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US giant Walmart quits India after venture ends

Your post seems contradictory. How can Importing an American business model that is focused on maximizing their own profits help us increase our productivity? Secondly How can a business model that has been designed keeping in mind the minimum use of human capital increase employment?

For India:
American model(malls, giant retailers(WALLmart) = NO!
Euro/Local Model (mum and pop stores, local produce) = YES !

Because our Supply Chain really is that f**ked. Technically, the arguments proposed by protectionists (BJP, Left etc.) is equal to whta you have said- our 'Kirana store' is equal to your 'mom and pop'. But it addresses only the retail side and is explicitly designed to protect a really sloppy supply chain on the back end. Lemme ask you something- when the prices of onions go up who benifits? Does the farmer get more? No- he's as poor as before. Is it because supply has gone down? No- we've been having bumper crops of late? Price of petrol? How does a 5% increase in petrol result in a 100% increase in onion prices? It's the middlemen who make a killing and make the consumers and farmers suffer. Big retail with direct sourcing and big price competition between themselves will ensure that this vicious cycle is broken- I don't think the US has seen a 200% increase in onoin prices in the last few decades for sure. I'm not saying we need to take it to the extremes that the US has done, but our approach- limited presence in major cities- will make it both viable as well as healthy for our retail sector. Most improtatly it will reall convulse the existing players of our supply chain and make things favorable to the consumers.
I don't know where you read the news that they are getting 2% interest business loans. I want one too.

Welcome to the world of big business!! You do not have the leverage that these big corporations enjoy from dictating the price to reshaping the communities that they enter.

We are already allowing these big corporations to operate in our country since late nineties but we are just opening up multibrand retail. How best to manage their entry without impacting adversely our mom and pop store be the question we should be asking. We should formulate policies so as to give them some protection like tax breaks etc.

Any time we improve efficiency and productivity which these mega stores will bring to our economy is a plus.

If don't allow them to take their profit then why would they come. Business is profit oriented because it involves risk. Sometime you win and sometime you lose.

Your ignorance is not surprising.

The 2% interest business loans is what Big Business like Walmart get from US banks. Indian retailers on the other hand borrow money @ 14% to 18% from Indian banks.

Stop your nonsense about big corporate helping the communities. They are parasites who are here to take advantage of easy and cheap money from the US and cheap labor from India.

First provide Indian retailers (both big and small) with easy access to cheap cash and then talk about competition. Indian retailers will then flood the US and give parasites like walmart a run for their money.

Improvement of efficiency and productivity cannot be done on the dead bodies of Indians or Indian businesses. Provide level playing field and then talk big. If you cant, then Pi$$ OFF. No one will miss you.
Because our Supply Chain really is that f**ked. Technically, the arguments proposed by protectionists (BJP, Left etc.) is equal to whta you have said- our 'Kirana store' is equal to your 'mom and pop'. But it addresses only the retail side and is explicitly designed to protect a really sloppy supply chain on the back end. Lemme ask you something- when the prices of onions go up who benifits? Does the farmer get more? No- he's as poor as before. Is it because supply has gone down? No- we've been having bumper crops of late? Price of petrol? How does a 5% increase in petrol result in a 100% increase in onion prices? It's the middlemen who make a killing and make the consumers and farmers suffer. Big retail with direct sourcing and big price competition between themselves will ensure that this vicious cycle is broken- I don't think the US has seen a 200% increase in onoin prices in the last few decades for sure. I'm not saying we need to take it to the extremes that the US has done, but our approach- limited presence in major cities- will make it both viable as well as healthy for our retail sector. Most improtatly it will reall convulse the existing players of our supply chain and make things favorable to the consumers.

Lets break it down:

"Middle man" = Indian

The big retailers never help the farmers. They work numbers, and then start dictating what exactly they will sell. Now talking of onions the big retailer will determine the size shape and colour of onion that is best. This leads to massive food wastage. As consumers are then moulded to the perfect onion. It is hard to explain in a simple post. there is a good doco I recommend, I believe it was called "supermarket secrets"

As far as the supply chain. Invite competition at every level, All I see from you, is a want to invite a foreign entity to take away a simple need that can easily be filled by a local retail chain.

Once a foreign company starts telling us what onion looks best and side sell some other useless garbage. You will look back and be saddened by what your grandchildren(zombies) will be doing.

Unfortunately now days the seller often determines what the buyer should buy, not the other way around, as it naturally should be.

I hope this helps.
Lets break it down:

"Middle man" = Indian

The big retailers never help the farmers. They work numbers, and then start dictating what exactly they will sell. Now talking of onions the big retailer will determine the size shape and colour of onion that is best. This leads to massive food wastage. As consumers are then moulded to the perfect onion. It is hard to explain in a simple post. there is a good doco I recommend, I believe it was called "supermarket secrets"

As far as the supply chain. Invite competition at every level, All I see from you, is a want to invite a foreign entity to take away a simple need that can easily be filled by a local retail chain.

Once a foreign company starts telling us what onion looks best and side sell some other useless garbage. You will look back and be saddened by what your grandchildren(zombies) will be doing.

Unfortunately now days the seller often determines what the buyer should buy, not the other way around, as it naturally should be.

I hope this helps.

The mistake your making is in thinking that we're giving Big retail the kind of free run that they see in the US. That was never proposed by the government. Even now large chains are there (reliance, Big Bazaar etc.) their dent has been limited. You need a shakeup for sure.
The mistake your making is in thinking that we're giving Big retail the kind of free run that they see in the US. That was never proposed by the government. Even now large chains are there (reliance, Big Bazaar etc.) their dent has been limited. You need a shakeup for sure.

Then shake me up with something concrete.
India likes following her former colonial master and becoming a nation of shopowners。:woot:

Hence the parting with Malmart。
India likes following her former colonial master and becoming a nation of shopowners。:woot:

Hence the parting with Malmart。

I just happened to pass by and maybe foolishly replied.
Your quote (above) is strange. Are you trying to draw parallels between the British and the Americans?
If not then what is your point?
in real world walmart considered as a place to buy the cheapest daily goods, those poorest people are their main customers in the U.K and U.S.... it is a bit up class in developing countries like China and Thailand.

but the implication shows that India, as much as self-bragged 'economy giant' and 'power house' has little worth in term of modern consumption, in 2010 it had 97% population living under $5 a day, with collapsing currency that portion can go as close as to 99% now
DUde, I don't agree. It's one thing to look at the 'evil' retailer, but on the other our protectionists (especially the boneless left m^%^R%%^&#), ignore that our retail productivitly is amongst the lowest in the world. In fact we can drastically increase employment nos. by opening this sector up.

You are a honey bee, and Mother Sonia Maino is queen bee, What ever she say become religious to maggot Kongressi P!gs.. Supermarkets are not good for Indians , I will give an example...

During Current 'Kongrssi Dog-P!g Govt' Onion price increased. The price went to 70 Rs, I went to reliance mart they too were selling at 70Rs/Kg. What is the use of Big shops when they can't provide economical products??? These Super shops buy directly from farmland still 70Rs/Kg onion.

Who want cheap chini product?? Toxic Toys? Toxic foods? I will be happy if Sonia Maino buy these Ghatiya (cheap) product to her worker bees.

Great baby (Amul Baby) says " India is bee hive" and my mother is queen bee :P

These supermarkets are not good for farmers..

Earlier: Farmer sell vegi @10 Rs/kg, After 4-5 hands I get it at 20 Rs/kg
Now: Farmer sell vegi @10 Rs/kg, After 1 hand (Wallmart/Reliance etc) I get it at 20Rs/kg

Earlier 10 Rs was disctributed among 4 ppl, now one Big-fat lala is eating 10Rs...
in real world walmart considered as a place to buy the cheapest daily goods, those poorest people are their main customers in the U.K and U.S.... it is a bit up class in developing countries like China and Thailand.

but the implication shows that India, as much as self-bragged 'economy giant' and 'power house' has little worth in term of modern consumption, in 2010 it had 97% population living under $5 a day, with collapsing currency that portion can go as close as to 99% now

For all the retailers in the world they have to give a lot of respect to this indian culture which tops the world for the 5th time in a row:

India tops retail theft study for fifth year in a row


I cant find the latest report but the trend shows the cheerleaders should be on the way to their 6th crown. It is indeed a shining regime on top of their other culture which hits the headlines across the world consistenly nowadays.

india - EXPOSED! Block XX!
DUde, I don't agree. It's one thing to look at the 'evil' retailer, but on the other our protectionists (especially the boneless left m^%^R%%^&#), ignore that our retail productivitly is amongst the lowest in the world. In fact we can drastically increase employment nos. by opening this sector up.

Explain this please
you are silly

no one can beat the 5th time champ of shoplifting by the name of india!

you dont have anything that lead positively the world - this is another special one of world records set by the cheerleaders!


Do you want me to dig more news for you. :laughcry:
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