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US embassy's Tamil Genocide photos anger Sri Lanka military

Now Sri Lanka is begging US :cry:

The Government today urged the United States (US) to reconsider its position on Sri Lanka and back efforts towards achieving reconciliation in the country.

Justice Minister Rauff Hakeem said that instead of further polarizing the country, the international community, including the United States, must look at alternate mechanisms like encouraging a Truth Commission in order to see reconciliation being achieved in Sri Lanka.

Hakeem said that the US Government has a preconceived notion on Sri Lanka and this was clear even during the recent visit of the US Ambassador-at-Large at the Office of Global Criminal Justice, Stephen J. Rapp.
The Justice Minister said that digging for evidence to back war crimes charges on Sri Lanka will only aggravate the division among communities and not help reconciliation.

The United States had on Sunday urged the government of Sri Lanka to seek the truth over alleged human rights abuses through independent and credible investigations, and where relevant, have prosecutions.
The US Embassy in Colombo said that the Rapp, during his recent visit to Sri Lanka, not only heard about the progress made since the conflict, but also the Sri Lankan people s continuing desire for reconciliation, justice and accountability.

During Ambassador Rapp s discussions, he listened to eyewitness accounts about serious human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law, including those that occurred at the end of the war. In that context the government of the United States encourages the government of Sri Lanka to seek the truth through independent and credible investigations, and where relevant, have prosecutions, the Embassy said.

The United States said it remains committed to working with the Government of Sri Lanka to promote greater peace and prosperity for all of the people of Sri Lanka adding that it is vital that all sides come to an agreement on events, have appropriate redress, and move forward as a unified country that upholds the rule of law and respects the principles of democratic governance
Just for the information , how many Tamil President , PM or Military chiefs did Sri Lanka had ??

Well first of all making some one from minority president or pm of a country does not mean that the same country is more secular and the countries do not do so are rasict. We all know India is doing so to keep the minorities specially Muslims and Sikhs occupy the idea that one of their own is at the top of the government.

Secondly Sri Lanka do not have any Tamil president or pm appointed up to now but I do not know what will happen in future. Although you should remember the late foreign minister L. Kadirgamar was nearly appointed as the PM and presidential candidate before he was gunned down. The only reason for him not getting those positions was the over whelming popularity of Mahinda Rajapaksa in SLFP at that time.

More over I cannot just state one name of Tamil Military chiefs as their countless. Please Google it and you will find out.

Leak reports from Srilankan ruling Rajapaksa regime , who are proven for war crimes, states that they are planning to ‘teach a lesson’ to ethnic Tamil politicians as female activist provincial member Ananthi is to be arrested over her meeting with American diplomat Stephen J. Rapp, an ambassador-at-large in the Office of Global Criminal Justice, who visited the island.

The Srilankan Defence Ministry which is run by one of the Rajapaksa Brothers , Gottabaya , is considering accommodating Tamil Homeland’s Northern Provincial Council (NPC) member Ananthi Sasitharan which Srilanka calls as ‘ rehabilitation facility’ where Tamil rebels were mentally tortured and brain washed with the help of experts to prevent her from propagating any Tamil freedom sentiments
Tamil candidates contest on presidential elections but what shall we do if they unable to gain votes.

There were/are some Tamil military officers and head of Police etc

SO no Tamil PM or President .

Has anybody from any minority community ever become PM or President ??

Well first of all making some one from minority president or pm of a country does not mean that the same country is more secular and the countries do not do so are rasict. We all know India is doing so to keep the minorities specially Muslims and Sikhs occupy the idea that one of their own is at the top of the government.

Secondly Sri Lanka do not have any Tamil president or pm appointed up to now but I do not know what will happen in future. Although you should remember the late foreign minister L. Kadirgamar was nearly appointed as the PM and presidential candidate before he was gunned down. The only reason for him not getting those positions was the over whelming popularity of Mahinda Rajapaksa in SLFP at that time.

More over I cannot just state one name of Tamil Military chiefs as their countless. Please Google it and you will find out.

You were the one who made the claim that Tamils occupy the highest position in Lanka .

Now since you cannot back it with facts , there is no need to whine about it and belittle the positions minorities attain in India .
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SO no Tamil PM or President .

Has anybody from any minority community ever become PM or President ??

You were the one who made the claim that Tamils occupy the highest position in Lanka .

Now since you cannot back it with facts , there is no need to whine about it and belittle the positions minorities attain in India .

No Tamil president, I don't why you are seeking such thing. Tamil percentage is just 11% and Sinhalese percentage is 75%. Sri Lankan identity based on majority so I don't think there will be some minority president in Sri Lanka. Anyone who wants to be president in Sri Lanka should be a national leader who can address the majority which is the Sri Lankan identity!
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F*ck the douchebag who use UAV to bomb a wedding just because those f*cker suspect they are terrorists.
No Tamil president, I don't why you are seeking such thing. Tamil percentage is just 11% and Sinhalese percentage is 75%. Sri Lankan identity based on majority so I don't think there will be some minority president in Sri Lanka. Anyone who wants to be president in Sri Lanka should be a national leader who can address the majority which is the Sri Lankan identity!

Dude I have no problem , if you guys give Tamils any high office or not .

I asked these question because of the claims made by one of your country men .
Dude I have no problem , if you guys give Tamils any high office or not .

I asked these question because of the claims made by one of your country men .

Everyone have similar rights! Highest post in Sri Lanka is Presidential post. Many parties who represent Sinhala, Tamil, Moors contest in the Presidential elections. But the major race is between just 2 mainstream political parties. someone cannot claim other ethnic are second class or third class coz they aren't getting elected for such a position in a country.

TNA (Tamil national alliance), SLMC (Sri Lanka Muslim congress) are the two main minority representing parties. first one representing a race, second one representing a race and a religion.....so can they gain votes from Sinhala Buddhist majority??
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SO no Tamil PM or President .

Has anybody from any minority community ever become PM or President ??.

How does that help the minority?

Does every country do that?

You were the one who made the claim that Tamils occupy the highest position in Lanka .

Now since you cannot back it with facts , there is no need to whine about it and belittle the positions minorities attain in India .

Well becoming PM or President is the only high places a Tamil can go?

And there is nothing to hide Tamil or any other from any minority has not become PM or President in Sri Lanka. Does that bother you?
How does that help the minority?

Does every country do that?

I inquired it just to know .

Well becoming PM or President is the only high places a Tamil can go?

And there is nothing to hide Tamil or any other from any minority has not become PM or President in Sri Lanka. Does that bother you?

Why should it bother me ??

You made a claim and I inquired certain facts . That's it .

Everyone have similar rights! Highest post in Sri Lanka is Presidential post. Many parties who represent Sinhala, Tamil, Moors contest in the Presidential elections. But the major race is between just 2 mainstream political parties. someone cannot claim other ethnic are second class or third class coz they aren't getting elected for such a position in a country.

TNA (Tamil national alliance), SLMC (Sri Lanka Muslim congress) are the two main minority representing parties. first one representing a race, second one representing a race and a religion.....so can they gain votes from Sinhala Buddhist majority??

I never said that not getting elected to that position means discrimination .

One of your countrymen said that Tamils occupy some of the highest positions in Lanka and that's why I asked whether there was any Tamil PM or President .

Another question , according to Pakistani constitution only a muslim can become PM or President .

Is there any such law in SL ??
Another question , according to Pakistani constitution only a muslim can become PM or President .

Is there any such law in SL ??

Not at all.. The constitution says the only criteria for eligibility is to be a citizen of Sri Lanka.. Although this outright lie about only a Sinhalese Buddhist can run for presidency is propagated both by racist Tamil separatists and Sinhala chauvinists alike.. (Google Sri Lankan constitution for clarification)

Case in point notable Tamil nationalist the late Kumar Ponnambalam ran against Junious Jayawardena in the 1981 Presidential elections.. Although not surprisingly he lost owing to his extremist separatist platform

The late Lakshman Kadirgarmar a prominent Tamil statesman would have won the seat comfortably if not for the bloodthirsty Tamil terrorists shot him down in cold blood.. They killed off all Sri Lankan nationalist Tamil leaders in the country for their macabre wet dream of mono ethnic Eelam

And as @Skyline said no minority person will have a chance to win as long as they run in ethnic or religious policies.. As the majority of the people irrespective of their ethnicity will vote for national agendas.. I myself is from a minority community but these are realities of free voting democracies
Although this outright lie about only a Sinhalese Buddhist can run for presidency is propagated both by racist Tamil separatists and Sinhala chauvinists alike.. (Google Sri Lankan constitution for clarification)

The most powerful advocates of ethno religious chauvinism are the Buddhist clergy, your so called 'Tamil racism ' was the result of ethno religious Buddhist chauvinism.

Nothing is done as per the constitution in Lanka, the ethno religious chauvinist Buddhist clergy has the power to over rule Lankan constitution,

Unofficially only a Sinhala Buddhist can the President of genocidal Lanka, that's the reason why the following Christian Sinhalas converted to Buddhism in order to be the President/Prime Minister

Prime Minister Solomon Bandaranaike - Christian convert to Budddhism
President Julius Jayawardene Christian convert to Buddhism
Foreign minister Samuel Katirgamar - Anglican Christian convert to Buddhism

And as @Skyline said no minority person will have a chance to win as long as they run in ethnic or religious policies.. As the majority of the people irrespective of their ethnicity will vote for national agendas.

In other words a minority person have a chance to win as long as they embrace the core culture of the majority
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Don't try to bluff, you are no witness to make assumption on the ground situation. This is what the Bishop of Mannar had to say on Tamil genocide, if you brand him as LTTE supporter, then ask genocidal Sri Lankan regime to take him to task or you prefer to give a 'white van' ride
So are you a witness to make assumption in ground situation?

Drone attacks on civilians in Afgan and Pak border by US is a war crime. Because US air forces has nt been targetted from there. Even US accept that their drone attacks are not hundered% on the target and that they kill civilians more than terras. Being a technological super power, the value they have on non american lives is dismal. They dont even change that but continue it with just saying "sorry".

who is Rasappu?

Those who are knowledgable in LTTE and Rasappu in SL and world wide know the connection between Rasappu and LTTE. There are photogrpahic evidence of Rasappu blessing LTTE cadres in a church. It is understandable given how some catholic fathers in TN support LTTE. Rasappu is nothing but LTTE.

The american ambassodr meeting Rassapu and talk about SL crimes is no less than American ambassodr meeting and talking with Prabhakaran. Because the same ideology and same org.

And who is Rasappu to know the number of people died? Rassapu is in Mannar and the war was in the other end.
where's your Sinhala bravado ??? its ok for Sinhala majority to bully, rape, kill minority Tamil since 1950s ? now its pay back time

What sinhala bravado? defending one's own country from a set of barbaric terrorists is not bravado but what a national gov of a country and its citizens should do. Tamils were not killed since 1950s. what happens is race riots that are unfortuante things in any multi cultural third world country.
So you accept what US doing is just bullying SL!

there's a difference, refugees live voluntarily in refugee camps to escape from genocidal Lanka , not the case with genocidal Sri Lankan concentration camps, where they are forced to take refuge by the genocidal army.

Refugges live voluntarily in refugee camps? what planet do you live in? In Tamil Nadu SL tamils live in refugee camps in very bad conditions. They cant go else where and settle. In Aus the tamil refugees are kept in Christmas island and live in open prisions.
Along with the civilians the LTTE cadres mingled. The SL forces and the gov has the responsibility to screen out the terrorists from people and not let them flee. They had the capability to do terrorist attacks if they were given the opportunity to flee.
The fact that SL gov arrested 10,000 plus terrorists from people living in IDP proves their point. Given the circumstances, the security and the welfare of the refugees the SL gov did it all in a praiseworthy way.


why ignore these things from US? from wikileaks

WikiLeaks: It’s Not Genocide, Army Could Have Won The Battle With Higher Civilian And Less Army Casualties – ICRC To US Mission To UN
ICRC’s Head of Operations for South Asia, began by stating that, because of ICRC’s strict confidentiality rules, he would be unable to share any specific information regarding allegations of crimes by either side, nor would he be able to direct Williamson to sources. That said, de Maio engaged in a lengthy discussion of the conflict and offered a nuanced view of the complex situation on the ground. For example, he said that the Sri Lankan military was somewhat responsive to accusations of violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and was open to adapting its actions to reduce casualties, but only to the extent that this would not undermine its overriding military objective – to destroy the LTTE.” the US Mission to UN informed Washington.
US Ambassador to Geneva Clint Williamson
The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The “Confidential” cable discuses what had happened on the ground during and since the conflict. The cable was signed by the US Ambassador to Geneva Clint Williamson on July 15, 2009.
After a meeting with Jacque de Maio, ICRC Head of Operations for South Asia on July 9, 2009, just two months after the war, the ambassador wrote; “The army was determined not to let the LTTE escape from its shrinking territory, even though this meant the civilians being kept hostage by the LTTE were at increasing risk. So, de Maio said, while one could safely say that there were ‘serious, widespread violations of IHL,’ by the Sri Lankan forces, it did not amount to genocide. He could site examples of where the army had stopped shelling when ICRC informed them it was killing civilians. In fact, the army actually could have won the military battle faster with higher civilian casualties, yet chosen a slower approach which led to a greater number of Sri Lankan military deaths. He concluded however, by asserting that the GSL failed to recognize its obligation to protect civilians despite the approach leading to higher military casualties. From his standpoint, a soldier at war should be more likely to die than a civilian.”
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pah, another yindoo conspiring to harm another of your neighbor...what proof have you that separation could solve the problem? what we now see is: two communities after each other's blood for 1000 yrs, and suddenly one bled the other dirt dry and, voila, problem solved.

i think you should go for the proven solution and not your own fancy and bleed more of your own yindoo lot dirt dry and solve more of your problems in your own country. that shall mark a monumental contribution to the human race whose average living standard suffers from your being part of the race.

You are partly correct. even though the conflict in SL has origins in ethnic disharmony, the LTTE and war became a war against terrorism and facism. Tamil leaders and tamil civilians killed by LTTE would attest to that. Tamils lead and continue to lead a better life in sinhala majority areas would attest to that too.

But that is none of the topic and in your attempt to troll manlion you are assuming him to be an Indian .

Anyways , Sikhs today occupy many of the highest positions in India and Khalistan is dead.

But if any external power supported Khalistani movement giving arms, training, and logistical help and facilitate propaganda the sikhs would not enjoy that. the real reason sikhs now are better is because the Khalistani movement was destroyed by india. If the Khalistani movement was continued with world wide support, the situation would be different.
The destruction of Khalistani movement was extremely bloody and violent even more than LTTE.
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