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US embassy's Tamil Genocide photos anger Sri Lanka military

Whatever floats your boat .

Just for the information , how many Tamil President , PM or Military chiefs did Sri Lanka had ??

1941-1970 navy Chief Rajan Kadiragamar
Gen Muthukumaru
Maj Gen Thurairaja, head of the Medical Corps
Maj Gen Devanayagam of the Sinha Regiment
These are top level chiefs in the forces.
Squadron Leader Tyron Silvapulle is a Parama veera padakkam receiver in SL army who laid down his life for SL in the war against LTTE.
Apart from them Tamils have held important positions in police force which was eliminated by the LTTE. Also there have been tamils in Army intelligence units and in soldier level.
The main reason that made tamils choosing SL forces and police later was the LTTE’s threats and tamil extremism that labelled such tamils as traitors

Now Sri Lanka is begging US :cry:

The Government today urged the United States (US) to reconsider its position on Sri Lanka and back efforts towards achieving reconciliation in the country.

Justice Minister Rauff Hakeem said that instead of further polarizing the country, the international community, including the United States, must look at alternate mechanisms like encouraging a Truth Commission in order to see reconciliation being achieved in Sri Lanka.

Hakeem said that the US Government has a preconceived notion on Sri Lanka and this was clear even during the recent visit of the US Ambassador-at-Large at the Office of Global Criminal Justice, Stephen J. Rapp.
The Justice Minister said that digging for evidence to back war crimes charges on Sri Lanka will only aggravate the division among communities and not help reconciliation.

The United States had on Sunday urged the government of Sri Lanka to seek the truth over alleged human rights abuses through independent and credible investigations, and where relevant, have prosecutions.
The US Embassy in Colombo said that the Rapp, during his recent visit to Sri Lanka, not only heard about the progress made since the conflict, but also the Sri Lankan people s continuing desire for reconciliation, justice and accountability.

During Ambassador Rapp s discussions, he listened to eyewitness accounts about serious human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law, including those that occurred at the end of the war. In that context the government of the United States encourages the government of Sri Lanka to seek the truth through independent and credible investigations, and where relevant, have prosecutions, the Embassy said.

The United States said it remains committed to working with the Government of Sri Lanka to promote greater peace and prosperity for all of the people of Sri Lanka adding that it is vital that all sides come to an agreement on events, have appropriate redress, and move forward as a unified country that upholds the rule of law and respects the principles of democratic governance

what is begging? that is how states function, i see terrorist supporters find hard to understand the precedures.

Leak reports from Srilankan ruling Rajapaksa regime , who are proven for war crimes, states that they are planning to ‘teach a lesson’ to ethnic Tamil politicians as female activist provincial member Ananthi is to be arrested over her meeting with American diplomat Stephen J. Rapp, an ambassador-at-large in the Office of Global Criminal Justice, who visited the island.

The Srilankan Defence Ministry which is run by one of the Rajapaksa Brothers , Gottabaya , is considering accommodating Tamil Homeland’s Northern Provincial Council (NPC) member Ananthi Sasitharan which Srilanka calls as ‘ rehabilitation facility’ where Tamil rebels were mentally tortured and brain washed with the help of experts to prevent her from propagating any Tamil freedom sentiments

It is the magnanimity of the SL gov to let her even stand elections. As a hard LTTE supporter she should nt have been arrested let alone contest polls.
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SO no Tamil PM or President .

Has anybody from any minority community ever become PM or President ??

You were the one who made the claim that Tamils occupy the highest position in Lanka .

Now since you cannot back it with facts , there is no need to whine about it and belittle the positions minorities attain in India .

How do you expect a tamil to become a president of SL when there is a seccionist movement waged by a violent terrorist. Anybody suggesing such is a plain idiot who has no grasp on reality. Also SL is a 75% sinhala country that means SL is largely sinhalese while india doesnt have a clear majority.

A tamil was never elected as president but a tamil has all the opportunities to rise to the top in any field. There is no constitutional impediment.

have india ever elected a Kashmiri Muslim as their prie minister?

The most powerful advocates of ethno religious chauvinism are the Buddhist clergy, your so called 'Tamil racism ' was the result of ethno religious Buddhist chauvinism.

Nothing is done as per the constitution in Lanka, the ethno religious chauvinist Buddhist clergy has the power to over rule Lankan constitution,

Unofficially only a Sinhala Buddhist can the President of genocidal Lanka, that's the reason why the following Christian Sinhalas converted to Buddhism in order to be the President/Prime Minister

Prime Minister Solomon Bandaranaike - Christian convert to Budddhism
President Julius Jayawardene Christian convert to Buddhism
Foreign minister Samuel Katirgamar - Anglican Christian convert to Buddhism


In other words a minority person have a chance to win as long as they embrace the core culture of the majority

So just because you cant give any evidence to prove there is no official impediment, you talk about unofficial thing. The people in SL will vote for any person to be their president. As long as minority politicians contest along ethnic lines and not national issues they will have less chance.

If the Black people in US was talking about Black people only and acted against their own country we wont see a black man in whitehouse today.
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Squadron Leader Tyron Silvapulle is a Parama veera padakkam receiver in SL army who laid down his life for SL in the war against LTTE.
Apart from them Tamils have held important positions in police force which was eliminated by the LTTE. Also there have been tamils in Army intelligence units and in soldier level.
The main reason that made tamils choosing SL forces and police later was the LTTE’s threats and tamil extremism that labelled such tamils as traitors

what is begging? that is how states function, i see terrorist supporters find hard to understand the precedures.

It is the magnanimity of the SL gov to let her even stand elections. As a hard LTTE supporter she should nt have been arrested let alone contest polls.

Squadron Leader Tyron Sivapulle was actually awarded the Parama Weera Vibhushanaya (Supreme Heroism Decoration).. To be exact.. The highest accolade in the SL armed forces equivalent to the British Victoria Cross (which was the highest decoration in the Ceylon Army till 1972), or the United States Medal of Honor, that is awarded as a reward for all ranks of the tri services (Regular/Volunteer) individual acts of gallantry and conspicuous bravery of the most exceptional order whilst on service...

Only 30 personnel were awarded this gallantry in the history of post colonial Sri Lanka.. A country that had been under war for three decades hence.. so it is very significant

He was instrumental in blowing off Tiger scum during air operations in his Mi - 24 gunship..
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But if any external power supported Khalistani movement giving arms, training, and logistical help and facilitate propaganda the sikhs would not enjoy that. the real reason sikhs now are better is because the Khalistani movement was destroyed by india. If the Khalistani movement was continued with world wide support, the situation would be different.
The destruction of Khalistani movement was extremely bloody and violent even more than LTTE.

An external power was supporting the khalistan movement back then . They are also trying to revive it .

We crushed the movement and Punjab has been peacefull for past 2 decades .
An external power was supporting the khalistan movement back then . They are also trying to revive it .

We crushed the movement and Punjab has been peacefull for past 2 decades .

is the support rendered by the external power same as the support rendered by India with strong backing in TN, hypocratical human rights org in west? did that external power give training, weapons , intel and recognition like india did to LTTE?

The fact that the Khalistani movement was destroyed 2 decades back is the reason the sikhs are bette off in india. had they waged war it would be different. The crushing of khalistani movement was horrible and crimes against humanity did occur. Ever heard of captian gill?
is the support rendered by the external power same as the support rendered by India with strong backing in TN, hypocratical human rights org in west? did that external power give training, weapons , intel and recognition like india did to LTTE?

I never wanted to enter the mud slinging contest but since you have wrote it . The answer to your question is yes .

If the majority sinhalese were not mistreating the Tamils in the first place such organistaion like LTTE would have never formed .

The fact that the Khalistani movement was destroyed 2 decades back is the reason the sikhs are bette off in india. had they waged war it would be different. The crushing of khalistani movement was horrible and crimes against humanity did occur. Ever heard of captian gill?

Did anybody contested anything about what happened in 84 ??

How do you expect a tamil to become a president of SL when there is a seccionist movement waged by a violent terrorist. Anybody suggesing such is a plain idiot who has no grasp on reality. Also SL is a 75% sinhala country that means SL is largely sinhalese while india doesnt have a clear majority.

A tamil was never elected as president but a tamil has all the opportunities to rise to the top in any field. There is no constitutional impediment.

have india ever elected a Kashmiri Muslim as their prie minister?

The reason why I asked those questions was given in earlier posts . Read it .

As for minorities having high position in govt. , I don't want to start a d!ck measuring contest but I can assure you are going to loose it .
If the majority sinhalese were not mistreating the Tamils in the first place such organistaion like LTTE would have never formed

As for minorities having high position in govt. , I don't want to start a d!ck measuring contest but I can assure you are going to loose it .

So can you pls elaborate what these mistreatment's were particular to the Jaffna Tamils that made them take up violent terrorism for separation ??.. That did not affect their plantations counter parts or Moors, Malays, Burghers and numerous other minorities in the country ??

Being a Lankan of a minority community i myself would like to know how you came to that conclusion, And why my people didn't take up arms, Terrorise and destroy the country for 3 decades?? Did'nt they they know the ground situation more than some Keralite Indian on the defense forum?? Perhaps they didn't get the support of 80 million blood thirsty hounds just across the ocean

Whats worse than a ignorant is a hypocritical ignorant
I never wanted to enter the mud slinging contest but since you have wrote it . The answer to your question is yes .

If the majority sinhalese were not mistreating the Tamils in the first place such organistaion like LTTE would have never formed .

Did anybody contested anything about what happened in 84 ??

The reason why I asked those questions was given in earlier posts . Read it .

As for minorities having high position in govt. , I don't want to start a d!ck measuring contest but I can assure you are going to loose it .

Dont act like a d1ck just because you cant make a suitable counter argument. I didnt point at india or even pointed at india's fault of training LTTE (though i have full rights to do so. ). what i meant was you cant compare the position of sikhs in india and the position of tamils in SL. So your argument that sikh is a prie minister in India doesnt really matter here. The circumstances are different. had the sikhs acted in the same way the tamils did and another country supported khalistan in a manner india did support LTTE, i am 100% sure indian gov would have taken a tough stand on it. Actually they did it 2 decades back. get the point!

The govern's mistreatement of tamils is not good and most of these things are corrected now and we still have work to do. It doesnt justify LTTE terrorism and facsism. prior to LTTE tamils lived in SL and lead a good life. many colombo tamils learned the discrimiation issues after the violence broke out. So this notion that tamils suffered until LTTE came up is not true.

The tamils faced problems but the scale and the degree of it is much much less than propagated by media and especially in india. India wanted to justify their actions in supporting and arming a terrorism group. For that they painted the situation in SL in an extremely wrong manner. That is exactly what you are doing here.

yes many people contested what happened in 84. the massacres of the Sikh people and the violence, barbaric oppression of the khalistani movement is well known, though you dont know. The indian gov had to face a lot of criticism because of their actions. And Gill is a police captian inviolved in crushing khalistani movement and responsible for many atrocities against Sikh community. The laughable thing is he was given the Padma Shri by indian gov.

I have given you a list of few tamils who held high post in SL forces. I have answered your Qn, between i dont think the minority in top posts is a dick measuring contest. The posts should go to the most suitable not based on whether he is from minority or not. I think you are just using a very common phrase in PDF though not suitable for the occasion.

Tell me has India ever elected a Muslim pieminister let along a Kashmiri one?
Dont act like a d1ck just because you cant make a suitable counter argument. I didnt point at india or even pointed at india's fault of training LTTE (though i have full rights to do so. ). what i meant was you cant compare the position of sikhs in india and the position of tamils in SL. So your argument that sikh is a prie minister in India doesnt really matter here. The circumstances are different. had the sikhs acted in the same way the tamils did and another country supported khalistan in a manner india did support LTTE, i am 100% sure indian gov would have taken a tough stand on it. Actually they did it 2 decades back. get the point!

Read about the khalistani movement and how pakistan actively supported the movement before writing cr@p .

The govern's mistreatement of tamils is not good and most of these things are corrected now and we still have work to do. It doesnt justify LTTE terrorism and facsism. prior to LTTE tamils lived in SL and lead a good life. many colombo tamils learned the discrimiation issues after the violence broke out. So this notion that tamils suffered until LTTE came up is not true.

I never justified any actions of LTTE and I feel the crushing of LTTE to be a good thing .

The tamils faced problems but the scale and the degree of it is much much less than propagated by media and especially in india. India wanted to justify their actions in supporting and arming a terrorism group. For that they painted the situation in SL in an extremely wrong manner. That is exactly what you are doing here.

You mean the whole India still supports LTTE even after them killing our former PM .

yes many people contested what happened in 84. the massacres of the Sikh people and the violence, barbaric oppression of the khalistani movement is well known, though you dont know. The indian gov had to face a lot of criticism because of their actions. And Gill is a police captian inviolved in crushing khalistani movement and responsible for many atrocities against Sikh community. The laughable thing is he was given the Padma Shri by indian gov.

Everybody in India know about the 84 riots and all those HR violations .

Where did anybody contested that ??

I have given you a list of few tamils who held high post in SL forces. I have answered your Qn, between i dont think the minority in top posts is a dick measuring contest. The posts should go to the most suitable not based on whether he is from minority or not. I think you are just using a very common phrase in PDF though not suitable for the occasion.

I have explained multiple times now why that question was asked .

Tell me has India ever elected a Muslim pieminister let along a Kashmiri one?

NO but there have been Muslim Presidents .

Will that satisfy you .
So can you pls elaborate what these mistreatment's were particular to the Jaffna Tamils that made them take up violent terrorism for separation ??.. That did not affect their plantations counter parts or Moors, Malays, Burghers and numerous other minorities in the country ??

I am no supporter of LTTE but since you have asked the question , can you tell me which among those reasons are false and non-discriminatory ??

Sri Lankan Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Being a Lankan of a minority community i myself would like to know how you came to that conclusion, And why my people didn't take up arms, Terrorise and destroy the country for 3 decades??

The same reason why some in India have took up arms and some not .

Did'nt they they know the ground situation more than some Keralite Indian on the defense forum?? Perhaps they didn't get the support of 80 million blood thirsty hounds just across the ocean

Whats worse than a ignorant is a hypocritical ignorant

Nice advice .

It will be better if you and your countrymen read these advice better before posting BS about Khalistan after all we know more about our country than a Srilankan on a defence forum .
It will be better if you and your countrymen read these advice better before posting BS about Khalistan after all we know more about our country than a Srilankan on a defence forum .

Likewise we about our country better than a Indians on a defense forum. So do not act like you know everything by just listening to what US/EU say.
Likewise we about our country better than a Indians on a defense forum. So do not act like you know everything by just listening to what US/EU say.

Oh please .... was I the one who brought off-topic comments into this thread .
Read about the khalistani movement and how pakistan actively supported the movement before writing cr@p .

You are not that much a sensible fellow, i guess.
read this part again and try slowly.
"I didnt point at india or even pointed at india's fault of training LTTE (though i have full rights to do so. ). what i meant was you cant compare the position of sikhs in india and the position of tamils in SL. So your argument that sikh is a prie minister in India doesnt really matter here. The circumstances are different. had the sikhs acted in the same way the tamils did and another country supported khalistan in a manner india did support LTTE, i am 100% sure indian gov would have taken a tough stand on it."
I didnt say pakistan didnt support Khalistani movement. But by that time India had destroyed the khalistani movement within india, so any external support had little effect. Also the amount of support khalistan got from Pakistan was very much less than to the support india gave for the LTTE.
Sikhs didnt have a Sikh nadu that was very influential in helping Khalistani movement.
I never justified any actions of LTTE and I feel the crushing of LTTE to be a good thing.
I didn’t ask you whether you justify the LTTE or not. I am just saying your argument that Sikh is a prie minister doesn’t suit any discussion regarding SL and tamils.
You mean the whole India still supports LTTE even after them killing our former PM .
Please read the para you quoted, they are in the past tense. I hope you have no problem with the tenses.
My point was the status of tamils before the war is not as bad as depicted in media, especially in indian media. The reason indian media and indian gover made the situation look so bad was to justify their actions of training a terrorist org.
Everybody in India know about the 84 riots and all those HR violations .
Where did anybody contested that ??
I didnt say anybody contested the violence against Sikhs, though i have to educate you on that.
It simply means you have no high ground. The destruction of Khalistani movement is extremely bloody even much more than SL’s war against LTTE.
I have explained multiple times now why that question was asked .
I didn’t ask you why that question was asked, I merely answered to your question. You really struggle at understanding , right?
NO but there have been Muslim Presidents .
Will that satisfy you .
Presidents are selected by the government, not elected by the people. Again you frequently asking whether tamils had been elected by the people in SL is a stupid question. You can ask that question from SL the day india elects a Kashmiri Muslim as the prie minister of india.
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