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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

That would be Great.

and the question is what is Pakistan going to do about it? take it lying down or reciprocate with a similar ban on Americans including their military personnel and equipment. also prohibit their military aircraft from using our air space.
we will do what we always do best. issue a statement.
"we strongly CONDEMN this move. it will deteriorate the relations between the two countries"
Has any Pakistani origin person done terrorism in US soil?
If the answer of the above question is yes then USA must at least screen every person coming from Pakistan thoroughly.
Complete ban is not possible.
Trump administration might extend visa suspension to Pakistan
DAWN.COM — PUBLISHED about an hour ago
An official with the Trump administration has hinted that the recent suspension imposed on travel from seven Muslim countries might be extended to other countries. including Pakistan.

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, while talking on CBS News, clarified that this is "not a Muslim ban".

“You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others - perhaps we need to take it further,” said Priebus.

“But for now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries," added the White House chief of staff.

The official also said the seven countries included in the suspension were chosen by the Congress and the Obama administration, as the countries were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country.

He also reiterated that President Trump is merely following up on his campaign promises.

On Friday, Trump signed a sweeping new executive order to suspend refugee arrivals and imposed tough new controls on travellers from seven Muslim countries.

Making good on one of his most controversial campaign promises, and to the horror of human rights groups, Trump said he was making America safe from “radical Islamic terrorists”.

Trump's decree suspends the entire US refugee resettlement programme for at least 120 days while tough new vetting rules are established.

These new protocols will “ensure that those approved for refugee admission do not pose a threat to the security and welfare of the United States”. In addition, it specifically bars Syrian refugees from the US indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat.

Meanwhile, no visas will be issued for 90 days to migrants or visitors from seven mainly-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


The only reason they have not done it because for mow they need our cooperation to fight ISIS, if we refuse their terms and conditions then ban may come immediately or if we accept their terms and conditions then it may come after getting job done, US don't see Pakistan as useful as India now so what India like they might do with Pakistan.
You will see all the US based Pakistanis disappear from this website now. There was one who openly spoke about slaughtering Hindus, I asked for his name and he never posted here again. This forum is the only anti-Hindu site on the internet. It will not go un-noticed. Remember this post!
That would be Great.

and the question is what is Pakistan going to do about it? take it lying down or reciprocate with a similar ban on Americans including their military personnel and equipment. also prohibit their military aircraft from using our air space.

The only thing bad about it is that US is largest export destination of Pakistani goods, should find new markets fast.
USA will not ban Pakistanis officially but secret orders would be there to be as strict as possible and number of pakistanis travelling to US will be decreased... and Pakistani spineless govt will not do anything about it
Why would that be, unless the management of PDF decides so?
Don't you think this forum strongly expresses Anti-US sentiments and religious ill-tolerance? Extreme vetting may also mean studying such sentiments.. My view..don't have to agree.
Go to US embassy any day and look at the line of people desperate to go to US..people pay upto 15 Lakhs for an invitation letter to get a US visa..

Respect does not mean ignoring facts and reality..I lived through the entire taliban and madrassa era..I know how deeply the state was involved in this dirty business..the major kernal mafia which made millions out of drug peddling.....nobody hands are clean here...but the military is the least clean..especially as you go up the ranks...!
Been there ... I agree.
But that still does not reflect the general hatred prevailing in the society.... till they actually get a chance to go there themselves
Don't you think this forum strongly expresses Anti-US sentiments and religious ill-tolerance? Extreme vetting may also mean studying such sentiments.. My view..don't have to agree.

This forum and its members are entitled to their views, and to express them according to the rules set by them. Absolutely. The vetting process is not swayed by such views.
Due process takes time. This ban will be challenged and appealed, likely all the way to the Supreme Court.

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