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US Government vs Congress: Sale of F16s to Pakistan

Damn it now sounds as if one of us is a spin doc in the foreign ministry.....and it certainly isn't me.
Let me assure you these jets will arrive regardless and likely before the Rafales. :)

So you are stating that Americans are fools who would provide dole to Pakistan without asking anything in return? And all this talk of "Pakistan should do more if it want subsidized F-16" is a charade!

It is about time you learn that even dole is not free. Either you have to pay full price of F-16 ,like everyone else, to US or provide them with service that they are demanding.
Is India asking for US funds to finance it's Rafales? No.....Rest of your post is gibberish

Asking for funds is within the legal framework of being MNNA. Is Pakistan the only country asking for US funds for military purchases ?
Let me give U all a proposition. U may laugh it out the same way as I did from time it actually crossed my mind.
First of all, come what may but these F-16s are landing in Pakistan right on time.
Now comes the interesting part: As India is lobbying alot against the sale of these F-16s to Pakistan and that includes lobbying by spending millions of $$ too, so arent they actually financing these F-16s for us as we are getting these on subsidized rates with money from US tax payers too? In short India is indirectly financing these birds for us.
Laugh it out as am doing so but prove me wrong.
Pakistan lost these lives fighting it's own citizens mostly. No one is to be blamed but Pakistan for radicalizing it's youth.

It is an ignorant statement. Pakistan own citizens rebel because of the War on terror in Afghanistan.

There is a reason a distinction is made b/w Pakistani Taliban and Taliban. A distinction made by none other than Pakistan themselves. There is a reason for Lal Masjid.

Yes we make a distinction so that afghanis dont use Afghan taliban against us just like they tried/trying to use Pakistani taliban against us.

Same could be said about your support for LTTE that for a longer game you have to embrace all the fallout and risks along with it . . It cost you your ex prime minister . But remind me again why did you intervened in Srilanka and supported LTTE ?
U.S might as well keep their jets and continue fighting in Afghanistan themselves. Pakistan will take care of it's own side of the border through procurements from elswhere. Everyone happy.

BTW all existing F16's will be used against anyone who wants some.
And those thinking F-16 is a thing of the past just need to see the Indian reaction on merely 8 aircraft.F-16 in proper hands is a nightmare for the enemy.

Indians would dance like a Bitch even if Pakistan tries to get cessnas. Thats in their nature. F-16s are capable nobody doubts that but with the kind of baggage that it comes with, is that worth it, i would say no, specially more so if retards like Trump make it to the white house.
So you are stating that Americans are fools who would provide dole to Pakistan without asking anything in return? And all this talk of "Pakistan should do more if it want subsidized F-16" is a charade!

It is about time you learn that even dole is not free. Either you have to pay full price of F-16 ,like everyone else, to US or provide them with service that they are demanding.
Repeating same lines in different threads doesn't make the statement more credible.
If you were able to comprehend some ground realities then you will realise how futile is your argument.....let me ask you, on one hand a wedding party gets obliterated just because someone made the mistake of firing a gun in the air yet when several hundred miscreants carry out attack on Pakistani posts from Afghan soil, every one remains oblivious.....this despite all the hi-tech guns and gadgets available to the Americans and others. I guess at least your favourite dole money gets well spent in Pakistani hands.
1. If Qatar dives from a cliff will Pakistan do the same?

indian logic .... ??

BTW it's only Qatar .... read these






Mullah Baradar, Taliban's second in command and founding member of Taliban hierarchy in 1994, had been arrested by Pakistani security forces in 2011 and was released on Saturday Sept. 21, following President Hamid Karzai's frequent request.

"Meeting President Karzai's demand, Islamabad released Mullah Baradar on Saturday


& the UN ....

Five Taliban delisted by UN committee: diplomat
President Obama commended Pakistan for hosting and facilitating the first public talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban in July 2015 and highlighted the opportunity presented by Pakistan’s willingness to facilitate a reconciliation process that would help end insurgent violence in Afghanistan.


so the point is if every engagement with taliban are considered as aiding & abetting of Terrorism then US, Afghanistan, India & all five Permanent members of UN security council are also partner in Crime .... if this is not the case than you can't hold Pakistan responsible for the same ..... otherwise it is the hypocrisy of certain Nation(s) for their questionable agenda ....

2. Qatar is not asking for US financing of it's F-16s, Pakistan is

Has Pakistan asked US to sell F-16 .... this time .... ???

for you information this time it's US which made the offer ... not that Pakistan requested for the purchase of F-16 ... we even forfeited our option for the purchase of 18 F-16 blk-52+ from the previous approval ....

it is because of this reason concession or partial financing is offered with purposed deal ....

3. My response was to the quote which claimed Pakistan is fighting American War in Afghanistan hence it deserves aid

CAN YOU READ THIS .... if not plz ask someone else who can read it loud & clear to you ....

The President (OBAMA) expressed particular appreciation for Pakistan’s ongoing support to degrade and ultimately defeat al‑Qa’ida and its affiliates, noting that this partnership has helped to decimate the group’s leadership and operational capacity and has disrupted plots against the U.S. homeland.


while infact Pakistan has hampered US efforts by sheltering Taliban from the very beginning like during airlift of evil, Had a Qatari made the same assertion, my reply would have been to him.

& US is such a pony nation that it is being bullied by Pakistan .... since 2001 & they are doing nothing .... this is what you think about the 'mighty' USA .... ???

& what air lift are you talking about ... ?? the same conspiracy theory propagated by Indian media .... ???

Can you imagine Pakistan airlifting wanted personals from the soil of Afghanistan rightly at the time when US was engaged in War Operation in Afghanistan .... ??

Where were the American troops at that time .... ???

Where were the American Aerial assets .... ???

Where were the 'sincere allies' of UAS at the time when that supposed Airlift Operation was underway .... ???

have you put any common sense .... & logical thinking before posting this idiocy of 'Airlift Operation' .... ???
Let me give U all a proposition. U may laugh it out the same way as I did from time it actually crossed my mind.
First of all, come what may but these F-16s are landing in Pakistan right on time.
Now comes the interesting part: As India is lobbying alot against the sale of these F-16s to Pakistan and that includes lobbying by spending millions of $$ too, so arent they actually financing these F-16s for us as we are getting these on subsidized rates with money from US tax payers too? In short India is indirectly financing these birds for us.
Laugh it out as am doing so but prove me wrong.

Not really. Even if India didn't spend a cent lobbying against the F-16s, the deal would still be worth $700 million and Pakistan's share would be still $270 million. The only difference in this case is that the money was wasted by India for the effort.

Just a reminder that this subsidies for the F-16s are still up for debate. There could be feverish attempts behind the scenes by President Obama to restore the funding. This is the budget season and their is always a fair amount of horse trading going on. Until the spending bill is put to a final vote, anything can happen.
Ditch F-16. Buy J-31 and join TAI FX development program. This isn't 80s or 90s when Amreeka was the only option.
The only loser will be Lockheed who will have to shut down F-16 production lines if no new orders come.
Exactly why, if the mission is to bomb Talibans?
You could do that with Vietnam war vintage aircraft with an extra pod.
If You want somthing for a fight with India, then You might be right,
but that confirms the point of view of the Congress.

another retard logic on PDF , why I am not surprised ..
so you want Pakistan to buy defense stuff just to kill Taliban , when we are surrounded by hostile neighbors from three side ? let me know if NATO buy their equipment just to fight Taliban ... NO ..
they buy or equip their military to have Russian's in mind ..

Advice , sometimes its best to stay quite rather than speak and prove yourself to be retarded ..
Not really. Even if India didn't spend a cent lobbying against the F-16s, the deal would still be worth $700 million and Pakistan's share would be still $270 million. The only difference in this case is that the money was wasted by India for the effort.

Just a reminder that this subsidies for the F-16s are still up for debate. There could be feverish attempts behind the scenes by President Obama to restore the funding. This is the budget season and their is always a fair amount of horse trading going on. Until the spending bill is put to a final vote, anything can happen.
As a matter of fact my sincere wish would be that US says No for these all subsidies and even put a ban on sale of further F-16s to us. When they did so previously we got Thunder and who knows what we might get this time :)
Not really. Even if India didn't spend a cent lobbying against the F-16s, the deal would still be worth $700 million and Pakistan's share would be still $270 million. The only difference in this case is that the money was wasted by India for the effort.
Looser denial mode
"The Indian lobby in the US is now second in influence only to the Israeli lobby. Thus, unless persuaded otherwise, Washington can be expected to do all that is possible to assist India in neutralising Pakistan’s power…"


Well now it is clear we will pay cash get 30-40 planes as we attained all approvals already
means 3 to 4 billion US $ for F16 ? I dont trust US with our own money as it will end up like 1990s
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