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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

I love it when our people will jump more than any westerner to defend merica! The greatest tragedy is this!

Said somebody with a British flag..are you going to get everyone British immigration??
Ppl living in western countries and cheering up on sanctions on Pakistan..does it get more sick and perverted than this?? Most of these burgers boys of PDF with western flags want the return of 90's sanctioned Pakistan so when they go back on holidays and act cool with all their foreign bought gadgets!
Said somebody with a British flag..are you going to get everyone British immigration??
Ppl living in western countries and cheering up on sanctions on Pakistan..does it get more sick and perverted than this?? Most of these burgers boys of PDF with western flags want the return of 90's sanctioned Pakistan so when they go back on holidays and act cool with all their foreign bought gadgets!
says you in Saudi?
i wish they actually change their threats to actions. It would be the last nail in the coffin. Our government might be ready for them in the future but same will not hold true for the masses. Even now majority of Pakistani's hate their love and hate relationship with Pakistan.... Trump will only add fuel to the fire.
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...we had eight terrorist attack during the month of Jan 2017 while Gen Raheel Sharif sits at WEF and lies through his teeth..the nation has been given the lollypop of Kul Bhushan for the army to wash its hands..
You are not somebozo you are actually a bozo who thinks he is an expert on everything, my dear key board critic stop blaming Pakistan and show some respect the country of your origin.
i wish they actually change their threats to actions. It would be the last nail in the coffin. Our government might be ready for them in the future but same will not hold true for the masses. Even now majority of Pakistani's hate their love and hate relationship with Pakistan.... Trump will only add fuel to the fire.

Go to US embassy any day and look at the line of people desperate to go to US..people pay upto 15 Lakhs for an invitation letter to get a US visa..

You are not somebozo you are actually a bozo who thinks he is an expert on everything, my dear key board critic stop blaming Pakistan and show some respect the country of your origin.

Respect does not mean ignoring facts and reality..I lived through the entire taliban and madrassa era..I know how deeply the state was involved in this dirty business..the major kernal mafia which made millions out of drug peddling.....nobody hands are clean here...but the military is the least clean..especially as you go up the ranks...!
And forget all the F-16. They will never fly again then.
I know it's an indiot dream, people would realise later as why we are looking for used f16...btw when we were not actually sanctioned before, in 60s, 70s, 90s....then Uncle Sam come back to us.
Whatever they find good for their nation. However Philanthropists from Pakistan must be allowed to travel any nook & corner of planet.
I am not cheering up for sanctions on Pakistan either...I suggest govt engage and navigate away the risk of sanctions
that is a 180 degree from saying all of this bull crap;

"Said somebody with a British flag..are you going to get everyone British immigration??
Ppl living in western countries and cheering up on sanctions on Pakistan..does it get more sick and perverted than this?? Most of these burgers boys of PDF with western flags want the return of 90's sanctioned Pakistan so when they go back on holidays and act cool with all their foreign bought gadgets!

Where you may have a extremely bad outlook to Pakistan I do not. Is america god?
That phone call doesn't tell us much, wait and see how Syria turns out.

8 years of President Trump vs radical islamic terrorism, this is going to be glorious, you watch.
8 years...let him survive the 4 years first, I know it's an indiot and trumps dream but republicans won't allow hacking again.
anyone else get the feeling that after the initial 90 days order of banning the 7 countries, Trump isn't really gona bother with the nation bans due to the backlash he has received.
anyone else get the feeling that after the initial 90 days order of banning the 7 countries, Trump isn't really gona bother with the nation bans due to the backlash he has received.
forget Pakistan for one sec and how are Iraqi people feeling that trump goes to CIA HQ and says iraqi oil should be sold and money given to american ex servicemen! as if they haven't suffered enough by what was done to them.
Then we have Pakistanis bragging some superiority of US product and claim Pakistan shall continue to buy American miitary product and continue be loyal at American despite being spit at and trample. How Pakistan and US shall continue to cooperate! :lol:

Pakistanis who support and claim superiority of US military product and advocate continue buying them are disgrace and insult to Pakistan as a sovereignty.

They may wave the Pakistani flag but in their heart their allegiance is towards modi and his terrorists. So, ignore those traitors but I'm surprised how generously they are treated by the other Pakistanis just because they happen to wave the flag.
They may wave the Pakistani flag but in their heart their allegiance is towards modi and his terrorists. So, ignore those traitors but I'm surprised how generously they are treated by the other Pakistanis just because they happen to wave the flag.
One addition I would make to your statement, they see america as their god they way they have started the arse kissing in a flurry of self abuse.
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