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US embassy's Tamil Genocide photos anger Sri Lanka military

You are not that much a sensible fellow, i guess.
read this part again and try slowly.
"I didnt point at india or even pointed at india's fault of training LTTE (though i have full rights to do so. ). what i meant was you cant compare the position of sikhs in india and the position of tamils in SL. So your argument that sikh is a prie minister in India doesnt really matter here. The circumstances are different. had the sikhs acted in the same way the tamils did and another country supported khalistan in a manner india did support LTTE, i am 100% sure indian gov would have taken a tough stand on it."
I didnt say pakistan didnt support Khalistani movement. But by that time India had destroyed the khalistani movement within india, so any external support had little effect. Also the amount of support khalistan got from Pakistan was very much less than to the support india gave for the LTTE.
Sikhs didnt have a Sikh nadu that was very influential in helping Khalistani movement.

You have comprehension issues .

Read the Pakistan help in khalistan before making claims like "But by that time India had destroyed the khalistani movement within india, so any external support had little effect."

Read it ....... Secrets of COIN Success Lessons from the Punjab Campaign

I didn’t ask you whether you justify the LTTE or not. I am just saying your argument that Sikh is a prie minister doesn’t suit any discussion regarding SL and tamils.

Tell that your countrymen who brought the Khalistan in post#12 .

Please read the para you quoted, they are in the past tense. I hope you have no problem with the tenses.
My point was the status of tamils before the war is not as bad as depicted in media, especially in indian media. The reason indian media and indian gover made the situation look so bad was to justify their actions of training a terrorist org.

The terrorist organisation was formed even before the Indian help and look upto why such an organistaion was formed in the first place .

I didnt say anybody contested the violence against Sikhs, though i have to educate you on that.
It simply means you have no high ground. The destruction of Khalistani movement is extremely bloody even much more than SL’s war against LTTE.

SO ??

Show me a single post of mine here condemning actions of civil war in this thread before your stupid countrymen brought the khalistan .

I didn’t ask you why that question was asked, I merely answered to your question. You really struggle at understanding , right?

Tell that your countrymen who made the claim that like Sikhs in India today Tamils occupy the highest positions in Lanka .

Ask them not to make claims that they can't back .

Presidents are selected by the government, not elected by the people. Again you frequently asking whether tamils had been elected by the people in SL is a stupid question. You can ask that question from SL the day india elects a Kashmiri Muslim as the prie minister of india.

Untill now you were quoting Khalistan but now in case of PM you have again jumped to kashmiri muslims because you already know that India has a Sikh PM ....lol

what off topic?

Read post #12
His reference to Khalistan is a stupid one. I agree with that. But my point was comparing Sikhs in India and tamils in SL cannot be done. They are two different situations. Had the Sikhs continued the same path like the tamils you won’t have a sikh prie minister in india today. That was the point. The reason Sikhs’ situation improved in india was crushing of the khalistani movement decades back. The same way had the LTTE was destroyed way before, the tamils could have been better off.
Yes LTTE was formed much before India helped it, but it was India which provided logistical help, training, arming, and internationalization of the issue. Had not for India the war would be very less bloody. No one would doubt it.
I don’t care whether you condemned anything in SL war, my point was comparing Sikhs in ind and tamils in SL is a stupid one. That is because these two movements went into two different directions. And again pointing at Manmohan Singh and asking whether SL ever had a tamil PM is also a stupid one.
The reason I pointed at Kashmiri muslim is, that is the comparable one. It is the place separatism is still alive with external support in India.
Oh please .... was I the one who brought off-topic comments into this thread .

It ain't off topic. In PDF Indians have the most pro-LTTE comments. So I suggested creating Khalistan in India first and then commenting on Sri Lankan issue. Why continuing a double standard?
It ain't off topic. In PDF Indians have the most pro-LTTE comments. So I suggested creating Khalistan in India first and then commenting on Sri Lankan issue. Why continuing a double standard?


pests like LTTE must be eliminated any day with no mercy ! Your assertion that LTTE has support base in main stream TN politics I would say is a naive assumption.

You are very ill informed. If u can google the seats won by a party in TN assembly who were advocating LTTE, you will find glaring results.

Any party, whose sole motto was "LTTE should be supported" got decimated time and again. This is a documented history of TN legislative !

Most tamilians if anything they want is to ensure that tamilians are not being discriminated against and they should get guaranteed rights within current SL constitution.

No one gives a tinker's damn to Eelam !
Most tamilians if anything they want is to ensure that tamilians are not being discriminated against and they should get guaranteed rights within current SL constitution.

And the issue is why do Tamilians want to make sure Sri Lankan citizens stop discriminate each other. If the reason is the sole Tamilness or the blood tie. Why don't Indian Tamils welcome their Sri Lankan counter parts to Tamilnadu and give equality as they preach to others?

But the treatment Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in Tamilnadu get make us feel that what these Tamilians in India wants is something other than encouraging equal rights of people living in another country.
And the issue is why do Tamilians want to make sure Sri Lankan citizens stop discriminate each other. If the reason is the sole Tamilness or the blood tie. Why don't Indian Tamils welcome their Sri Lankan counter parts to Tamilnadu and give equality as they preach to others?

But the treatment Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in Tamilnadu get make us feel that what these Tamilians in India wants is something other than encouraging equal rights of people living in another country.

You can go on a tangent but the reality is much simple , a common tamilian wants just equality of SL tamilians under SL constitution ..!

And SL sinhala majority have actively discriminated against tamilians in 70s dont think thats the case now though .. Anyway .. if your constitution provides them guarantee of equality then i see no reason for problems in future !
It ain't off topic. In PDF Indians have the most pro-LTTE comments. So I suggested creating Khalistan in India first and then commenting on Sri Lankan issue. Why continuing a double standard?

It is off-topic because this thread is about Srilanka and not Khalistan .

There are unlimited number of Khalistan threads and if you have a point go and post it there .

Pro-SriLankan Tamil does not equate to pro-LTTE .
You can go on a tangent but the reality is much simple , a common tamilian wants just equality of SL tamilians under SL constitution ..!

Then why don't they show the same equality to SL Tamilians living in Tamilnadu?

And SL sinhala majority have actively discriminated against tamilians in 70s dont think thats the case now though .. Anyway .. if your constitution provides them guarantee of equality then i see no reason for problems in future !

Have you being living in Sri Lanka since 1970s to know everything to come to such conclusions?
Then why don't they show the same equality to SL Tamilians living in Tamilnadu?

Have you being living in Sri Lanka since 1970s to know everything to come to such conclusions?

Blanket denials of discrimination towards minorities in the country at present or past is as bad as some of these hypocritical forum Indians blabbering about things they hardly know about

Then again as any post colonial state goes through it's social upheavals, Sri Lanka was hijacked by a C@nt of misery named Indira Gandhi for her cold war escapades, Using the dissatisfaction among the Tamil youth owing to the stupid nationalistic BS of Buddhist thugs totally influencing national policies, To turn them in to bloodthirsty killers much to the satisfaction of the TN Madrasi's still reeling from the utter failure of their Davida Nadu in India

The scary fact is.. It seems even after 30 years of bloodshed and mayhem, Still these so called political Sinhala Buddhists ( Not the vast majority of Sinhalese people) and their thuggish monks have not learnt their lessons
Then again as any post colonial state goes through it's social upheavals, Sri Lanka was hijacked by a C@nt of misery named Indira Gandhi for her cold war escapades,

This is total BS and shameless comment. Indira was not our enemy. She helped Sri Lanka when we need her help and she was a dear friend of Sirima. The major reason to change her stance on Sri Lanka was UNP and JRJ.

So if it wasn't for the foolish foreign policy of UNP government Indira wouldn't have helped LTTE and it wouldn't have grown into a such proportions.

The scary fact is.. It seems even after 30 years of bloodshed and mayhem, Still these so called political Sinhala Buddhists ( Not the vast majority of Sinhalese people) and their thuggish monks have not learnt their lessons

Those are not Buddhist monks those are Norwegian puppets.
Blanket denials of discrimination towards minorities in the country at present or past is as bad as some of these hypocritical forum Indians blabbering about things they hardly know about

Then again as any post colonial state goes through it's social upheavals, Sri Lanka was hijacked by a C@nt of misery named Indira Gandhi for her cold war escapades, Using the dissatisfaction among the Tamil youth owing to the stupid nationalistic BS of Buddhist thugs totally influencing national policies, To turn them in to bloodthirsty killers much to the satisfaction of the TN Madrasi's still reeling from the utter failure of their Davida Nadu in India

The scary fact is.. It seems even after 30 years of bloodshed and mayhem, Still these so called political Sinhala Buddhists ( Not the vast majority of Sinhalese people) and their thuggish monks have not learnt their lessons

Care to explain who asked SL govt to try to finger Indian gov in '71 by letting PN ships to dock in SL ? Indira just made sure the msg was loud and clear that she can play the game better than SL can ever imagine to ! ..

Btw, without Indian Navy's active support you guys think you could have won the war ? Davida Nadu or w/e that means was never an option because as much as we hate each other, every single soul in india recognize them as Indians first and then from state !

And to be frank, Indira just rolled the dice .. without local support courtesy the discrimination which persisted that time against tamils in SL, the war could never have gone for so long..

bottom line is, first there should be an appreciation of the fact that discrimination used to happen against Tamils in SL earlier, and make adequate provisions in SL constitution that such things cannot happen .. the tamils living in SL are your brothers and live happily with them ! Its not much to ask for !

pests like LTTE must be eliminated any day with no mercy ! Your assertion that LTTE has support base in main stream TN politics I would say is a naive assumption.

You are very ill informed. If u can google the seats won by a party in TN assembly who were advocating LTTE, you will find glaring results.
Any party, whose sole motto was "LTTE should be supported" got decimated time and again. This is a documented history of TN legislative !

Most tamilians if anything they want is to ensure that tamilians are not being discriminated against and they should get guaranteed rights within current SL constitution.

No one gives a tinker's damn to Eelam !
Are you high on what? Tamil is one of the state languages in Sri Lanka. Nowhere in the world you find such treatment given towards a minority that barely makes up 10% of the population. I don't know where you got this idea of thinking that Tamils are being discriminated. Standards of living for Tamils are as good/bad as other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka inlcuding majority Sinhalese. Please exclude Northern Province for now since it is just recovering from a full scale civil war. As the time goes, Northern Province will also catch up with rest of the provinces in Sri Lanka.

I can safely say standards of living of an average Tamil in Sri Lanka is far more better than standards of living of a Tamil in India.

Freedom from Torture has published shocking new evidence of torture in Sri Lanka which demonstrates the practice has continued long after the end of the civil war in May 2009. The research shows that torture is perpetrated by officials within both the military and the police and that people within the Tamil population who are perceived by the authorities as having links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) remain at risk of being detained and tortured.

"Many of us bear the marks of torture on our minds and bodies, but in Sri Lanka you can't express that you've been tortured. If you show your scars to [an official] you risk them telling the authorities and you would likely be detained again." Saarheerthan, Sri Lankan torture survivor
Survivors' well-founded fear of speaking out about torture in Sri Lanka is just one of the reasons that little information on the practice has flowed out of the country since the end of the conflict, including reported enforced disappearances and the intimidation of journalists, civil society organisations and doctors.

This report plays an important role in helping to break the silence of the last two years. Freedom from Torture has used forensic methods to document evidence of torture through the production of medico-legal reports (MLRs) for use in the context of asylum claims by torture survivors who have fled to the UK.

Keith Best, Freedom from Torture's Chief Executive, said

"As well as recording serious psychological impact in virtually all of the individuals whose cases are sampled in this report, the evidence also reveals high levels of visible scarring which strongly suggests a deliberate policy of 'branding' and an environment where perpetrators act with impunity. The experiences documented in the report of signed confessions forced through torture, fingerprinting and the deliberate infliction of visible injuries, mean that the risk of future detention and torture for survivors on return to Sri Lanka remains high, especially given the fact that in every single one of these 35 cases release from detention was resultant on the payment of a bribe. Fourteen had reported torture on their return from periods of time spent abroad.

"In light of this new evidence, the UK government must act immediately to ensure it is not returning individuals to a risk of torture in Sri Lanka. It is important that the UK Border Agency reviews and amends the country guidance information used by decision makers who consider asylum applications. While serious concerns remain, the UK should also put in place effective monitoring of any individual it forcibly returns to Sri Lanka to ensure their safety. We hope the UK government will play a leadership role within the international community to ensure that impunity for torture and other serious human rights violations in Sri Lanka is not allowed to reign. This is particularly essential as the Sri Lankan government's own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission is widely considered to be seriously compromised and not capable of delivering justice for the Sri Lankan people

The 35 individuals whose MLRs were reviewed in Freedom from Torture's study were detained in a range of facilities around Sri Lanka and all report being targeted due to an actual or perceived association with the LTTE, often through family members, or an opposition political party. It has been widely reported that the LTTE forcibly recruited Tamils into membership and other support roles during the civil war, suggesting that a very large proportion of the Tamil population is at risk of being targeted on this basis

Sri Lanka - Out of the Silence

Are you high on what? Tamil is one of the state languages in Sri Lanka. Nowhere in the world you find such treatment given towards a minority that barely makes up 10% of the population.

why are you bluffing your fellow Aryan Indians, who will swallow all your crap without questioning ?
No where in the world you say? In which dung hole is your head buried ?

Singapore Guide: Language, The official languages of Singapore:  The official languages of Singapore are

The official languages of Singapore are English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil.
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Instead of cut and pasting articles in media try to answer a question rationally

Are you high on what? Tamil is one of the state languages in Sri Lanka. Nowhere in the world you find such treatment given towards a minority that barely makes up 10% of the population. I don't know where you got this idea of thinking that Tamils are being discriminated. Standards of living for Tamils are as good/bad as other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka inlcuding majority Sinhalese. Please exclude Northern Province for now since it is just recovering from a full scale civil war. As the time goes, Northern Province will also catch up with rest of the provinces in Sri Lanka.

I can safely say standards of living of an average Tamil in Sri Lanka is far more better than standards of living of a Tamil in India.

Of course living standards of tamils in Colombo are better than those in TN. Tamil is an official language . But saying Tamils were not discrimiated is wrong. There were problems and some still exist. The misery of them would not be the same as spread b media, but still saying every thing was fine is wrong.
Care to explain who asked SL govt to try to finger Indian gov in '71 by letting PN ships to dock in SL ? Indira just made sure the msg was loud and clear that she can play the game better than SL can ever imagine to ! ..
This is another propaganda swallowed by Indians. SL didn’t act against India in 1971. It was a fault by the Indian gover in NOT securing diplomatic support. As soon as Indian govern objected Sl gov’s move the Sl gov discontinued it. That is the real story. And what game did she play? She ultimately lost her son to the very snake she cared for.
Btw, without Indian Navy's active support you guys think you could have won the war ? Davida Nadu or w/e that means was never an option because as much as we hate each other, every single soul in india recognize them as Indians first and then from state !
Indian Navy did support SL in the last war, but saying SL couldn’t have won the war without Indian support is too high. For your information SL was at the point of defeating LTTE in 1987 when india intervened on behalf of LTTE.
And to be frank, Indira just rolled the dice .. without local support courtesy the discrimination which persisted that time against tamils in SL, the war could never have gone for so long..
Every rational Lankan accept that there were problems. What do you think SL was? it was a post independent country with its colonial baggage, multi-cultural, multi religious, and third world country. Obviously there were problems. But war didn’t continue because of the problem. Most of the roots causes for ethnic disharmony became pale when compared to the problems that came into due to war. India supported LTTE knowing its terrorist activities. India lost a long term ally in SL.

This is total BS and shameless comment. Indira was not our enemy. She helped Sri Lanka when we need her help and she was a dear friend of Sirima. The major reason to change her stance on Sri Lanka was UNP and JRJ.

So if it wasn't for the foolish foreign policy of UNP government Indira wouldn't have helped LTTE and it wouldn't have grown into a such proportions.

Those are not Buddhist monks those are Norwegian puppets.

No point in blaming SL gover for india's support in LTTE. If you care to learn about SL history you will learn the worst part in SL history was that of Sirimavos. It was the turning period in SL. A lot of mistakes done by her today has grown into large problems later on.

And werent you supporting those Norwegian monks few months back? :D Did it took a Weerawansa to tell you that? we have been telling that from the beginning!
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