pak taliban regime? What did we do to help them bring on the table with the world? Instead we played along with the US plans of accessing central Asian energy and later used Talibans as a state instrument of denial..what did we get in return?? often it is said that US sanctions were result of Pak Nuke program..but there is a wider picture...it was result of us considering Afghanistan as our back yard and Taliban as our policy yard stick..

do know you how much wealth some lowest ranks retired officers of Pak army have comfortably stashed in US and Canada??? Because they knew the state was making fool of its public..and this country offered them no future..they stashed as much wealth as they could..and immigrated to US and Canada with their families...to live a comfortable life..if the stated accorded them the same..things would be different today...there are bitter realities of politics which are not black and white..rather shades of grey..

No doubt we have jackals among us. They belong to every part of the society. From Shakeel Afridi, to five star generals and our corrupt civilian leaders. That doesn't mean that we don't have good people who are doing tremendous work day and night.

terrorism did not dawn upon us like a shock & awe surprise out of blue...it was years of deliberate policy making on behalf of state and military...starting with obsession of India...conquest of Kashmir by Jihad? the defeat of evil empire...the narrative sold to public makes a good fiction for Nasim Hajazi novels..it was far from reality...beside the Afghan Jihad ended in 1990 with Afghanistan stabilized under Pro-Pak taliban regime? What did we do to help them bring on the table with the world? Instead we played along with the US plans of accessing central Asian energy and later used Talibans as a state instrument of denial..what did we get in return?? often it is said that US sanctions were result of Pak Nuke program..but there is a wider picture...it was result of us considering Afghanistan as our back yard and Taliban as our policy yard stick..

do know you how much wealth some lowest ranks retired officers of Pak army have comfortably stashed in US and Canada??? Because they knew the state was making fool of its public..and this country offered them no future..they stashed as much wealth as they could..and immigrated to US and Canada with their families...to live a comfortable life..if the stated accorded them the same..things would be different today...there are bitter realities of politics which are not black and white..rather shades of grey..

the whole WOT runs on the back of Uncle Sam pressure..otherwise we created these so called terrorist we are fighting back today....and without uncle sam pressure..they would have alight the whole country in fire..what makes you think we could fight back a monster on our own will which we created at first place??

Stop being a simpleton. You know it and the whole world knows where the terror problem started. We shouldn't have sided with American sponsored Mujahideen fighters during the Cold War. This is where it all went wrong for Pakistan.

That is the past now and we have to look at the future. The future is what we make of it. If you keep being stuck in the past there is no future. By all means defeat terror, but stop being an American proxy. Stop living on American aid tied with a million conditions. Learn to stand on your own feet. As long as you don't, you'll remain a pushover.
terrorism did not dawn upon us like a shock & awe surprise out of blue...it was years of deliberate policy making on behalf of state and military...starting with obsession of India...conquest of Kashmir by Jihad? the defeat of evil empire...the narrative sold to public makes a good fiction for Nasim Hajazi novels..it was far from reality...beside the Afghan Jihad ended in 1990 with Afghanistan stabilized under Pro-Pak taliban regime? What did we do to help them bring on the table with the world? Instead we played along with the US plans of accessing central Asian energy and later used Talibans as a state instrument of denial..what did we get in return?? often it is said that US sanctions were result of Pak Nuke program..but there is a wider picture...it was result of us considering Afghanistan as our back yard and Taliban as our policy yard stick..

do know you how much wealth some lowest ranks retired officers of Pak army have comfortably stashed in US and Canada??? Because they knew the state was making fool of its public..and this country offered them no future..they stashed as much wealth as they could..and immigrated to US and Canada with their families...to live a comfortable life..if the stated accorded them the same..things would be different today...there are bitter realities of politics which are not black and white..rather shades of grey..
We started wars in name of jihad like one Muslim = 10 Hindu, but we didn't get single centimeter of their land. Still there are people expecting to win war in Kashmir, I sometimes think they don't care of Kashmiri people, more they support, more they suffer, more dead, mAny are becoming blind.
Do you know Hurrayat leader Syed Ali gilani , he mourns on death of Osama bin Ladin and He offered funeral prayer in front of media, while his children spending lavish life in abroad.
Few people lives in delusional world. Also during past, sending mujahideen there , they kills civilians in India too, they gave bad name to country in whole world, but thanks to Musharraf he stopped this policy to send mujahideen in India for jihad.
We are new in democracy, so I hope government will do check & balance related to spendings on high ranks officers in military.
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That would be Great.

and the question is what is Pakistan going to do about it? take it lying down or reciprocate with a similar ban on Americans including their military personnel and equipment. also prohibit their military aircraft from using our air space.

Pakistan should kick out the American Consulate and tell the Americans Fascists aren't welcome.
terrorism did not dawn upon us like a shock & awe surprise out of blue...it was years of deliberate policy making on behalf of state and military...starting with obsession of India...conquest of Kashmir by Jihad? the defeat of evil empire...the narrative sold to public makes a good fiction for Nasim Hajazi novels..it was far from reality...beside the Afghan Jihad ended in 1990 with Afghanistan stabilized under Pro-Pak taliban regime? What did we do to help them bring on the table with the world? Instead we played along with the US plans of accessing central Asian energy and later used Talibans as a state instrument of denial..what did we get in return?? often it is said that US sanctions were result of Pak Nuke program..but there is a wider picture...it was result of us considering Afghanistan as our back yard and Taliban as our policy yard stick..

do know you how much wealth some lowest ranks retired officers of Pak army have comfortably stashed in US and Canada??? Because they knew the state was making fool of its public..and this country offered them no future..they stashed as much wealth as they could..and immigrated to US and Canada with their families...to live a comfortable life..if the stated accorded them the same..things would be different today...there are bitter realities of politics which are not black and white..rather shades of grey..

What made us lose East-Pakistan was neither mujeeb nor india..it was the same hate infested mentality and the use of terror...as instrument of governance...

the whole WOT runs on the back of Uncle Sam pressure..otherwise we created these so called terrorist we are fighting back today....and without uncle sam pressure..they would have alight the whole country in fire..what makes you think we could fight back a monster on our own will which we created at first place??

I know the Pakistan of 90s...stinky place..! dont remind me! Mullahs ruled the day..!

LOL stop fooling yourself. Close the border with Afghanistan and deport Afghans. Half of the terror problem will disappear there and then. The other half is a matter of keeping crazy fanatics in check. There is your formula to beating terror.

You are only right about one thing and that is our leaders' addiction of aid. That needs to end.

We started wars in name of jihad like one Muslim = 10 Hindu, but we didn't get single centimeter of their land. Still there are people expecting to win war in Kashmir, I sometimes think they don't care of Kashmiri people, more they support, more they suffer, more dead, mAny are becoming blind.
Do you know Hurrayat leader Syed Ali gilani , he mourns on death of Osama bin Ladin and offered funeral prayer in front of media, while his children spending lavish life in abroad.
Few people lives in delusional world. Also during past, sending mujahideen there , they kills there civilians too, they gave bad name to country in whole world, but thanks to Musharraf he stopped this policy to send mujahideen in India for jihad

Osama bin Laden was also a freedom fighter of the Americans who fought alongside the Mujahideen during the Cold War. Are you even aware of this fact?

You are so concerned about Pakistan sending fighters to Kashmir. How about India sending suicide bombers to Pakistan through their terror factories across the border in Afghanistan? What about Indian support for terrorist groups in Balochistan? Where is your outrage for these terror activities?

Fvck the world. No one gives a fvck about the world. Ask the Palestinians who don't have a land and are bullied and killed by the Israelis. Ask them whether they care about the world or the world cares about them. Ask the Syrians who get raped and killed on a daily basis. Does the world care? No one bats an eyelid. No one gives a hoot. Only the weak are worried about the world instead of their own security and interests. All that matters is what our goals are. Stop being naive. The world is a cruel place. Appeasement is weakness.
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Osama bin Laden was also a freedom fighter of the Americans who fought alongside the Mujahideen during the Cold War. Are you even aware of this fact?
America is not Muslim country, fatwa doesn't matter related to mujahideen Of Osama bin Ladin or in Kashmir
Trump administration might extend visa suspension to Pakistan
DAWN.COM — PUBLISHED about an hour ago
An official with the Trump administration has hinted that the recent suspension imposed on travel from seven Muslim countries might be extended to other countries. including Pakistan.

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, while talking on CBS News, clarified that this is "not a Muslim ban".

“You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others - perhaps we need to take it further,” said Priebus.

“But for now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries," added the White House chief of staff.

The official also said the seven countries included in the suspension were chosen by the Congress and the Obama administration, as the countries were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country.

He also reiterated that President Trump is merely following up on his campaign promises.

On Friday, Trump signed a sweeping new executive order to suspend refugee arrivals and imposed tough new controls on travellers from seven Muslim countries.

Making good on one of his most controversial campaign promises, and to the horror of human rights groups, Trump said he was making America safe from “radical Islamic terrorists”.

Trump's decree suspends the entire US refugee resettlement programme for at least 120 days while tough new vetting rules are established.

These new protocols will “ensure that those approved for refugee admission do not pose a threat to the security and welfare of the United States”. In addition, it specifically bars Syrian refugees from the US indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat.

Meanwhile, no visas will be issued for 90 days to migrants or visitors from seven mainly-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


Anyone who supports any kind of ban is a fool. As an American Muslim, this is really disturbing. However, this list is definitely gonna be extended. This is just the beginning in my opinion.
Hints, might, at the moment etc, it's all speculation until it happens. There is way too much riding on this at the moment.
The USA created OBL and all of his friends. Stop fooling yourself.
As said America is not Muslim country, they did it to break USSR and they used ISI and Us with other allied forces to break USSR, but taliban killed their citizen. Then, They didn't support them. But here still Molana Sami ul haq says he is father of taliban & nobody protest.
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LOL stop fooling yourself. Close the border with Afghanistan and deport Afghans. Half of the terror problem will disappear there and then. The other half is a matter of keeping crazy fanatics in check. There is your formula to beating terror.

You are only right about one thing and that is our leaders' addiction of aid. That needs to end.

As a matter of policy when?? These refugees have been here with our complicit, tactic and explicit approval..even if we end terrorism inside our borders...what are we going to do with thousands outside our border???

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