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US found Zia ‘most patriotic liar’ on nukes, reveal declassified memos

When the 'Big Bear' invaded Afghanistan, all the Western leaders got their tails between their legs. It was Gen. Zia who armed the Afghans and their initial success persuaded Ronald Reagan's administration to support the Afghan Jahad. I remember hearing his speech long before disintegration of USSR, where he envisioned whole of CAR free. He didn't see the day but gets the credit for that.

His soul support of Khalistan Movement was due to the fact that 'Free Khalistan' would be directly between India and Occupied Kashmir. Kashmir one step closer to freedom.

Unfortunately, on the home front he was influenced by very dumb Mullahs and his so called 'Sharia laws' are not as Islamic/Quranic as many people think.
May god bless his soul for making Pakistan a Nuclear Power - Without Nukes Pakistan would have faced naked aggression from neighborliness p!gs.I disagree with him on several policies but he was at heart a patriotic loyal Pakistani who would not compromise on Pakistani Interests.I wish we get such leadership again.
When the 'Big Bear' invaded Afghanistan, all the Western leaders got their tails between their legs. It was Gen. Zia who armed the Afghans and their initial success persuaded Ronald Reagan's administration to support the Afghan Jahad. I remember hearing his speech long before disintegration of USSR, where he envisioned whole of CAR free. He didn't see the day but gets the credit for that.

His soul support of Khalistan Movement was due to the fact that 'Free Khalistan' would be directly between India and Occupied Kashmir. Kashmir one step closer to freedom.

Unfortunately, on the home front he was influenced by very dumb Mullahs and his so called 'Sharia laws' are not as Islamic/Quranic as many people think.

Because the Afghan were made war hardened by Wahabbi ideology and Stringer Missiles from US was the main cause of Afghan success and Stringer missile only forced USSR to retreat.
He initially ruled as Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA), but later installed himself as the President of Pakistan in September 1978.[5] As both President and CMLA, Zia forcefully crushed the secular-communist and socialist democratic struggle led by the eldest daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto. Zia abandoned the previous economical policies of Bhutto, and replaced them with capitalism and privatization of the major industries of Pakistan that had been nationalized by Bhutto in 1970s. The Pakistan economy became one of the fastest growing economies in South Asia.[6] However, during this period of economic and social change, Zia curbed and violently dealt with the political rivals in 1980s.[7] His reign is often regarded as a period of mass military repression in which hundreds of thousands of political rivals, minorities, and journalists were executed or tortured, including Pakistan Army's senior general officers convicted in coup-d'état plots against his regime.

If we are not "Muslims", then what are we? Second-rate Indians? ”
—General Zia-ul-Haq, 1981

"It is not for the employers to provide roti (bread), kapda (clothes) aur (and)makaan (homes) (referring to a well-known PPP slogan used by Bhutto). It was for God Almighty who is the provider of livelihood to his people. Trust in God and He will bestow upon you an abundance of good things in life."
—General Zia-ul-Haq
The fact is.. the statement is true if you remove patriotic from the "most patriotic liar"..
Or take it as that he also lied about his patriotism..
After all.. patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel.
Who can forget the statement by Zia that we are a screw away from making the bomb.
US found Zia

WASHINGTON: US officials concluded in the 1980s that Pakistan was lying about its nuclear program but muted criticism due to Islamabad’s support against the Soviets in Afghanistan, declassified documents showed.

The memos released Thursday reveal some of the behind-the-scenes drama between the United States and Pakistan during Ronald Reagan’s presidency, foreshadowing current-day debates in the uneasy war partnership.

The documents included an account of a secret mission in June 1982 by a US envoy who confronted Pakistani military ruler Mohammed Zia ul-Haq with a letter from Reagan and said the United States had “incontrovertible” proof that Pakistan was seeking nuclear weapons.

The emissary, veteran US diplomat and translator Vernon Walters, said that Zia was “extraordinarily courteous, relaxed” and explained that he had no knowledge of nuclear weapons development but would check with his subordinates.

“Either he really does not know or is the most superb and patriotic liar I have ever met,” Walters wrote to the State Department.
The documents, some obtained after requests under the US Freedom of Information Act, were released to the National Security Archive at George Washington University, which made them available to AFP in advance.

Pakistan tested an atomic bomb in 1998, days after tests by neighbouring India. The United States banned assistance to Pakistan in 1990 – soon after the Soviets left Afghanistan – after concluding that it was developing nuclear weapons.

But Reagan exempted Pakistan from a law requiring sanctions, named after then senator Larry Pressler, even though the memos said that officials knew that the country was moving toward nuclear weapons.

The documents showed that the Reagan administration was genuinely concerned about Pakistan’s nuclear program, fearing it would trigger instability, and repeatedly warned Zia that Congress could cut off assistance.

“There is overwhelming evidence that Zia has been breaking his assurances to us. We are absolutely confident that our intelligence is genuine and accurate,” then secretary of state George Shultz wrote in a November 1982 memo to Reagan.

But Shultz recalled the “essential role” played by Zia in Afghanistan, where US and Pakistani agents funneled weapons to Islamic guerrillas who successfully fought a Soviet invasion.

“A rupture of our relationship would call into question a central tenet of this administration’s foreign policy – strong support for our friends,” Shultz wrote, calling the Afghan effort “the most visible evidence of the US commitment to counter Soviet military thrusts worldwide.” The memos said that as far back as 1982, US intelligence detected that Pakistani agents were seeking suspicious items from countries including Belgium, Finland, Japan, Sweden and Turkey.

Years later, such efforts were discovered to be the work of scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb. He is also accused of running a vast international black market of nuclear goods.

One secret assessment said that Pakistan was already believed to have enough for one nuclear weapon by October 1985 with assistance from China.

The US memos acknowledged that Pakistan was unlikely to comply with US pleas on its nuclear program in light of its concern over India, which has fought three full-fledged wars with Pakistan since independence in 1947.

The documents said that the United States was also urging “restraint” from India, which had strained relations with Washington during the 1980s.

Despite the criticism of its nuclear program, the United States resumed assistance to Pakistan to the tune of nearly $20 billion after it again offered support in Afghanistan following the September 11, 2001 attacks

Interesting choice of words on the part of the US establishment to describe the apparent refusal of the leader of another country to provide information on a classified strategic program.

Should one infer from the kind of language being used here (liar etc.) that the US political, intelligence or military leadership would willingly and honestly offer information regarding classified US strategic programs to the leaders/envoys of other nations?
Zia had the balls to hand corrupt bhutto and send many of his jialas on one way express ticket to hell..the later rampant looting of bhuttos and now zardaris is a testimony to their corrupt genetics. We should pray to Allah for another hardcore leader like this...who will hang all the corrupt morons..especially Reman Malik aka Baba Jhoota, Zardai aka Ghaddari, Bilwal aka Blayboy, and all the jialays shouting zinda hai bibi zinda hai bhutto
Propaganda that gen. Zia s., denied having nuclear program is nothing but a face palm.

Zia surely kept both US & Indians at bay.
Please restrict the discussion to the topic on hand, which is Zia's knowledge of the extent of Pakistan's nuclear program and his decision (if he did know) to keep the program active and covert as long as possible.

The discussion is not about Zia's political or religious legacy.
Americans love to play dirty politics, they are only in denial of their exploitation by Gen ZIA.
When the 'Big Bear' invaded Afghanistan, all the Western leaders got their tails between their legs. It was Gen. Zia who armed the Afghans and their initial success persuaded Ronald Reagan's administration to support the Afghan Jahad. I remember hearing his speech long before disintegration of USSR, where he envisioned whole of CAR free. He didn't see the day but gets the credit for that.

His soul support of Khalistan Movement was due to the fact that 'Free Khalistan' would be directly between India and Occupied Kashmir. Kashmir one step closer to freedom.

Unfortunately, on the home front he was influenced by very dumb Mullahs and his so called 'Sharia laws' are not as Islamic/Quranic as many people think.

No,much before that we had smashed them right there.Zia alive/dead made no difference.
Zia mgiht have been the worse thing that happened to this nation in terms of religious divide,ethnic divide, gun culture 7 drug culture! However, the nuclear program was the silver lining of his era!

keeping the US at bay was a master stroke!
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