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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

Like you typing here 10 words here changes the blatant facts all around us like oxygen. Pfffffft. Pretty sure you dont even know the meaning of the word appeasement. Let me ease it out for you, it means a 'shameless bootlicker' All of the God Fathers Pakistan ever produced have always been boot licking one world power or another. Our illiterate civil society who thinks they are educated because they know how to tweet has never read the word appeasement in their entire academic lives let alone be able to grasp what appeasement is and its many forms.

Whole of Pakistani nation was fathered by Neville chamberlain, hence like father, like SON. Till we learn to Grow a pair of balls or import a few (because i dont think we can grow a pair anymore we will face such bans and many more in coming days, ENJOY

Lets stick to topic...Will you? If any ban happens of any kind, It will complicate already complicated relationship b/w Pakistan and US...Pakistan will counter it....US should forget about any friendly Pakistani role in Afghanistan...
After banning asylum seekers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering USA, it seems President Donald Trump and his team have just started.

There are worrying signs that Trump’s initial #MuslimBan may be expanded to other countries. White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus responded to CBS News during an interview, saying:

You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others – perhaps we need to take it further. For now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries.

List of Entry Banned Countries
President Trump signed an executive order on Friday to immediately halt the entry of people coming from:

  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Libya
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • and Yemen
The entry ban is to be effective for at least 90 days although we can’t say for sure if it will last longer than that. The ban was enacted immediately causing confusion and problems among travellers coming from the aforementioned 7 countries.

Defending his position the chief of staff said,

This was a promise that President Trump had made and it’s a promise that he’s going to keep. And he’s not willing to be wrong on this subject — we need to do our best to be vigilant and protect Americans.

Green Card Holders Will Also Be Detained
There’s another side to this ban as well. Valid green card holders (some of them having full citizenships) will also be detained if they belong from one of the seven banned countries. Priebus added that Customs and Border Patrol always had wide discretion when asking questions about the people coming to the United States.

“Not a Muslim Ban”
When asked whether this was the Muslim ban Trump had mentioned during his presidential campaign, Prebius said,

This is not a Muslim ban. All this is identifying the seven countries — and the reason we chose those seven countries is those were the seven countries that both the Congress and the Obama administration identified as being the seven countries that were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country.

In other words, even if Pakistan is not going to face a ban, Pakistanis travelling to USA will face ‘extreme vetting’ by the authorities. This may be subject to change in the future however, and there’s no telling if it will be for the worse or better.

It should also be mentioned that a US court has suspended Trump’s immigration ban for now.

saudi deserve to be no1 in any such terror ban list, they are, after all, responsible for all the terror problems in Pakistan as well.

Trump needs to strike at the heart of evil, go for the jugular and regime change + tremendous bombing in the evil kingdom.. and if not that, then at the very least, the US should call out wahhabism by name.
Never going t happen. The saudis have bought politicians of all hues in large numbers with their oil money. No way will any action ever be taken against Saudi.
Never going t happen. The saudis have bought politicians of all hues in large numbers with their oil money. No way will any action ever be taken against Saudi.
never 'no way' Trump.

They're dead serious about fighting the ideology of terror this time so they'll have to address the saudi problem sooner or later. It might be a while before any of it plays out in public but I believe it will happen. There is just no way you can eradicate 'radical islamic terror' off the face of the earth without dealing with the main source of it all, saudi arabia.
never 'no way' Trump.

They're dead serious about fighting the ideology of terror this time so they'll have to address the saudi problem sooner or later. It might be a while before any of it plays out in public but I believe it will happen. There is just no way you can eradicate 'radical islamic terror' off the face of the earth without dealing with the main source of it all, saudi arabia.

We'll see and we'll hold you to it, but this is the first Trump action against Saudi Arabia LOL:


There goes your Trump action against the Saudis. In the dustbin.

Lets stick to topic...Will you? If any ban happens of any kind, It will complicate already complicated relationship b/w Pakistan and US...Pakistan will counter it....US should forget about any friendly Pakistani role in Afghanistan...

The US should forget any relations with Pakistan. Period. We are not frightened by bans and sanctions.
Then we have Pakistanis bragging some superiority of US product and claim Pakistan shall continue to buy American miitary product and continue be loyal at American despite being spit at and trample. How Pakistan and US shall continue to cooperate! :lol:

Pakistanis who support and claim superiority of US military product and advocate continue buying them are disgrace and insult to Pakistan as a sovereignty.
All Muslim countries should bring back their diplomats and put ban on US goods see how US becomes great again. Orange man wants can't dictate or bully Muslim nations. Shame we got so many rulers in Muslim countries who are traitors and are only interested in to preserve their own rule. US is a bank corrupt country run on Arab and Chinese borrowed money and investments. Would KSA will show the balls since they claim they are the custodians of Muslim mosques and what goes with it.
There is no such thing as Ummah Chummah, it's all about their country interest. Most countries feel it is in their interest to keep good relation with western countries.
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where is the @CENTCOM guy, maybe he can loose some word about the sanction against Pakistan which was given under the Obama administration?
Pakistanis abhor the US, shouldn't they be happy about this ban?
Stop the fear mongering.
Trump did not mention banning Pakistan, and neither did anyone in his administration.

Dou live in denial`?
Trump administration might extend visa suspension to Pakistan

An official with the Trump administration has hinted that the recent suspension imposed on travel from seven Muslim countries might be extended to other countries, including Pakistan.

In this case regime change will come to many muslim countries..beside USA no longer exports mom and pop white goods..it exports high tech which is very much needed by the rest of the world..
I love it when our people will jump more than any westerner to defend merica! The greatest tragedy is this!
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