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US extremist wanted to Burn Quran


Oct 19, 2008
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Church plans Quran-burning event - CNN.com

(CNN) -- In protest of what it calls a religion "of the devil," a nondenominational church in Gainesville, Florida, plans to host an "International Burn a Quran Day" on the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

The Dove World Outreach Center says it is hosting the event to remember 9/11 victims and take a stand against Islam. With promotions on its website and Facebook page, it invites Christians to burn the Muslim holy book at the church from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

"We believe that Islam is of the devil, that it's causing billions of people to go to hell, it is a deceptive religion, it is a violent religion and that is proven many, many times," Pastor Terry Jones told CNN's Rick Sanchez earlier this week.

Jones wrote a book titled "Islam is of the Devil," and the church sells coffee mugs and shirts featuring the phrase.

Muslims and many other Christians -- including some evangelicals -- are fighting the initiative.

The church launched a YouTube channel to disseminate its messages.

"I mean ask yourself, have you ever really seen a really happy Muslim? As they're on the way to Mecca? As they gather together in the mosque on the floor? Does it look like a real religion of joy?" Jones asks in one of his YouTube posts.

"No, to me it looks like a religion of the devil."

The Islamic advocacy group Council on American-Islamic Relations called on Muslims and others to host "Share the Quran" dinners to educate the public during the monthlong fast of Ramadan beginning in August. In a news release, the group announced a campaign to give out 100,000 copies of the Quran to local, state and national leaders.

"American Muslims and other people of conscience should support positive educational efforts to prevent the spread of Islamophobia," said CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper in the release.

The National Association of Evangelicals, the nation's largest umbrella evangelical group, issued a statement urging the church to cancel the event, warning it could cause worldwide tension between the two religions.

"The NAE calls on its members to cultivate relationships of trust and respect with our neighbors of other faiths. God created human beings in his image, and therefore all should be treated with dignity and respect," it said in the statement.

Dove's Facebook page, set up for the September event, has more than 1,600 fans.

"Eternal fire is the only destination the Quran can lead people to, so we want to put the Quran in it's [sic] place -- the fire!" the page says.

But another Facebook group with more than 3,100 fans says it stands "against the disrespect and intolerance that these people have for the Muslim people" and encourages people to report Dove's page to Facebook.

Targeting another group it calls "godless," the Dove center is also hosting a protest against Gainesville Mayor Craig Lowe, who is openly gay, on Monday at Gainesville's City Hall. The group previously fought -- unsuccessfully -- to derail Lowe's election campaign.

"We protest sexual perversion because the Bible protests it. ... What is acceptable to today's leadership becomes acceptable to tomorrow's society," the church says in its blog entry about the event.

Lowe and other government figures and media outlets received e-mails from the church about the event, The Gainesville Sun reported. Lowe isn't concerned with Monday's event.

"I've got other things to do," he said, The Sun reports.

On the outreach center's front lawn, alongside a sign reading "Aug. 2 Protest, No Homo Mayor, City Hall," stands not just one, but three signs bearing the slogan "Islam is of the Devil."

One of the signs -- one reading "Islam" on one side, "Devil" on the other -- was vandalized. On its blog last week, the church said the sign will be replaced.

"This is private property and vandalism is a crime here in America," the blog says. "In Islam, many actions that we consider to be crimes are encouraged, condoned or sheltered under Islamic teaching and practice, though. Another reason to burn a Quran."

Allah is protecting Quran from last 1400 years ,Islam is live religion and spreading very fast in western world .
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I think such act would probbly be condemned in US , as US has a rich tradition to oppose such actions - :usflag:

US is not europe
i think they forgotten the gojara attacks on Christians in Pakistan & India
and then the US expects the muslim world to like them. :coffee:

i happen to know a few very sensible americans who would condemn such things.

but there are also people like KKK and zionists and neocons. :flame:

just like any society at any point of time in the history, the standard probabilistic curve remains more or less the same. :coffee:

people like these can be expected to be around for a quite a bit of time. :wave:

the good thing would be to keep quite if you dont even have balls even to condemn the british pm's statement properly.

plus defending islam is not a part of purpose of pakistan. its defending the borders and keeping internal affairs clean. so. who cares.
Why we muslim dont ignore those ignorant. Let them burn Quran/Bible or whatever they want. Thats not going to stop any less Quran be printed the next day. Those kind of act only shows HOW important Islam is for the entire human race.
why do fanatics believe they out fanatic other fanatics? :hitwall:
People are stupid.
yeah especially Americans, you show them on TV that aliens are coming & they will come out on streets to greet them. the point is they believe anything that they get to see on TV.
What I find disturbing is not that some crazy fanatic wants to burn the Quran, but that their hate campaign is given so much free publicity by mainstream western media under the guise of 'reporting'.
One should respect the other religions and the Holy books too
is it freedom of expression??
Legally, I do not believe there is anything that can be done.

Protesting it won't gain us any favors due to the strong association held between terrorism and Islam in United States.

The best thing we can do is stop giving them free publicity and just let it blow over.
Mumbai archbishop condemns Florida pastor?s Quran burn call | TwoCircles.net

Mumbai: Dissociating themselves from Pastor Terry Jones of Florida, Archbishop of Mumbai, Cardinal Oswald Gracias led Catholic, Protestant and other religious leaders mainly Muslims, on Wednesday at the Archbishop house, to strongly condemn pastor’s call of burning Quran on the ninth anniversary of 9/11 attack.

“This is highly irresponsible and inconsiderate statements made by Pastor Terry Jones in the USA giving rise to extremism and hatred” claimed Cardinal Oswald. He said it’s very sad and “I stand with my Muslim brethren on this unfortunate incident.”

He also informed the audience that “They are the fringe elements with only 200 members in America, who declared this fanatic idea and the whole Christian world is against his call.”

Representing the Christians of India, H T Sangliana, Vice Chairman, National Commission for Minorities of India also echoed the same sentiments. He said that he talked to the American Embassy here in India and they also expressed their disapproval of the statement.

He assured Muslims throughout the world that, “this kind of statement is not acceptable and we are with you in the protest.”

Julieo Reibero, Ex-Police Commissioner of Mumbai also attended the press conference and was disappointed with the statement. He suggested, “These types of people are found in every religion and they are after the fame and the best way is to ignore them.”

American government should take strong action against these hate mongers and should take legal actions to stop these extremists. Abraham Mathai, Vice Chairman, Minority Commission of Maharashtra said and also added that “To stop this nonsense, Pastor Terry Jones and his followers must be arrested before 9/11.”

Terming the malicious campaign as against humanity, Nasim Siddiqui, Chairman of the Minority Commission of Maharashtra said that Books of all the faiths are actually respectable and Freedom of Expression does not mean insulting others and hurting religious sentiments. He advised for peace and communal harmony.

Mustaqeem Ahsan Azmi, President, Jamiat Ulema-I- Hind, Maharashtra and Qari Athar also addressed the press conference. Qari Athar said Christianity and Islam are the two biggest religions of the world and should ignore such kind of publicity stunt. He also demanded, “This sentiment and rage against the Pastor must reach the USA government and also that Indian Muslims and Christians are together.”

Terming the Quran burning issue as global, Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi, a Shia cleric, said “Quran is about Jesus and Mariyam. It’s not the matter of Muslims only but for the whole world because, contrary to the prevailing perception, Quran is not only for the Muslims but for all human beings.”

At the end of the press conference Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Mumbai informed the media persons that he has sent the letter denouncing the act to his counterpart in the USA and to the USA government. He also accepted the idea by a senior journalist Sarfraz Arzoo that he must try and talk to Pastor Terry Jones to stop this fanatic idea.
If anyone of you have carefully studied bible as I did, would know the X Rated content and fanatical extremist stuff inside both Standard, International version old/new testament would call it religion of "d". But lets leave religions aside by doing so people would get curious what's inside The Quran that might backfire at those ill intent morons.
yeah especially Americans, you show them on TV that aliens are coming & they will come out on streets to greet them. the point is they believe anything that they get to see on TV.

I'd have expected better from one with your post count than this trolling drivel:hitwall:.

People are people, no nationality makes a person inherently stupid or smart.

This is not an event I support, but it is protected, just as KKK rallies are protected.

It is all the more important to protect free speech which you don't agree with (that cannot reasonably be expected to cause harm).

I'd hope for peaceful protests outside the church (or perhaps a visit to the church) so the church members can see who is actually part of this "religion of the devil", as I doubt any of them have actually met and talked with Muslims.

bonus points if the event is filmed.

Perhaps some will learn shame.

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