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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

What a bunch of retard arguments..
If US really wills to defeat Taliban..it can bomb Afghanistan to oblivion..and we would later come to know it as great crater of dust...China is not a fix it all duct tape..China is the weakest power of entire club...

Afghanistan was bombed to dust by russians... they still lost
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...we had eight terrorist attack during the month of Jan 2017 while Gen Raheel Sharif sits at WEF and lies through his teeth..the nation has been given the lollypop of Kul Bhushan for the army to wash its hands..
Yes there were 8 attacks this month.But there were a lot few in the last three years
People are talking about brain drain.Pakistan produces how many graduates each year.there is no industry for them to work.An electrical engineer in pakistan is considered an electrition
saudi deserve to be no1 in any such terror ban list, they are, after all, responsible for all the terror problems in Pakistan as well.

Trump needs to strike at the heart of evil, go for the jugular and regime change + tremendous bombing in the evil kingdom.. and if not that, then at the very least, the US should call out wahhabism by name.
well if it happens then atleast it shoud be a wakeup call for our people and they should realise that their own country is the best and working hard their can earn them everything with freedom :)
If the aim is to make US safer, this ban is counter productive... its gives fuel to propoganda ..... nothing can be achieved in 90 days of ban... and none of these immigrants have been involved in terrorism in US...

As for banning pak saudi or egypt is concerned... thats very unlikely... as implications can be huge if counter steps are taken by each of these countries
NO NO NO, you all have it so bloody wrong. The ban is not due to terrorist threat, its because of the status of Pakistan as a Banana Republic with no clear foreign policy, no clear policy to effectively neutralize terrorist threats, no policy to make sure terrorists wont proliferate to other countries, no policy about anything. When our courts won't punish terrorism and our government will not let military courts work properly, who are we to blame others for banning us.

If tomorrow our government of morons along with our coward Generals will clear out misconceptions and develop a beautify synced policy between civil and military security apparatus and market the results produced from it, no country on earth will threaten us a Ban, Today its USA, tomorrow it could be Canada, or Australia, what will we do then?


OUR GENERALS need to end policy of appeasement towards INDIA, towards USA, and towards any other nation on earth. Open up your God damn mouths when the world powers are threatening to ban us. OPEN IT FOR ONE Damn SECOND and GROW A PAIR OF BALLS!

OUR GOD DAMN foreign funded Democratic setup should END policy of appeasement towards INDIA, towards USA and towards rest of the world. Open up your ugly fat mouths too. Imran Khan F-Y for appeasing TRUMP just to gain his support in hopes of coming into power.

We are nation of a lunatics with no policy, no cohesion, everyone is barking a DIFFERENT thing left and right. Damn THE POLICY OF APPEASEMENT by our generals, by our government, by our civil society and EACH and every single Politician and Damn everyone who maintains it. GROW some balls you slaves of this poor nation who pay for your lavish life styles with their BLOOD. Have some shame, if you cant, then die of SHAME. Dont blame USA but the lunatics who we follow and hold in high regard and they end up disappointing us each and every single time.
When you are using american war machines, you should worry not just about spares but about sabotage as well. All that avalanche stuff has nothing to do with this.
How ignorant you are. Do you know Iranian war machinery never rusted out after Khomaini's take over, and their US made fighter jets are still operating

You just made my day in the morning...Will share it....:rofl:

@friendly_troll96 @Zibago @Areesh @GumNaam

If the aim is to make US safer, this ban is counter productive... its gives fuel to propoganda ..... nothing can be achieved in 90 days of ban... and none of these immigrants have been involved in terrorism in US...

As for banning pak saudi or egypt is concerned... thats very unlikely... as implications can be huge if counter steps are taken by each of these countries

Exactly...I hope sane minds prevail in Trump administration....We need to be proactive.. I hope our foreign office is already in contacts regarding this....This is just unacceptable and will cause unrest/anger in Pakistan....

NO NO NO, you all have it so bloody wrong. The ban is not due to terrorist threat, its because of the status of Pakistan as a Banana Republic with no clear foreign policy, no clear policy to effectively neutralize terrorist threats, no policy to make sure terrorists wont proliferate to other countries, no policy about anything. When our courts won't punish terrorism and our government will not let military courts work properly, who are we to blame others for banning us.

If tomorrow our government of morons along with our coward Generals will clear out misconceptions and develop a beautify synced policy between civil and military security apparatus and market the results produced from it, no country on earth will threaten us a Ban, Today its USA, tomorrow it could be Canada, or Australia, what will we do then?


OUR GENERALS need to end policy of appeasement towards INDIA, towards USA, and towards any other nation on earth. Open up your God damn mouths when the world powers are threatening to ban us. OPEN IT FOR ONE Damn SECOND and GROW A PAIR OF BALLS!

OUR GOD DAMN foreign funded Democratic setup should END policy of appeasement towards INDIA, towards USA and towards rest of the world. Open up your ugly fat mouths too. Imran Khan F-Y for appeasing TRUMP just to gain his support in hopes of coming into power.

We are nation of a lunatics with no policy, no cohesion, everyone is barking a DIFFERENT thing left and right. Damn THE POLICY OF APPEASEMENT by our generals, by our government, by our civil society and EACH and every single Politician and Damn everyone who maintains it. GROW some balls you slaves of this poor nation who pay for your lavish life styles with their BLOOD. Have some shame, if you cant, then die of SHAME. Dont blame USA but the lunatics who we follow and hold in high regard and they end up disappointing us each and every single time.

Pakistan never appeased anyone...US and Pakistan don't enjoy cordial relations...There's a reason for that...
Pakistan never appeased anyone...US and Pakistan don't enjoy cordial relations...There's a reason for that...

Like you typing here 10 words here changes the blatant facts all around us like oxygen. Pfffffft. Pretty sure you dont even know the meaning of the word appeasement. Let me ease it out for you, it means a 'shameless bootlicker' All of the God Fathers Pakistan ever produced have always been boot licking one world power or another. Our illiterate civil society who thinks they are educated because they know how to tweet has never read the word appeasement in their entire academic lives let alone be able to grasp what appeasement is and its many forms.

Whole of Pakistani nation was fathered by Neville chamberlain, hence like father, like SON. Till we learn to Grow a pair of balls or import a few (because i dont think we can grow a pair anymore we will face such bans and many more in coming days, ENJOY

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