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US extremist wanted to Burn Quran

The only thing he is burning is the image of his religion, his nation and his own personal character.

He is EXPECTING a strong response. I think the best way to deal with it is not to move a muscle, not to utter a word. Show him that his actions do not even warrant a thought. It will be a stronger deterrent than any protest. Show him he cant even scratch your skin, much less cause a wound
Its so stupid. such an extremist act would hardly dent the religion, or affect muslims in any way. Even as a symbolic gesture it would backfire in the same way as the Nazis who made the jews wear yellow symbols.
Let him burn it, let them burn a 1000. What will it prove? It will show just how pathetic their mentality really is, just like the Nazi's and the burning of books outside the Cathedral of Light.

They want to provoke, turn the other cheek, show them that our belief is not so fickle as to falter at the sight of a burning of a few tomes. The real faith is that of the heart.
They have found a way to piss off Muslims so they are now going to do it, It will be better for Muslims to act in a sane way & stop giving them death threats & at the same time people burning Quran are also acting stupidly...

There is no shortages of nutcases in this world
Let that day Muslims in US in the same state arrange "The Quranic Tilawat", piss them off with in positive way.

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