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US Government vs Congress: Sale of F16s to Pakistan

United States have to DO MORE to eradicate terror in region.
And USA must PROVE that it is allay of Pakistan in war on terror.
Empty words don't work, if USA want stability in Afghanistan then It must full fill the requirements of Pakistan.
If Pakistan can fight American war in Afghanistan then Pakistan have right on US tax payer money also ......:coffee:
USA doesn't want stability in afghanistan or any where else other then israel. Libya was stable and progressing and then USA jumped in and today libya is in the worst mess. iraq, afghanistan,syria were all far more stable before US intervention.
US just wants a pro indian govt in afghanistan and their miitary presence there is just ensuring that. unstable afghanistan will destabilize pak and with the pro indian govt and the military will add more spices.
1. If Qatar dives from a cliff will Pakistan do the same?
2. Qatar is not asking for US financing of it's F-16s, Pakistan is
3. My response was to the quote which claimed Pakistan is fighting American War in Afghanistan hence it deserves aid while infact Pakistan has hampered US efforts by sheltering Taliban from the very beginning like during airlift of evil, Had a Qatari made the same assertion, my reply would have been to him.
And There are 100000 Indian Army Troops in Afghanistan fighting against Tallis and also 200000 civilian of India give there life for War against Terror , And Indian Super doing Economy faces 1trillon $$$$$$$ loos dew to This War,
Come out of world of Dream boy, Do you think USA don't know what your embassy and consulates doing in Afghanistan, And Who use to feed Northern Alliance ,,( I don't want to mention that report which claims India is the Biggest Arm supplier to ISIS)
Sir , USA have her eyes close on you because First They need you Against China and SECOND But most Important USA don't need a stable and prosper Afghanistan . They want to stay in Afghanistan for as long as they can only way and soled reason for that is TALI still active in Afghanistan....
Thank You
For F-16's critics i would like to say that F-16 is the most capable operational air craft in this subcontinent.
Not critics but too complex deal .Question is F16 will it remain relevant past 2025 ?
Why PAF not considering Russian Su-35 or Chinese J-10C or Jh-7B..........May be more effective than F-16....
Su35 is in consideration but buing new platform is complex with all other fascilities . similarly for J10C (Which is by the way very strong candidate) .SU35 definately more capable ,J10C requries complex modifications .

Exactly why, if the mission is to bomb Talibans?
You could do that with Vietnam war vintage aircraft with an extra pod.
If You want somthing for a fight with India, then You might be right,
but that confirms the point of view of the Congress.

Not possible since collateral damage will be very high ,need battleassesment + Precision strike . For fighting with India alone F16 might not be a good idea as sanctions will hinder + already myths about kill switches .
How is Pakistan fighting American war in Afghanistan? Are there Pakistani troops in Afghanistan battling Taliban? No.. They are infact sheltering Taliban.
For Afghanistan it is not Pak fight ,Idea was to flush all militants out of Pak and destroy all safe heavens rest responsibility lies with Afg Govt to take care of them but the gave them refuge and even safety .

Pakistan should think about its future, Pakistan is dependent upon F-16s which is really good aircraft but USA is not in mod to deliver it earlier and Indian lobby in Congress are also reason for delay of F-16s. Pakistan should say Good bye to US variants and must welcome Russian Variant.
Chinese variant would easily be our after completing of CPEC so we should move to Su-35 Aircraft
Us weaponry is still some steps a head from rest of the world ,French are very near to US in aerospace but very expensive similarly Russian weapons are based on totally different doctrine .
the latest condition imposed by US has given a hidden message to the pak military not to do any misadventure against the corrupt civil govt. US doesn't need pak any more and if the pak military goes against the corrupt govt then US will get an excellent excuse to break up the relations with pak, place sanctions on all the aid and military equipment. but if we really want to progress pak really needs to get herself out of the clutches of USA which neither civil nor military leadership is willing to.the only way for pakistan is that pak nation should rise against the corrupt leaders but the chances of this are also very bleak.
Exactly why, if the mission is to bomb Talibans?
You could do that with Vietnam war vintage aircraft with an extra pod.
If You want somthing for a fight with India, then You might be right,
but that confirms the point of view of the Congress.
And then what about the funds spent on logistics and support for the F-16s in the past 33 years?.
You can't undo what's been done, PAF needs F-16s as it operates a sizable number of them, and spent a sizable amount of resources on them, hence it's going for F-16s, rather than any other bird.
How is Pakistan fighting American war in Afghanistan? Are there Pakistani troops in Afghanistan battling Taliban? No
Pakistan lost 50K innocent lives while fighting war against Aliens from Andromeda Galaxy....
They are infact sheltering Taliban.

For more information read .. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3340165/ns/world_news-brave_new_world/t/airlift-evil/
Suggesting a visit on Durand line instead of believing this piece of garbage .......
Mean we Deny every thing for its complexity........When we start to face challenges....????
No complexity means ,New doctrine ,New infrastructure ,New training ,New Vendor Supply lines .Inducting a jet means inducting all things and it costs too much ,So if we can do some thing in less cost we should do that
Is India asking for US funds to finance it's Rafales? No.....Rest of your post is gibberish
On the contrary one could argue that Pakistan has been using F-16s and other aircraft in it's effort to fight WOT, when was the last time Indian jets fired in anger, hence who is inclined to use them for what purpose is not difficult to conclude.
And those thinking F-16 is a thing of the past just need to see the Indian reaction on merely 8 aircraft.
F-16 in proper hands is a nightmare for the enemy.
US is saying, if you give sanctuary and patronage to Haqqani, JuD, LeT etc then wny should US pay you money.
now that is debatable ...... US has asked to act against haqqanis and Pakistan is saying that they are not operating from within our border ..... as for Let and JuD the action has been taken against them as per UN resolutions ..... nothing more .. nothing less
One Day have to do that.......Not till the judgement day we relie upon the American F-16's
Yes very true ,F16 era is almost over but in Sub continent it is still relevant for a decade . F17 already going thru this stage let it complete first then we can look for induction of new platform
Then one wonders against whom were Indians radicalising the Kashmiri youths that we now see Pakistani flags appearing in down town Srinagar not to mention the peaceful Red Corridor.
And the world extends beyond India as even Obama administration is very much in favour of supplying the jets which no doubt WILL arrive on scheduled time.

May be these 8 jets would arrive or may be not but if they come then you gotta work for it - show results and kill non Pakistan focused terrorists for the freebies - this what all the noise is about, may be the next 8 jets would arrive too but it would be lot harder and you would have to do lot more like destroy all non pakistan focuses proxies and this would suit India fine.

In the end - nothing in this world is free and US is has understood the Pakistan game quite well so you can't fool them all the time

Remember if you do what is expected out of you, India has no objections to these jets, we are quite secure in our defences.
Pakistan lost these lives fighting it's own citizens mostly. No one is to be blamed but Pakistan for radicalizing it's youth.
This explains how much understanding you got about issue. :tsk:
This rejects a recent claim by some US lawmakers that Pakistan would use the aircraft against India, not the terrorists.

Is this concern actually an acknowledgment that Pakistan can really use these birds against India and the IFF code thingi etc is just a myth?
May be these 8 jets would arrive or may be not but if they come then you gotta work for it - show results and kill non Pakistan focused terrorists for the freebies - this what all the noise is about, may be the next 8 jets would arrive too but it would be lot harder and you would have to do lot more like destroy all non pakistan focuses proxies and this would suit India fine.

In the end - nothing in this world is free and US is has understood the Pakistan game quite well so you can't fool them all the time

Remember if you do what is expected out of you, India has no objections to these jets, we are quite secure in our defences.
Damn it now sounds as if one of us is a spin doc in the foreign ministry.....and it certainly isn't me.
Let me assure you these jets will arrive regardless and likely before the Rafales. :)
Exactly why, if the mission is to bomb Talibans?
You could do that with Vietnam war vintage aircraft with an extra pod.
If You want somthing for a fight with India, then You might be right,
but that confirms the point of view of the Congress.

Remind me again. What the heck Western 4.5 Gen aircraft are doing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria? Fighting 4.5+Gen air force of Taliban and ISIS? Or you want us to barrel bomb the area like Asad is doing with his third gen air force?

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