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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

There are people on both sides of the issues. The law will prevail, but only by due process. That must be given time.
The laws once passed are applied by the judiciary. This ban has already been taken to court. Let us see what the courts rule.
After banning asylum seekers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering USA, it seems President Donald Trump and his team have just started.

There are worrying signs that Trump’s initial #MuslimBan may be expanded to other countries. White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus responded to CBS News during an interview, saying:

You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others – perhaps we need to take it further. For now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries.

List of Entry Banned Countries
President Trump signed an executive order on Friday to immediately halt the entry of people coming from:

  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Libya
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • and Yemen
The entry ban is to be effective for at least 90 days although we can’t say for sure if it will last longer than that. The ban was enacted immediately causing confusion and problems among travellers coming from the aforementioned 7 countries.

Defending his position the chief of staff said,

This was a promise that President Trump had made and it’s a promise that he’s going to keep. And he’s not willing to be wrong on this subject — we need to do our best to be vigilant and protect Americans.

Green Card Holders Will Also Be Detained
There’s another side to this ban as well. Valid green card holders (some of them having full citizenships) will also be detained if they belong from one of the seven banned countries. Priebus added that Customs and Border Patrol always had wide discretion when asking questions about the people coming to the United States.

“Not a Muslim Ban”
When asked whether this was the Muslim ban Trump had mentioned during his presidential campaign, Prebius said,

This is not a Muslim ban. All this is identifying the seven countries — and the reason we chose those seven countries is those were the seven countries that both the Congress and the Obama administration identified as being the seven countries that were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country.

In other words, even if Pakistan is not going to face a ban, Pakistanis travelling to USA will face ‘extreme vetting’ by the authorities. This may be subject to change in the future however, and there’s no telling if it will be for the worse or better.

It should also be mentioned that a US court has suspended Trump’s immigration ban for now.


Islamabad warns against move to extend US travel ban to Pakistan

Bro, can you post the article?

Why not....

Officials point to threat to co-operation with Washington in fight against terrorism

by: Kiran Stacey in New Delhi and Farhan Bokhari in Islamabad

Islamabad has warned the US that it will reduce its co-operation with Washington in the fight against Islamist militants if Pakistan is added to the list of countries covered by President Donald Trump’s controversial visa ban.

Pakistani officials have told the Financial Times that a move by Mr Trump to put their county on the list of those for whom visas are banned would hamper joint efforts to fight extremism, especially in Afghanistan. This follows comments from the White House chief of staff suggesting the travel ban could be extended to other countries, including Pakistan.

The US still has around 10,000 troops in Afghanistan, and has found its attempts to reduce those numbers hampered by counter-attacks by the Taliban.

While Pakistan has been criticised in the past for not doing enough to stop homegrown terrorism, the Pakistani military has handed over hundreds of suspected Taliban and al-Qaeda militants to the US following the 9/11 attacks.

One senior Pakistani official warned: “If the US puts a ban on our travellers, how can we continue supporting the US in the same manner? The [US-Pakistan] alliance will automatically get scaled down if there is a US ban [on travellers from Pakistan].”

Another warned: “Washington risks endangering its Afghanistan stabilisation project.”

The head of a prominent Pakistani business group said: “Progress made by the US in defeating the Taliban and al-Qaeda will be undone if the US scales down relations with Pakistan.”

The warnings came on Monday, a day after Reince Priebus, White House chief of staff, suggested that the no-visa policy already implemented for seven Muslim countries could be extended to Pakistan.

Mr Priebus told CBS News: “You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others — perhaps we need to take it further.”

Experts said Mr Priebus’s comments marked a significant escalation in the immigration policy by involving a nuclear-armed country with which the US often co-operates closely.

Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, senior fellow for South Asia at the International institute for Strategic Studies, said: “We have seen the Americans provide funding to Pakistan for their defence programme and particularly for their efforts in Afghanistan, where they have strong joint interests.”

Mr Roy-Chaudhury predicted that Islamabad might react to any extension of the visa ban by restricting visas to American security and intelligence personnel, as has happened during previous diplomatic rows.

Officials in Pakistan have been trying to work out what Mr Trump’s election means for their relationship with the US, which will spend $860m this financial year in aid to the south Asian country.

Mr Trump has in the past criticised Pakistan for harbouring terrorists, and in 2012 called on the country to apologise for “providing a safe sanctuary to Osama bin Laden for six years”.

In December, however, he delighted Islamabad with a gushing phone call to Nawaz Sharif, Pakistani prime minister, in which he called Pakistan a “fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people”.

Despite those warm words from Mr Trump, analysts say Pakistan is in a vulnerable position when it comes to the visa ban.

Shashank Joshi, a senior fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, said he did not support Pakistan being added to the list, but thought it was a significant possibility, given that terror attacks on US soil have previously been carried out by people born in Pakistan.

Mr Joshi said: “Pakistan could make life difficult for the US, for instance by intensifying support for the Taliban or reducing the support for political elements inside Afghanistan.”

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I doubt Pakistan will be banned , because of few reasons ..

1- Pakistani Business man often go to US for trading
2- Military Ties on WoT
3- CPEC investments
4- keeping China and Pakistan in check from afghanistan
5- Keeping the supply lines open for US troops in Afghanistan
etc ..

Ban Pakistan it will Force Pakistan to throw every American Out , alone with Halting the US supply lines in Afghanistan and we all know the result of that..
I doubt Pakistan will be banned , because of few reasons ..

1- Pakistani Business man often go to US for trading
2- Military Ties on WoT
3- CPEC investments
4- keeping China and Pakistan in check from afghanistan
5- Keeping the supply lines open for US troops in Afghanistan
etc ..

Ban Pakistan it will Force Pakistan to throw every American Out , alone with Halting the US supply lines in Afghanistan and we all know the result of that..

You have raised some good points, but we cannot rule out a ban. It is becoming clear that the Americans are torn apart on whether to include Pakistan on this list. You have raised some points which might be dissuading the Trump administration to include Pakistan. They are threatening and bluffing, but it remains to be seen whether they really go ahead.

The relationship between Trump and Pakistan will nosedive after the ban.
@waz @Horus @Oscar @WebMaster horrible moderator work has been observed since some time, on ever topic more then one thread is opened by members and those are not merged until pointed out by some member. Moderators need to up their game to make PDF better place then other forums.
You have raised some good points, but we cannot rule out a ban. It is becoming clear that the Americans are torn apart on whether to include Pakistan on this list. You have raised some points which might be dissuading the Trump administration to include Pakistan. They are threatening, but it remains to be seen.

The relationship between Trump and Pakistan will nosedive after the ban.

Bro Trump is like a kid with his new Toy .. when a kid buy a new toy gun he shoot " Dishum Dishum " to all he can find .. and that's what Trump is doing . as soon as he realize he is just a Public servant who have no power over People and Supreme Court of US he will settle down . Banning countries like Pakistan will make CIA and Pentagon efforts of almost 2 decades in vein .. no more support in Afghanistan , and if they have alternative they would have taken it when Salala incident happen, and imagine if he banned 15 Islamic countries , and they ban US it will hurt US super Power image , and China and Russia is already ready to fill that gap ..
Bro Trump is like a kid with his new Toy .. when a kid buy a new toy gun he shoot " Dishum Dishum " to all he can find .. and that's what Trump is doing . as soon as he realize he is just a Public servant who have no power over People and Supreme Court of US he will settle down . Banning countries like Pakistan will make CIA and Pentagon efforts of almost 2 decades in vein .. no more support in Afghanistan , and if they have alternative they would have taken it when Salala incident happen, and imagine if he banned 15 Islamic countries , and they ban US it will hurt US super Power image , and China and Russia is already ready to fill that gap ..

I couldn't agree more. This is the reason why they have refrained from putting Pakistan on the list. They have cited extreme vetting as an excuse.

Let's be clear about one thing. Trumpland is racist. The ban and extreme vetting is in essence aimed at any person of color. If you happen to be Muslim it just makes matters worse. Add Iranian, Pakistani or any other such nationality to the mix and the Americans have found their ideal hatred and enmity.

Of course it is going to hurt their image and it already is hurting. Trump has been on the defensive calling it not a Muslim ban, but who is he kidding. All countries banned are Islamic.

I said it before. Lean back and enjoy the Trumpland show. This is the best entertainment we are ever going to get. Trump is going say and do stuff that is going to hurt the image of America terribly. For once, the US is going to be on the receiving end.
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I couldn't agree more. This is the reason why they have refrained from putting Pakistan on the list. They have cited extreme vetting as an excuse.

you know who is behind to push Trump to add Pakistan name in the list ... Keep this in mind bro every time Trump Shit from now on there will be Indians there to lick it ..
Look at how they are spewing their hate and frustration ..

Let's be clear about one thing. Trumpland is racist. The ban and extreme vetting is in essence aimed at any person of color. If you happen to be Muslim it just makes matters worse. Add Iranian, Pakistani or any other such nationality to the mix and the Americans have found their ideal hatred and enmity.

Trump and his cabinet is .. no doubt , Ignorant people are there to support Trump 95% of trump supporters won't even ever read the Quran one chapter yet they are Mr all know guys/girls .. even a Muslim scholar today can't claim to understand and explore the Entire Islam , but things are changing, just today a friend of Mine from america share a image with me , an hate crime against Black and Muslim , calling them N word and Die and go back for Muslims ..a week later a Jewish girl was attacked in her college . but i am still having faith in US judicial System and People , I am critics of US govt and its policies but not against the US general people who are right now struggling and protesting against the Muslim ban ..that is what keep me believe that US still has hope .

Of course it is going to hurt their image and it already is hurting. Trump has been on the defensive calling it not a Muslim ban, but who is he kidding.

well no one believe in that Orange President his campaign was shitty and full of lies , and now he has to deliver to those Idiots and far lost people who used to have frustration and hate in their hearts but never get a chance to spew it , Trump is Massiah for such people ..
my own Fiance is American and she is scared about our own future .. I never thought i would ever say that but even i am scared for my Future in US as brown/Pakistani/Muslim guy ..
^^ Don't worry. Trump is digging his own grave. He is harming US standing in the world. It will harm US relations with the entire Muslim world if it hasn't already. The vast majority of the world is opposed to such discriminatory bans. The only few countries such as Israel and India who support Trump cannot even be called a minority. For the first time, America is being viewed as a villain under Trump. The whole world is protesting the ban.
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