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US “fully prepared” for any confrontation with Iran over Strait of Hormu

Because kings need Uncle Sam to keep their crowns.
The USA uses Israel to control the Middle East and use the discord between Sunni and Shiite to divide and rule Islam world.

And Arabs fall for it every time
To quote the immortal words spouted by Admiral Ackbar; "It's a trap"

The United States is in the perpetual seeking of a catalystic event that galvanizes public opinion on foreign military action à la Pearl Harbor,Gulf of Tonkin or 9/11.The American public is far too bogged down by it's internal crises to favor a new war but that would all change in an instant if their naval vessels were to come under attack.

So my Iranian friends,Do not take the bait being so lusciously offered and do not oblige the West by jumping the gun as that is exactly what they are hoping Iran will do.
so why indian members here spot and worship usa as a invincible nation?is there any big Contradiction here?

Most of them are American citizens and they are only doing what is expected of a patriotic US citizen.

India as a matter of fact have no friends, only interests.
Ok you are admitting it yourself.It's not Iran's fault that U.S is bullying it.It's not Iran's fault that U.S wants to ruin it's economy.No one should blame Iran for trying to have nuclear program(and not weapons).No one should trust U.S for one word it says while it is led by AIPAC and Jews.

For all I care you 2 can fight all the way to hell, I only care for our oil imports.
Well this may be the longest preparation in history its already been over 30 years lol
Iran has been preparing ever since 1988. This means we had 24 years time to prepare and plan for ourself. US will be knocked out by Iran
The placed SOME sanctions on you, they did not sanction you lik they did Iran did they? If they did you economy would not be anything like it is now buddy.

You are suffering bcs your biggest export is oil and you don't have a vast industrial base like India that can help you get over any sanctions and most of all you don't have a big market like India has that makes no economic sense for countries like US to place sanctions on us.
Most of them are American citizens and they are only doing what is expected of a patriotic US citizen.
this is not true.thats because of your fear from america!
you should put this logic away because this logic always gets humans in touble.
this is not true.thats because of your fear from america!
you should put this logic away because this logic always gets humans in touble.

What an absurd comment? Dude we faced off with US fleet when your Shah was buddy-buddy with US. Its not our problem that you became hostile to US and in the last few years we became close to US.
What an absurd comment? Dude we faced off with US fleet when your Shah was buddy-buddy with US. Its not our problem that you became hostile to US and in the last few years we became close to US.
you faced off the US fleet and then what happened ? any wikipedia article about this ?
you faced off the US fleet and then what happened ? any wikipedia article about this ?

Refer 1971 War...US 7th fleet. Lucky for US the war was over before US could anything not to mention Soviet support for our war effort.
What an absurd comment? Dude we faced off with US fleet when your Shah was buddy-buddy with US. Its not our problem that you became hostile to US and in the last few years we became close to US.
im talking about the people not gov.our people had a bad sense about USA even in shah period and we have this sense yet.
but you guys .....
Oh stop your bs Oldman. US never does anything when it makes threats. US goes to war without anyone knowing wtf is happening. Take for example Iraq. Out of the blue US is in Iraq.

Its true, Iraq just sent a representative to Iran to ease tensions cause Iraq depends on that strait to export oil. What do you think Iraq will do when Iran closes it down? Possible Iraq-Iran war II? Not to mention other countries that are affected. Don't deny it otherwise it will just get you in trouble. Iran is so stupid on this issue they don't understand the consequences of other countries being affected besides the U.S. I will welcome the close of Hormuz when Iran is ready to do it and laugh when Arab nations send their armies to Tehran.
Lol i was taking you seriously until you mentioned ''Iran-Iraq war 2''
you realize that Iraq nowadays cant breath without Iranian permission ?
Refer 1971 War...US 7th fleet. Lucky for US the war was over before US could anything not to mention Soviet support for our war effort.
When Pakistan's defeat in the eastern sector seemed certain, Nixon deployed a carrier battle group led by the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise into the Bay of Bengal. The Enterprise and its escort ships arrived on station on 11 December 1971. According to a Russian documentary, the United Kingdom deployed a carrier battle group led by the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle to the Bay,[73] although this is unlikely as the Eagle was decommissioned at Portsmouth, England in January 1972.
On 6 December and 13 December, the Soviet Navy dispatched two groups of cruisers and destroyers and a submarine armed with nuclear missiles from Vladivostok;[66] they trailed U.S. Task Force 74 into the Indian Ocean from 18 December 1971 until 7 January 1972. The Soviets also had a nuclear submarine to help ward off the threat posed by USS Enterprise task force in the Indian Ocean.[74][75]
ok according to wikipedia soveit sent some destroyers to check the us fleet not india navy
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