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US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

gotta be a very high target otherwise there was gonna be a break in drone strike for quite some time!

People.. bomb-blasts and killing of Pakistani Soldiers have started once again. Where I suspect TTP and the terrorists being it, I equally suspect Americans for their hand in it because they are not happy with the peace-deal Paksitan struck with TTP fractions. Now on one side, our soldiers are being attacked by militants and on the other, USA has started doing its bitchness through drones.. I don't think this attack was to kill some militant.. this rather appears to be an effort to create anti-Pakistan sentiment in the tribes and sabotage important initiatives taken by Pakistan.
Rofl! I thought Pakistan was ready to shoot down any intruder after salala incident, I will love to understand what happened now?
Exactly! This in spite of the so called 'warnings' by all and sundry to the US of A.

Pakistan has warned the US about ongoing non-UN-sanctioned air strikes in its tribal regions, insisting that there are no agreements between Washington and Islamabad over drone attacks.

"Any aggression against Pakistan would be dealt with full force”, Pakistan's Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar told reporters in eastern Lahore. Reliable sources also pointed out that Pakistan’s civil and military leadership also decided to shoot down any American aircraft or drones, if they violated the sovereignty of the country.

It has also been stated that radars have been installed on the AFPAK border after the incident that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, to detect any airspace violations and that anti aircraft assets have been deployed on the border. But in spite of all this, US drones have again coolly entered Pak airspace and killed three persons!!

So is that just a lot of hot air and empty rhetoric by the powers that be? Will there be any action at all to bring those drones down? Or is Pakistan apprehensive of retaliatory action by the US of A? If so, then why all this hullabaloo of upholding the sovereignty of Pakistan at all costs?

If nothing is done to show that Pakistan is serious, the Americans will be further emboldened to carry out strikes with impunity. C'mon guys! Make a move! The ball is in your court!

A sad day for all of us.
Nah. They said that they will shoot down any object that will enter their airspace. May be they are waiting for raptor killer " JF-17 " because their F-16 can't beat F-22 when USA will bomb pakistan beck into stone age after pakistan dare to attack USA's drone . What you say about that?
i agree with you. US will take pakistan to the stone age if they ever try to throw even a stone on US drone. so they will better prefer money.

moreover- it requires balls!
May be due to political reason, or due to fear of Taliban reaction if GOP openly declares.
Taliban's are Fragile and they know, they can't fight with Pak army. That's why these some 5, 10s does suicide attack on civilians.

Pakistan is an ally of US on WoT. its a fact. there is nothing to hide. no matter what is your relationship with US- you still have to kill these terrorists right? so why fear?
Indeed, professional manner........more NATO incident attacks sooon. :yahoo:

Blame the guys running it not the country & PAKISTAN is not FAKE.... people running it are...

I agree with you. There is no point of Pakistan on the map today because our leaders, Military, Kiyani, religious extremists, and some top officials criminals don't give anything good with respect to Pakistan and last sixty years. I would say again, there is no need for Pakistan today. Just remove our country from the map, it is very headaches and messed up.

Pasha's visit in Qatar outcome must be authorized drones...Probably Kiyani didn't know the authorized by Pasha.
Exactly! This in spite of the so called 'warnings' by all and sundry to the US of A.

Pakistan has warned the US about ongoing non-UN-sanctioned air strikes in its tribal regions, insisting that there are no agreements between Washington and Islamabad over drone attacks.

"Any aggression against Pakistan would be dealt with full force”, Pakistan's Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar told reporters in eastern Lahore. Reliable sources also pointed out that Pakistan’s civil and military leadership also decided to shoot down any American aircraft or drones, if they violated the sovereignty of the country.

It has also been stated that radars have been installed on the AFPAK border after the incident that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, to detect any airspace violations and that anti aircraft assets have been deployed on the border. But in spite of all this, US drones have again coolly entered Pak airspace and killed three persons!!

So is that just a lot of hot air and empty rhetoric by the powers that be? Will there be any action at all to bring those drones down? Or is Pakistan apprehensive of retaliatory action by the US of A? If so, then why all this hullabaloo of upholding the sovereignty of Pakistan at all costs?

If nothing is done to show that Pakistan is serious, the Americans will be further emboldened to carry out strikes with impunity. C'mon guys! Make a move! The ball is in your court!

Well....Ahmad Mukhtar is right in one sense, we are responding with 'full force', 'full bending over backwards force' that is.

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

Pakistan is an ally of US on WoT. its a fact. there is nothing to hide. no matter what is your relationship with US- you still have to kill these terrorists right? so why fear?

Would your Government allow the US drone strikes? Even if they were against suspected Kashmiri insurgents?
A sad day for all of us.

We civilians don't care what will be consequences if war happens.
I just know there is nothing important than sovereignty, integrity and Respect of the country.
Die with honor but never bow down.

Already Pakistan is bearing 85% of budget for military purpose, But in returns.......:alcoholic:

Live with Respect or die

really a disappointing news kiyani & pasha have clearly let down the nation. I mean if Iran can shoot down a drone then its hard to believe why Pakistan cant do the same, one just need guts Iran on the other hand brought a drone down' could the U.S bomb it to stone age ? no it couldn't, on top of that Iran is sharing the technology with Russia, all this bombing to stone age warnings sounds good on media only reality is different . Pakistan is not Afghanistan,Iraq or Libya the only problem is that it has incompetent & corrupt leaders both in the civil,bureaucracy & military departments. trust me the more i read news like this the more respect i have for president Ahmadinejad
Cabinet drafts final recommendations for revised Pak-US ties

ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet on Wednesday finalised recommendations to formulate new terms of cooperation with the US, reported Express News.

The meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, drafted the recommendations with the “unanimous” approval of the cabinet members. The draft will define the process of rewriting terms of engagement with the US.

The draft also includes recommendations of ties with the Nato and Isaf.

Senator Raza Rabbani said that the recommendations will be sent to the Speaker National Assembly and a copy will be sent to the prime minister. The recommendations cannot be brought to the media, he added.

After receiving the final draft recommendations, Gilani will convene a joint session of parliament for their formal approval.

Rabbani also said that the guidelines were drafted with no objections from the Foreign and Defence ministries.

The recommendations have 36 guidelines in total, among which 16 are significant ones.

The review of entire gamut of political, economic and military cooperation with the US was ordered in reaction to the November 26 Nato airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. The attack prompted Pakistan to shut down Nato supply routes and ordered the US to vacate a remote airbase in Balochistan believed to be used by the CIA for drone attacks in the tribal belt.

They are supposed to get Parliament approval and final recommednations before drones attacks, why start drones attack early?? How pathetic, I mean Pakistan is definitely pathetic country last sixty years with same old attitudes!
today the entire country has his head down i am beyond disappointed.... the people dont care whether its usa peacefull is right there is nothing worse then your sovereignty being challenged either fight it heck afghanistan and iran are better then us atleast they r putting up a fight we are a nuclear country we cant do anything.....

they r back the supply will be opened again and all for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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