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US embassy's Tamil Genocide photos anger Sri Lanka military

in case you were missing the point, a structural genocide Tamils is no excuse for tackling "insurgencies' and you need to get you definition of "insurgencies" right !

There is no structural genocide of tamils. tamils in SL in the rest of SL live a fairly comfortable life like the rest of Slns

1) your source of information - Lankan military is biased
2) insurgencies - check it out with Kashmiri jihadists fighting the Indian occupation
3) Killing of over 40,000 - 70,000 Tamil civilian, by gathering them into the 'No Fire Zone' within a single month , apart from denying them food and medical supplies (stopping UN relief operation etc) is war crime, genocide and under international convention enough justification for formation of a separate country (refer Bosnia genocide)
4) Sri Lanka Army should tell US embassy , all the killing was part of tackling "insurgencies" and top whining

Half baked stories of LTTE funded media and LTTE propagandists are not real either. The number of 40,000 deaths has no basis. Even UN has said they are not sure about it

Can you apply all these to what USA has done in Iraq and Afghanistan ?
Also not to mention about Syria , Libya, etc?
Also what about red-indians Native Americans ?

The most disgusting thing here is the hypocrasy displayed by Americans. The woman in the picture is a wife of a former LTTE cadre, the bishop mentioned here is a well known LTTE supporter. They are the sources of US.
The truth is US very well knows war crimes like what they say never happened in SL. They have been watching the war via satellites. They are having other ulterior moves
So you support the drone strikes in Pakistan and would also support a full was in the tribal belt of Pakistan between the Taliban ans the Pak army even if it means hundreds and thousands of innocent civilians will get killed just because they had their homes in the region

the region US attack in Pak-Afg border is not a war zone. Americans only guess the places taliban is in. The places in SL was a WAR ZONE. The LTTE knowingly targetted the army by mixing with civilians. When an army is attacked from a civilians area the army can attack back. LTTE wanted to create a humanitarian crisis. That is not a war crime.

Secondly the figures given by propagandists has no basis. UN itself isnt sure about 40,000. Anyone knowledgable in SL war would say it is not so. The injusred to death ratio in SL would say the number of civilian deaths were very few compared to what is in media.

what is actually happening is US is bullying a little country.

manik farm was a refugees site where many NGOs worked. It has schools and all the facilities. Even the condition of manik farm was better than what is in refugee camps in Tamil nadu for tamils.
the region US attack in Pak-Afg border is not a war zone. Americans only guess the places taliban is in. The places in SL was a WAR ZONE. The LTTE knowingly targetted the army by mixing with civilians. When an army is attacked from a civilians area the army can attack back. LTTE wanted to create a humanitarian crisis. That is not a war crime.

Don't try to bluff, you are no witness to make assumption on the ground situation. This is what the Bishop of Mannar had to say on Tamil genocide, if you brand him as LTTE supporter, then ask genocidal Sri Lankan regime to take him to task or you prefer to give a 'white van' ride

Mannaar Bishop's statement

“Several civilians were killed when Sri Lankan forces shelled at Ki’linochchi hospital, Puthukkudyiriuppu hospital, Tharmapuram hospital and Puthumaaththa’lan hospital and the makeshift hospitals located at schools.

“During the war, medicine and food were used as weapons of war. Food-supply to Vanni was kept at a minimum level. Medicine was not supplied to the needed level at all.

“No Fire Zones were attacked. The NFZ was first located at Chuthanthirapuram, consisting of Udaiyaar-kaddu, Vallipunam and Kaiveali. There was no LTTE inside that NFZ. However, civilians were attacked.

“Therefore, the civilians moved into Maaththa’lan area. However, on their move, a lot of them were killed.

“The second NFZ, announced at Puthumaaththa’lan, which also consisted of Maaththa’lan, Valaignar-madam and Mu’l’livaaykkaal, was a narrow strip where LTTE members were also present, both outside the NFZ and inside the zone.

“There were also earlier instances where the people, who had sought refuge at churches and temples being indiscriminately attacked. This has happened earlier in Navaali and at the St. James Church in Jaffna.

“In Vanni, the international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) were forced to leave against their wish. This is probably a move to get rid of potential witnesses.

“More than 500 youths were allegedly slain and dumped at Chemma’ni mass grave in Jaffna [in 1990's]. I was serving here at that time.

what is actually happening is US is bullying a little country.

where's your Sinhala bravado ??? its ok for Sinhala majority to bully, rape, kill minority Tamil since 1950s ? now its pay back time

manik farm was a refugees site where many NGOs worked. It has schools and all the facilities. Even the condition of manik farm was better than what is in refugee camps in Tamil nadu for tamils.

there's a difference, refugees live voluntarily in refugee camps to escape from genocidal Lanka , not the case with genocidal Sri Lankan concentration camps, where they are forced to take refuge by the genocidal army.
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if normal educated/religious Sinhala Buddhists express such anger against the US embassy, imagine what they are capable of doing to Tamils living under their terrorism

The 2 communities have been after each others' blood for more than 1000 yrs, the only solution is 2 separate countries,

pah, another yindoo conspiring to harm another of your neighbor...what proof have you that separation could solve the problem? what we now see is: two communities after each other's blood for 1000 yrs, and suddenly one bled the other dirt dry and, voila, problem solved.

i think you should go for the proven solution and not your own fancy and bleed more of your own yindoo lot dirt dry and solve more of your problems in your own country. that shall mark a monumental contribution to the human race whose average living standard suffers from your being part of the race.
What has Khalistan got to do with SriLanka ??

If Sri Lanka should create a separate Tamil state based on the fact ill treatment to Tamils and genocide of Tamils. India should create a Khalistan on the same principles for Sikhs.
So you support the drone strikes in Pakistan and would also support a full was in the tribal belt of Pakistan between the Taliban ans the Pak army even if it means hundreds and thousands of innocent civilians will get killed just because they had their homes in the region

Childish comparison and a flame bait.

The thread is about ethnic or regional militancy and actions of the country's government against such militancy.

The right comparison to S Lanka Tamil militancy would be such as:

1. Sikh militancy in India
2. Kashmir militancy in India
3. Nexal militancy
4. North East militancy
5. Baloch insurgency in Pakistan
6. Talibarbarian militancy in Pakistan
7. 1860s Civil war in USA

And the list goes on.
If Sri Lanka should create a separate Tamil state based on the fact ill treatment to Tamils and genocide of Tamils. India should create a Khalistan on the same principles for Sikhs.

But that is none of the topic and in your attempt to troll manlion you are assuming him to be an Indian .

Anyways , Sikhs today occupy many of the highest positions in India and Khalistan is dead.
But that is none of the topic and in your attempt to troll manlion you are assuming him to be an Indian .

Anyways , Sikhs today occupy many of the highest positions in India and Khalistan is dead.

No need to be defensive.

Anyone supporting Tamil militancy in S Lanka should look in their own militancies.

Since many here with Indian flags are supporting Tamil militancy in S Lanka, it is normal that people will bring Indian militancy like Khalistan.

Hope you understand.
No need to be defensive.

Anyone supporting Tamil militancy in S Lanka should look in their own militancies.

Since many here with Indian flags are supporting Tamil militancy in S Lanka, it is normal that people will bring Indian militancy like Khalistan.

Hope you understand.

If you read this thread you will understand that nobody with Indian flag supported Tamil militancy but was criticizing the hypocrite behavior of US .

Also he brought Khalistan as a reply to a non-Indian .
But that is none of the topic and in your attempt to troll manlion you are assuming him to be an Indian .

Trolling or not I just pointed out the hypocrisy of Indians and Tamils.

Anyways , Sikhs today occupy many of the highest positions in India and Khalistan is dead.

So does Sri Lankan Tamils. If Sihks do not need Khalistan, Tamils should not need Eelam also.
Trolling or not I just pointed out the hypocrisy of Indians and Tamils.

Whatever floats your boat .

So does Sri Lankan Tamils. If Sihks do not need Khalistan, Tamils should not need Eelam also.

Just for the information , how many Tamil President , PM or Military chiefs did Sri Lanka had ??
Whatever floats your boat .

Just for the information , how many Tamil President , PM or Military chiefs did Sri Lanka had ??

Tamil candidates contest on presidential elections but what shall we do if they unable to gain votes.

There were/are some Tamil military officers and head of Police etc
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