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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

Exactly..coming to Pakistan would be last choice for someone even being forcibly deported..I happen to know a few..they find their way to UAE and Oman instead of living in Pakistan...

No...i dont plan to...I do come occasionally...but cannot survive for long.

You like to badmouth this country, yet you like to visit it occasionally. If it is so terrible, you shouldn't come to Pakistan. Just stay in Saudi Arabia. I'm sure you will be fine.
You like to badmouth this country, yet you like to visit it occasionally. If it is so terrible, you shouldn't come to Pakistan. Just stay in Saudi Arabia. I'm sure you will be fine.

Pointing facts is not bad mounting...if we eliminate the top goon monopoly we can prosper economically by a big margin..hand full of people have made business and economy their monopoly in this country...
He was in Pakistan....and US didnt care one bit about Pakistan's nuclear weapons....they went after him without telling Pakistan (lack of trust, frenemy concept etc) and violated Pakistan sovereignty severely in the process.

Now you can keep fantasizing about Trump getting his butt kicked as much as you want, fact of the matter is that the US touches and squeezes Pakistan whenever it feels it needs to.

LOL at this foolish Indian. According to your own American friends the whole thing was choreographed. Try denying that. Don't give us this crap about America coming in our land without our permission.

LOL at the US doesn't care about Pakistani nuclear weapons. Yeah right. Pakistani nuclear weapons are an American obsession.

Why don't you just bring it on? I mean, aren't you the same suckers who blame Pakistan for your own Mumbai 9/11? LOL What did you do about it apart from a fake surgical strike? You are just a tiny malnourished keyboard warrior. You are irrelevant and so are your thoughts.

Pointing facts is not bad mounting...if we eliminate the top goon monopoly we can prosper economically by a big margin..hand full of people have made business and economy their monopoly in this country...

Pakistan will be fine without your "factual" advise. We don't require lectures from someone who has only bad things to say about our land.

Like as if we don't know corruption and mismanagement exists in Pakistan. That is not going to be a reason for me to badmouth an entire nation of 200 million people. Just look at India where corruption and mismanagement practically amounts to religion. It makes Pakistan look like kindergarten stuff.

I hope the US implements it asap, as it will serve one purpose and that is bring more hatred in the eyes of the Pakistanis and further help in bringing more distances between the two countries.

Let them do it. It will serve our interests. Like I have already said so many times. The Americans are digging their own grave.
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Some important background information:


What is the scope of a president’s executive orders?
Jan 31st 2017

DONALD TRUMP has not wasted time fulfiling campaign promises. In just his first week as America’s 45th president, Mr Trump signed executive orders and memoranda freezing federal hiring, backing out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, defunding “sanctuary cities” that protect unauthorised immigrants, undermining Obamacare, restoring the “global gag rule” on abortion counselling, restarting the construction of two controversial oil pipelines through Native American lands, building a wall on the nation’s southern border, blocking Syrian refugees and residents of several majority-Muslim countries from immigrating to the United States and slashing regulations on businesses. These moves have provoked fierce criticism from Democrats and studied silence from most Republicans. What are executive orders, and what limits a president’s authority to issue them?

Only Congress can make laws; it is the executive branch’s duty to enforce them. Article II of the constitution specifies that presidents "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed", and they take an oath to do just that on inauguration day. But as John Locke pointed out in his “Second Treatise of Government,” gaps and ambiguities are hallmarks of written law. “[A] latitude”, Locke wrote, must be “left to the executive power, to do many things of choice which the laws do not prescribe”. When on January 25th he ordered the erection of a wall on the Mexican border, for example, Mr Trump claimed to be acting under the Immigration and Nationality Act and two other statutes. This move, he wrote, was designed to protect America’s “safety and territorial integrity” and to “ensure that the nation's immigration laws are faithfully executed”.

When a president’s executive order crosses into the realm of policymaking or violates the law, lawsuits pop up. Barack Obama’s 2014 decision to shield the parents of American citizens from deportation, for example, was halted by a federal district judge in Texas before it could get off the ground. (The Supreme Court later split 4-4 on whether Mr Obama’s order exceeded his authority, leaving the injunction in place.) Legislative officials sometimes rise in opposition, too. Pre-empting a rumoured order restoring the use of torture as an interrogation technique for suspected terrorists, John McCain, a Republican senator, said that Mr Trump “can sign whatever executive orders he likes. But the law is the law. We are not bringing back torture in the United States of America”. Other legislators will be keeping an eye on Mr Trump’s use of the presidential pen. In questioning Jeff Sessions, Mr Trump’s pick for attorney general, Ben Sasse, a Republican senator from Nebraska, noted his disdain for Barack Obama’s use of the privilege. Mr Sasse signalled that he would not countenance an imperial Trump presidency, either: the 44th president "exacerbated...political polarisation", he told Mr Sessions, "by saying he didn't have legal authority to do things and subsequently doing exactly those things"; it is a "crisis", he continued, "when kids don't understand the distinction between the legislative and executive branches".

Few presidents hesitate to put their executive power to quick use. Mr Obama issued fewer orders than most, averaging 35 a year (compared to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 307, the peak, and 36 and 46 for George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, respectively). But Mr Obama came out swinging, too, putting his name to 17 orders during the first month of his presidency. Not every signature bears fruit: Barack Obama ordered the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention centre on January 22nd, 2009, a facility that still housed 41 inmates when he left office. The boldness of Mr Trump’s volley of orders in the opening days of his presidency may be similarly tempered, and the entry ban has already met with judicial resistance. Further court challenges are likely: threatening sanctuary cities with a loss of federal funding may violate the Tenth Amendment and the abortion gag rule runs up against the First.
I hope the US implements it asap, as it will serve one purpose and that is bring more hatred in the eyes of the Pakistanis and further help in bringing more distances between the two countries.
Who made this guy a moderator and a senior one at that?


America is different to the Netherlands.
LOL at this Indian elephant.

Fool. Stop comparing racist America with The Netherlands. Pakistanis are just fine in Pakistan.

You can't blame me for being born and bred in The Netherlands. If I was born in Pakistan I am sure I would have prospered even more than in The Netherlands. Pakistan is a land of massive opportunity despite corruption and other shortcomings. Heck, who knows I might even settle in Pakistan some day.

I know how many illegal Indians roam around on European streets looking for construction jobs. Don't talk to me about deprivation.

Ban Koran like Mein Kampf, says Dutch MP

By Bruno Waterfield
9:02AM BST 09 Aug 2007

The Koran should be banned as a “fascist book” alongside Mein Kampf because it urges Muslims to kill non-believers, says Dutch populist MP Geert Wilders.

The leader of the far-right Freedom Party, which holds nine of the Dutch parliament's 150 seats has called for the ban after an alleged Islam inspired attack on a Labour councillor who had renounced the Muslim faith.

Mr Wilders claims that the Koran “calls on Muslims to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force”.

"Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned!,” he wrote in yesterday's De Volkskrant newspaper.

The call to treat the Koran in the same way as Adolf Hitler's biography, which has been banned by the Dutch for over 60 years, is the latest in a long line of Islam controversies sparked by Mr Wilders, who lives under tight security after murder attempts by suspected Islamist terrorists.

Els Lucas, a Dutch lawyer, has filed a compliant to the country's prosecutor demanding action against Mr Wilders for “insulting a section of the community”.

"I think he has gone too far and it is unseemly that a member of parliament expresses himself like this,” she said.

The offence is punishable with a maximum sentence of two years in prison and a fine of up to £11,300.

But Ayhan Tonca, chairman of the Dutch Muslim Contact Group argues that Mr Wilders should be ignored.

”This is a ridiculous idea. There is not much news at the moment so he is trying to create some,” he said.

Ban Koran like Mein Kampf, says Dutch MP

By Bruno Waterfield
9:02AM BST 09 Aug 2007

The Koran should be banned as a “fascist book” alongside Mein Kampf because it urges Muslims to kill non-believers, says Dutch populist MP Geert Wilders.

The leader of the far-right Freedom Party, which holds nine of the Dutch parliament's 150 seats has called for the ban after an alleged Islam inspired attack on a Labour councillor who had renounced the Muslim faith.

Mr Wilders claims that the Koran “calls on Muslims to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force”.

"Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned!,” he wrote in yesterday's De Volkskrant newspaper.

The call to treat the Koran in the same way as Adolf Hitler's biography, which has been banned by the Dutch for over 60 years, is the latest in a long line of Islam controversies sparked by Mr Wilders, who lives under tight security after murder attempts by suspected Islamist terrorists.

Els Lucas, a Dutch lawyer, has filed a compliant to the country's prosecutor demanding action against Mr Wilders for “insulting a section of the community”.

"I think he has gone too far and it is unseemly that a member of parliament expresses himself like this,” she said.

The offence is punishable with a maximum sentence of two years in prison and a fine of up to £11,300.

But Ayhan Tonca, chairman of the Dutch Muslim Contact Group argues that Mr Wilders should be ignored.

”This is a ridiculous idea. There is not much news at the moment so he is trying to create some,” he said.


Its from a far right minority group in Europe. They have said worse things.
Than what is your ugly friend Trump waiting for? Always talk, but no action. Bring it on and stop wasting our time.

Obv Trump admin feels that the immigration system the US has within Pakistan is adequate for now. The 7 countries affected trace their legacy back to the Obama admin research on the matter, Trump simply fired the loaded gun.

That doesn't mean this is a one off by the Trump admin, they can expand such a policy (temporary bans on immigration and refugees while procedures/systems overviewed and overhauled) to other countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan etc where potential vetting concerns and terrorist recruitment exists. Reince Pribus said this already. Lets wait and see, its only been a little more than a week.
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...we had eight terrorist attack during the month of Jan 2017 while Gen Raheel Sharif sits at WEF and lies through his teeth..the nation has been given the lollypop of Kul Bhushan for the army to wash its hands..

Very well said. Pakistan would become a well established and much respected country if every Pakistani understands the philosophy behind this statement.
Obv Trump admin feels that the immigration system the US has within Pakistan is adequate for now. The 7 countries affected trace their legacy back to the Obama admin research on the matter, Trump simply fired the loaded gun.

That doesn't mean this is a one off by the Trump admin, they can expand such a policy (temporary bans on immigration and refugees while procedures/systems overviewed and overhauled) to other countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan etc where potential vetting concerns and terrorist recruitment exists. Reince Pribus said this already. Lets wait and see, its only been a little more than a week.

Things were in similar chaos after 9/11. The changes Trump is trying to bring will settle down and become streamlined as the large bureaucracy understands what is needed to be done better.
Who made this guy a moderator and a senior one at that?


Ban Koran like Mein Kampf, says Dutch MP

By Bruno Waterfield
9:02AM BST 09 Aug 2007

The Koran should be banned as a “fascist book” alongside Mein Kampf because it urges Muslims to kill non-believers, says Dutch populist MP Geert Wilders.

The leader of the far-right Freedom Party, which holds nine of the Dutch parliament's 150 seats has called for the ban after an alleged Islam inspired attack on a Labour councillor who had renounced the Muslim faith.

Mr Wilders claims that the Koran “calls on Muslims to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force”.

"Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned!,” he wrote in yesterday's De Volkskrant newspaper.

The call to treat the Koran in the same way as Adolf Hitler's biography, which has been banned by the Dutch for over 60 years, is the latest in a long line of Islam controversies sparked by Mr Wilders, who lives under tight security after murder attempts by suspected Islamist terrorists.

Els Lucas, a Dutch lawyer, has filed a compliant to the country's prosecutor demanding action against Mr Wilders for “insulting a section of the community”.

"I think he has gone too far and it is unseemly that a member of parliament expresses himself like this,” she said.

The offence is punishable with a maximum sentence of two years in prison and a fine of up to £11,300.

But Ayhan Tonca, chairman of the Dutch Muslim Contact Group argues that Mr Wilders should be ignored.

”This is a ridiculous idea. There is not much news at the moment so he is trying to create some,” he said.


Where did you Google this up? Do you even know how old this news is? Try finding something better.

Also, you seem so worried about a lunatic who barely wins a handful of seats in the parliament. Wilders is irrelevant. He is a renowned Islam hater who is most of the time sidelined by the vast majority of the Dutch people. He has a few sympathizers, but who doesn't nowadays if you like to bash Muslims and Islam.

Very well said. Pakistan would become a well established and much respected country if every Pakistani understands the philosophy behind this statement.

There is nothing sane about what this member has uttered against the Pakistan security forces fighting terror. He is basically criticizing Pakistan's efforts to defeat the menace of terror. That is just utter nonsense.

Everyone already knows many of the shortcomings that he constantly likes to pinpoint. Some of his suggestions are undeniably true and most people can relate to them. Yes, our politicians and even higher generals have undoubtedly benefited from warmongering. That is very unfortunate. Although most of the criticism is just that.

Whilst I also agree that both civilian and military leaders have transgressed in the past, we need to give them credit where it is due. At least, the frontline soldier has fought with the best intentions to defeat barbarians even when we don't get the credit for doing so. We have sacrificed tens of thousands of innocent lives. God knows how many 9/11s. Put the Wahabbi philosophy aside for a moment and try to look from a neutral perspective.

Somebozo resides in a country that has spread a perverted version of their ideology to the rest of the globe. Today, we would not be discussing about the menace of Salafi terror had it not been for his adopted home country. Why doesn't he shed light on this? Didn't the Saudis and their GCC allies have the responsibility to not export their extreme and perverted ideology to foreign shores? Why can't Saudi Arabia along with Iran just stop fueling their ideological wars in other nations? Don't pretend this isn't happening.
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Such a step will not serve either nation's national interests.

Agreed. But the humiliating way the Americans have been treating us for such long time should now be enough. Our leaders are cowards who damn care about this country rather more concerned about their wealth stashed abroad.

So as one last good gesture it would be nice to see the Americans do something like that, so the complete relations are broken, then may be ghairat of our leaders awakens and they do something. But may be i am wishing too much.
Agreed. But the humiliating way the Americans have been treating us for such long time should now be enough. Our leaders are cowards who damn care about this country rather more concerned about their wealth stashed abroad.

So as one last good gesture it would be nice to see the Americans do something like that, so the complete relations are broken, then may be ghairat of our leaders awakens and they do something. But may be i am wishing too much.
We get our leaders according to our sins. It is not the only fault of our leaders, but we are to be blamed for the weaknesses. The government do not take the nation forward, but the nation take its government forward.(The citizens guide the government).

Currently, Our military and economic relations and the aid(no matter how little it may be or insignificant) with cowardness is resulting to our such behavior. And sadly, it is not changing anytime soon...
Agreed. But the humiliating way the Americans have been treating us for such long time should now be enough. Our leaders are cowards who damn care about this country rather more concerned about their wealth stashed abroad.

So as one last good gesture it would be nice to see the Americans do something like that, so the complete relations are broken, then may be ghairat of our leaders awakens and they do something. But may be i am wishing too much.

Please do keep in mind that there is no applicability of concepts like cowardice or ghairat in international geopolitics, only the pursuit of abiding national interests. Can either country really afford the impact of a complete breakdown of relations as you wish for?
Please do keep in mind that there is no applicability of concepts like cowardice or ghairat in international geopolitics, only the pursuit of abiding national interests. Can either country really afford the impact of a complete breakdown of relations as you wish for?

Yes, we should plan for this eventuality and get ready to kick all Americans out and take back overseas Pakistanis until this fascist Trump regime goes.

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