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US giant Walmart quits India after venture ends

Do you want me to dig more news for you. :laughcry:

your 5th time world champion in shoplifting has trumped the world!


your 5th time world champion in shoplifting has trumped the world!


Post reported, Though I know Pakistani Mods will not ban chinese

You are a honey bee, and Mother Sonia Maino is queen bee, What ever she say become religious to maggot Kongressi P!gs.. Supermarkets are not good for Indians , I will give an example...

During Current 'Kongrssi Dog-P!g Govt' Onion price increased. The price went to 70 Rs, I went to reliance mart they too were selling at 70Rs/Kg. What is the use of Big shops when they can't provide economical products??? These Super shops buy directly from farmland still 70Rs/Kg onion.

Who want cheap chini product?? Toxic Toys? Toxic foods? I will be happy if Sonia Maino buy these Ghatiya (cheap) product to her worker bees.

Great baby (Amul Baby) says " India is bee hive" and my mother is queen bee :P

These supermarkets are not good for farmers..

Earlier: Farmer sell vegi @10 Rs/kg, After 4-5 hands I get it at 20 Rs/kg
Now: Farmer sell vegi @10 Rs/kg, After 1 hand (Wallmart/Reliance etc) I get it at 20Rs/kg

Earlier 10 Rs was disctributed among 4 ppl, now one Big-fat lala is eating 10Rs...

Who asked you to reply to my post maggot?
obfuscating and deflecting again?
so you admit that chinese companies have no brand or goodwill in US. i'm glad I was able to clarify that for you.

when chinese themselves prefer to buy foreign brands, it goes to show how much they trust their own. i dont think i need to say more.

Didn't I show you stats on Huawei? Who is deflecting? You want to act like an imbecile, you get treated like one.

Bear in mind, You're indian, not American. Are you feeling ashamed of your own nationality? Bashing chinese success won't make india look better nor will it help you overcome your inferiority complex.

Shaq and Dwyane Wade wear Li-ning shoes. US diving and Table tennis team wear Li-ning.
Lenovo has the largest mobile phone market share in China..............
Now go see a doctor, your a-hole is burning.
Explain this please

The left and the BJP are the two groups opposing FDI in retail. In the case of BJP it's because they get votes from small traders. In the case of left it's because they're so out of place they don't know their d*ck from their a*se. They still think we should boot out coca cola, wal mart it capitalist imprialism etc. In the meanwhile the opposition to these policy reforms have left India's retail productivity lesser than that of---PHILIPPINES.
Your ignorance is not surprising.

The 2% interest business loans is what Big Business like Walmart get from US banks. Indian retailers on the other hand borrow money @ 14% to 18% from Indian banks.

Stop your nonsense about big corporate helping the communities. They are parasites who are here to take advantage of easy and cheap money from the US and cheap labor from India.

First provide Indian retailers (both big and small) with easy access to cheap cash and then talk about competition. Indian retailers will then flood the US and give parasites like walmart a run for their money.

Improvement of efficiency and productivity cannot be done on the dead bodies of Indians or Indian businesses. Provide level playing field and then talk big. If you cant, then Pi$$ OFF. No one will miss you.

If you want to banish all multinationals then it would be OK with me. But if you want to single out Walmart then I will have issue with you.

Walmart will not eliminate mom and pop stores but will make them more efficient and competitive. In past one decade they have opened about 750 mega stores in BRIC countries alone minus India.

Most of the fears you have are unfounded and in worst case scenario we can limit their entry to big cities where the cost of operation is very prohibitive and land very scarce.

If Walmart can borrow at such low interest and pass on the savings to customers in form of low prices then consumers will definitely benefit. So in a way they are subsidizing the products for our consumers. Because of their efficient supply chain they can sell their products 20% cheaper compared to the competition.
Your ignorance is not surprising.

The 2% interest business loans is what Big Business like Walmart get from US banks. Indian retailers on the other hand borrow money @ 14% to 18% from Indian banks.

Stop your nonsense about big corporate helping the communities. They are parasites who are here to take advantage of easy and cheap money from the US and cheap labor from India.

First provide Indian retailers (both big and small) with easy access to cheap cash and then talk about competition. Indian retailers will then flood the US and give parasites like walmart a run for their money.

Improvement of efficiency and productivity cannot be done on the dead bodies of Indians or Indian businesses. Provide level playing field and then talk big. If you cant, then Pi$$ OFF. No one will miss you.

If you want to banish all multinationals then it would be OK with me. But if you want to single out Walmart then I will have issue with you.

Walmart will not eliminate mom and pop stores but will make them more efficient and competitive. In past one decade they have opened about 750 mega stores in BRIC countries alone minus India.

Most of the fears you have are unfounded and in worst case scenario we can limit their entry to big cities where the cost of operation is very prohibitive and land very scarce.

If Walmart can borrow at such low interest and pass on the savings to customers in form of low prices then consumers will definitely benefit. So in a way they are subsidizing the products for our consumers. Because of their efficient supply chain they can sell their products 20% cheaper compared to the competition. It is the consumers who are the winner here.
Didn't I show you stats on Huawei? Who is deflecting? You want to act like an imbecile, you get treated like one.

Bear in mind, You're indian, not American
not sure how the nationality changes facts on ground.
your stats themselves say huawei is a nobody in US.
stating facts isnt bashing, chinese companies are good at making parts. not much else.
If you want to banish all multinationals then it would be OK with me. But if you want to single out Walmart then I will have issue with you.

Walmart will not eliminate mom and pop stores but will make them more efficient and competitive. In past one decade they have opened about 750 mega stores in BRIC countries alone minus India.

Most of the fears you have are unfounded and in worst case scenario we can limit their entry to big cities where the cost of operation is very prohibitive and land very scarce.

If Walmart can borrow at such low interest and pass on the savings to customers in form of low prices then consumers will definitely benefit. So in a way they are subsidizing the products for our consumers. Because of their efficient supply chain they can sell their products 20% cheaper compared to the competition.

I want level playing field. What part of that do you not understand ?

As long as a level playing field is provided to Indians and Indian organizations, all kind of competition is welcome. If there is no level playing field then we will be selective in opening our market.

I don't care if walmart has opened a million stores in mars and jupiter. Its non of my concern.

Why should only walmart have the special privilege of borrowing at low interest rates ? What makes them so special ?

Provide such cheap funding to Indians & Indian companies and then pass on that benefit to the consumer. How does that sound ?

You nonsense about walmart selling anything 20% cheaper is hilarious. There will be little or no difference in the prices of walmart and other retail giants. Indian retail already operate on wafer thin margins and some of them operate underr loss just to be in the business.

Walmart still has to use the inefficient Indian roads, Indian logistics sector, Indian petrol prices and Indian laws to do business in India.
not sure how the nationality changes facts on ground.
your stats themselves say huawei is a nobody in US.
stating facts isnt bashing, chinese companies are good at making parts. not much else.

Nationality doesn't change fact but it gives you the right to speak for your country. You're an indian, not American. You're not in the position to speak for US. And the very fact that you didn't know why Huawei was blocked in the US proves exactly why you haven't earned the rights to speak for the US.

Coming back to facts, what have you given me?
You have not stated a single fact in any of your post while I had given you more than enough examples of Chinese success in the US. This just goes to show the difference in our intellect, culture and upbringing.
Let Walmart leave. Other Retail giants are waiting in the wings

New Delhi: UK's leading retailer Tesco Plc is awaiting clarity on India's policy on FDI in multi-brand retail trading before drawing up its plans for the country.

World's largest retailer Walmart yesterday split its six-year old partnership with Bharti Enterprises, apparently unable to comply with the FDI norms for multi-brand.

A Tesco spokesperson said: "We are excited about the India opportunity and await policy clarity before we can take further decisions on the matter".

Tesco says it is awaiting clarity on India's retail FDI norms
Although this can be part of a bad trend with regards to foreign investment in India but I think this specific news is probably good news for Indians at the moment. Local Small and Medium sized businesses would have been badly damaged by such massive players entering the market.
Although this can be part of a bad trend with regards to foreign investment in India but I think this specific news is probably good news for Indians at the moment. Local Small and Medium sized businesses would have been badly damaged by such massive players entering the market.

They left because they couldnt comply with clause of 30% local sourcing. GoI put this clause to protect millions of Indian farmers, and small, medium and large goods producers.
Nationality doesn't change fact but it gives you the right to speak for your country. You're an indian, not American. You're not in the position to speak for US. And the very fact that you didn't know why Huawei was blocked in the US proves exactly why you haven't earned the rights to speak for the US.

Coming back to facts, what have you given me?
You have not stated a single fact in any of your post while I had given you more than enough examples of Chinese success in the US. This just goes to show the difference in our intellect, culture and upbringing.
nationality gives one right to point out facts? :lol:

the only thing huawei has succeeded in, is making OEM parts. The question on hand is brand value, of which there is none to speak of.
nobody in the US enterprise market takes Huawei brand seriously.

no amount of desperate attempts to diverge the discussion will change these facts.
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