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US “fully prepared” for any confrontation with Iran over Strait of Hormu

The only way that Americans will get off Iran's case is if Iran follows American and Israeli interests.
They are done with Iraq. Iran is now getting attention, and it should play its cards very carefully.
a month?? hmm maybe usa could destroy most of irans naval, air force and missile sites and many other factories etc in that time... IF america suffered no loses to its carriers or navy...

i think if iran was to known out a few of americas carrier groups in the region... which is a real possibility, iran could reinforce its positions and get back up, while it takes longer for america to reposition its fleets etc... but then again, america could realistically send non nuclear missiles from its on mainland anyway and the fact israel will be involved too.. provided israel doesnt become a wasteland in the first day .. could provide a lot of trouble for iran

americas hope is to knock out irans capabilities in an extremely short time, if they succeeded in this, they could hold the whole area and reinforce it before russia and china entered the area..... then we have a real battle on our hands
We were under American sanctions for most part of our post-independence era and you know the reason for this...our nukes..but that didn't hurt us a bit. In the end they voluntarily removed the sanctions as they found that they are loosing business bcs of sanctions.. So don't teach us about sanctions.

Also US was firmly behind Pakistan until a few years ago, even going to the extent of sending US 7th fleet to help Pakistan during 1971. So we have seen enough of American threats.
so why indian members here spot and worship usa as a invincible nation?is there any big Contradiction here?
Meanwhile China is growing at 8.5 %-9.5 %+ per year :lol:

Oh by the way , with the current debt to GDP ratio of 99.3 % or so ....yanks are looking for another war? with Iran? :lol:

you could not stop yourself from talking about chinese growth on a thread related to iran and america , and lets not forget that you are a pakistani

on topic - well an american attack on iran will just dampen the U.S image in the muslim world even more , hope that a peaceful way is negotiated .
Ok you are admitting it yourself.It's not Iran's fault that U.S is bullying it.It's not Iran's fault that U.S wants to ruin it's economy.No one should blame Iran for trying to have nuclear program(and not weapons).No one should trust U.S for one word it says while it is led by AIPAC and Jews.

right now iran is to blame for its stupidity... frankly their stance will only lead to its destruction... even the arabs are not liking iran as much right now... thats not a good sign..

dont give america any excuses... iran has no hope against the usa when it comes down to it..

they got big heads now because china and russia have said they will back them..
so why indian members here spot and worship usa as a invincible nation?is there any big Contradiction here?

look no indian here is worshiping usa , iran is also an important ally for india , and continue to be one .
you could not stop yourself from talking about chinese growth on a thread related to iran and america , and lets not forget that you are a pakistani

on topic - well an american attack on iran will just dampen the U.S image in the muslim world even more , hope that a peaceful way is negotiated .
Arab nations support USA on this one.
We were under American sanctions for most part of our post-independence era and you know the reason for this...our nukes..but that didn't hurt us a bit. In the end they voluntarily removed the sanctions as they found that they are loosing business bcs of sanctions.. So don't teach us about sanctions.

Also US was firmly behind Pakistan until a few years ago, even going to the extent of sending US 7th fleet to help Pakistan during 1971. So we have seen enough of American threats.

The placed SOME sanctions on you, they did not sanction you lik they did Iran did they? If they did you economy would not be anything like it is now buddy.
right now iran is to blame for its stupidity... frankly their stance will only lead to its destruction... even the arabs are not liking iran as much right now... thats not a good sign..

dont give america any excuses... iran has no hope against the usa when it comes down to it..

they got big heads now because china and russia have said they will back them..

And when the arabs ever like the persian and vice versa? and tell me how Iran is being stupid bro? the usa is commiting an act of war by trying to destory Iran's economy, so why should Iran no retaliate?
forget about China, the chinese will eclipse us economically one day. We are indebted, it doesn't mean we can't go to war with Iran. We have been indebted forever,our lifestyles haven't changed much. Most importantly, we are the one who is printing the money at least for now. If Iran dared to close the strait of Hormuz, we would obliterate her within a month.

I dont think so. :coffee:
Iran is not like Iraq or Afghanistan. Iran has its own weapon industries and the supports from Russia
(Maybe plus China.....).
The main reason why America lost Vietnam War was the supports from Soviet and China,
and the main reason why Soviet lost in Afghanistan was the supports from America and China.
Whats the most important is Iran has a strong will to protect her independance.
I dont think so. :coffee:
Iran is not like Iraq or Afghanistan. Iran has its own weapon industries and the supports from Russia
(Maybe plus China.....).
The main reason why America lost Vietnam War was the supports from Soviet and China,
and the main reason why Soviet lost in Afghanistan was the supports from America and China.
Whats the most important is Iran has a strong will to protect her independance.

You have more chance of that panda in your avatar understand your point than that thing. leave him, he already proved his IQ level.
Arab nations support USA on this one.

and on everything else. Even killing of innocent Muslims all over the place as collateral damage

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

so why indian members here spot and worship usa as a invincible nation?is there any big Contradiction here?

Because Indians hope if they are sycophantic to Americans , they will get helped when China and Pakistan kick Indians
And when the arabs ever like the persian and vice versa? and tell me how Iran is being stupid bro? the usa is commiting an act of war by trying to destory Iran's economy, so why should Iran no retaliate?

its the timing of the recent things that matters between arabs and persia lol

iran is being stupid by taking a stance that can only really end in a war, your egging them on... u say america is commiting an act of war by sanctioning your banks.. well in the same sense iran is commiting an act of war by trying to get its hands on nuclear weapons... usa doesnt go around saying they are going to destroy a certain country like iran does, also iran has been concealing its intentions and lying about its nuclear program, they are trying to shift the balance of power in their favor....

the real stupidity is though.. if iran only wanted peaceful nuclear means, they would allow inspectors to stay and see anything and everything they wanted too, they would gain trust from other countries instead of creating more suspicion .. but they dont have peaceful intentions.. and they most certainly are after nuclear weapons.. the day iran gets a nuke, is the day the whole region need be in fear... in fact the world.
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