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US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

US Predators kill 13 'militants' in North Waziristan strike

By Bill Roggio, May 6, 2011

Unmanned US strike aircraft killed 13 "militants" in an attack on an area of Pakistan's tribal agency of North Waziristan that is known to shelter al Qaeda's top leaders. The strike is the first in two weeks, and the first since US commandos penetrated deep into Pakistan to kill al Qaeda's top leader Osama bin Laden.

Reports from the region indicate several of the remotely operated Predators or the more deadly Reapers fired eight missiles at a vehicle and a compound in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan. Initial reports indicated eight "militants" were killed, but Dawn later reported that 13 were killed.

"We are trying to ascertain the identities of the militants killed in the strike, but initial reports indicate that there are both local and foreign militants who had been killed in the missile attack," a local Pakistani intelligence official told AFP. Pakistani officials use the term "foreign militants" to describe Arab and other al Qaeda fighters.

The nature of the strike, with eight missiles fired, indicates a senior al Qaeda or Taliban commander was targeted.

Read more: US Predators kill 13 'militants' in North Waziristan strike - The Long War Journal
At this point Pakistan has given it'd testeculars in the US hands. The drones will continue and anything else besides that. At this point even the nuclear arsonal of Pak is to an extent at American mercy. Osama's comluters, laptops, phone numbers, hand written notes are in US custody and being analyzed.

If tomorrow Whitehouse releases a statement there's a connection between AQ or Osama with that of Pak nukes or people directly involved with nukes or even Kiyani then that will be the truth the world believes and will come after Pakistan's nukes.

Kiyani knows this and so do the others in power. They've literally become slave to the US say, if they weren't before already. Hopefully US can persuade them into finishing off these religious extremists and help average Pakistani get their country back because its sure as the army and political leaders wont.
Hopes USA did't forgot the Vietnam War

Keep convincing yourself and keep consoling reminding them of their defeat, but keep ignoring what they did to so many nations.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.

If they want to destroy you not capture you, it is easy for them.
I think solution to this is quite simple.Pakistan Army should enter NW and establish GOP writ all over the area - After that if US still performs drone attacks ( Admiral Mullen Said they won't do it if PAKARMY take care of NW) then bring into to UN.

Well if you do that without fooling people, trust me there will be no drone strikes at all. They are not insane.
I think solution to this is quite simple.Pakistan Army should enter NW and establish GOP writ all over the area - After that if US still performs drone attacks ( Admiral Mullen Said they won't do it if PAKARMY take care of NW) then bring into to UN.

In simple term, get rid of your strategic assets called Afghan Taliban. US has been asking for this only for years. Its time Pak realizes that the cost of maintaining them has far exceeded their benefit. Anyway with the big nations involved in Afghanistan, Pakistan can not again rule Afg thru Taliban proxy.
As they say in Texas.. When you got them by the B*lls, their hearts and minds will follow..

btw the good thing is that USA is fast replacing India as enemy number 1 in the minds of many Pakistanis.. Well, some good comes out of everything ;)
the time is US and pakistan should sit and talk . innocent are getting killed and the biggest beneficiary are terrorists. the problem is lack of vision of regime in pakistan . they want to used the terrorists as a strategic assets against India. but the OBL assassination has exposed everything. Now world needs the commitment form pakistan that they won't harbor terrorist any more, which has to be demonstrated by pakistan. Infact it is better for pakistan only.
The USA will keep up the drone strikes until Pakistan stops harboring the Mullah Omar, Haqqani and Hekmatyar networks and others who are waging war in Afghanistan. It's not at all complicated. Pakistan has to be with us and the Afghans, or against us. If you aren't going to be with us, we will make you pay in whatever ways we can. The drone strikes are a little pinprick compared to what could happen if Pakistan doesn't change its strategy. There are NO GOOD Taliban! or Jihadis! After the intelligence is sifted from the Bin Laden "mansion", look for a few drone strikes around Quetta, too.
The first step for Pakistan is to call for a UN sitting exclusively to discuss Pakistan's situation, and protest against "illegal acts" of US Army in Pakistan under the international laws.. Secondly, It should be clearly stated, beforehand, that every action in the territories of Pakistan, let it be Air, Land or Sea is to be taken by Pakistan and Pakistan only, any outside intrusion will be dealt with strong hands (political version, means, shot down or killed)..

If even after that, someone goes against it, take the extreme measure, if they are not listening and if it is war then it is war! simple as that.. waisay to hamaray Pakistani ghairat ki bari baat kartay hain aur is par marnay ko tayyar hotay hain.. aaj mulki ghairat ki baat hai aur 80% log bayghairat banay howay hain???

Hope Pakistan does go to war as that will solve many of India's problems as well. So what happened to Pakistan's threat of retaliation if another attack happened ????? lol Pakistan can only talk and does nothing, thats the story of the country. I dont know what people are thinking when they say the army should take action, it will probably take a couple of days for the US military to neutralize the entire Pak establishment and im sure the army knows that unlike some people here. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan cannot do anything and will continue to be humiliated in front of the world until the US decides to stop.
Hope Pakistan does go to war as that will solve many of India's problems as well. So what happened to Pakistan's threat of retaliation if another attack happened ????? lol Pakistan can only talk and does nothing, thats the story of the country. I dont know what people are thinking when they say the army should take action, it will probably take a couple of days for the US military to neutralize the entire Pak establishment and im sure the army knows that unlike some people here. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan cannot do anything and will continue to be humiliated in front of the world until the US decides to stop.

Let's not be harsh here... US is a super-power and messing with them is not a cake....They made India do an about turn viz-a-viz Iran even though we have been following NAM, have fairly independent foreign policy and have a newly found economic might....Their strategy is same old "carrot and stick"....Pakistan biggest curse is India centric foreign policy...Just to stay in Parity with India(which might be important, though i don't agree) they have simply played into hands of western powers....Now US with all her might and over dependent Pak is simple toying with them. Unfortunately no one can do anything about it...c

---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

Hope Pakistan does go to war as that will solve many of India's problems as well. So what happened to Pakistan's threat of retaliation if another attack happened ????? lol Pakistan can only talk and does nothing, thats the story of the country. I dont know what people are thinking when they say the army should take action, it will probably take a couple of days for the US military to neutralize the entire Pak establishment and im sure the army knows that unlike some people here. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan cannot do anything and will continue to be humiliated in front of the world until the US decides to stop.

Let's not be harsh here... US is a super-power and messing with them is not a cake....They made India do an about turn viz-a-viz Iran even though we have been following NAM, have fairly independent foreign policy and have a newly found economic might....Their strategy is same old "carrot and stick"....Pakistan biggest curse is India centric foreign policy...Just to stay in Parity with India(which might be important, though i don't agree) they have simply played into hands of western powers....Now US with all her might and over dependent Pak is simple toying with them. Unfortunately no one can do anything about it...c
Let's not be harsh here... US is a super-power and messing with them is not a cake....They made India do an about turn viz-a-viz Iran even though we have been following NAM, have fairly independent foreign policy and have a newly found economic might....Their strategy is same old "carrot and stick"....Pakistan biggest curse is India centric foreign policy...Just to stay in Parity with India(which might be important, though i don't agree) they have simply played into hands of western powers....Now US with all her might and over dependent Pak is simple toying with them. Unfortunately no one can do anything about it...c

---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

Let's not be harsh here... US is a super-power and messing with them is not a cake....They made India do an about turn viz-a-viz Iran even though we have been following NAM, have fairly independent foreign policy and have a newly found economic might....Their strategy is same old "carrot and stick"....Pakistan biggest curse is India centric foreign policy...Just to stay in Parity with India(which might be important, though i don't agree) they have simply played into hands of western powers....Now US with all her might and over dependent Pak is simple toying with them. Unfortunately no one can do anything about it...c

good point, Pakistan's obsession for parity with India is the real reason for the decline. Chasing non-existent issues like Kashmir and constantly trying to match India in every way possible has left the country today fighting for its own sovereignty. 60 years after independence two countries could not have been more far apart.

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

Let's not be harsh here... US is a super-power and messing with them is not a cake....They made India do an about turn viz-a-viz Iran even though we have been following NAM, have fairly independent foreign policy and have a newly found economic might....Their strategy is same old "carrot and stick"....Pakistan biggest curse is India centric foreign policy...Just to stay in Parity with India(which might be important, though i don't agree) they have simply played into hands of western powers....Now US with all her might and over dependent Pak is simple toying with them. Unfortunately no one can do anything about it...c

---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

Let's not be harsh here... US is a super-power and messing with them is not a cake....They made India do an about turn viz-a-viz Iran even though we have been following NAM, have fairly independent foreign policy and have a newly found economic might....Their strategy is same old "carrot and stick"....Pakistan biggest curse is India centric foreign policy...Just to stay in Parity with India(which might be important, though i don't agree) they have simply played into hands of western powers....Now US with all her might and over dependent Pak is simple toying with them. Unfortunately no one can do anything about it...c

good point, Pakistan's obsession for parity with India is the real reason for the decline. Chasing non-existent issues like Kashmir and constantly trying to match India in every way possible has left the country today fighting for its own sovereignty. 60 years after independence two countries could not have been more far apart.
Yeah, it will complicate the issue for india....:D

You are not getting it.The more players come in to the arena,the complex the situation becomes.Each and every player has his own agenda,and no body will come 'just to help'
A small example,you dont have to look far.There was a time,when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.A lot of Afghans took a hard beating.Then came US holding the hands of Pakistan.Without Pakistan,it would have been nearly impossible for US to train mujaheddin.Now US did not join the party to help the poor Afghans.They came to give the Soviets a bloody nose.And what followed is history ,a total mess.They created Osama and then hunted him down years after,while millions of Afghans and Pakistanis suffered.
The situation is already hot.Now what happens if China joins the game? Cant really say US and Communist China makes a fine pair.What happens to Pakistan in that case?The room is too small for these two big powers,and the people who will suffer in the end are common Pakistanis and the Pakistani economy.History will repeat again,this time not in Afghanistan,but in Pakistan.
Hope Pakistan does go to war as that will solve many of India's problems as well. So what happened to Pakistan's threat of retaliation if another attack happened ????? lol Pakistan can only talk and does nothing, thats the story of the country. I dont know what people are thinking when they say the army should take action, it will probably take a couple of days for the US military to neutralize the entire Pak establishment and im sure the army knows that unlike some people here. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan cannot do anything and will continue to be humiliated in front of the world until the US decides to stop.

This simple sentence shows the limit of your mental capability.. sorry to be too blunt.. If you read my post, it clearly says that first the issue should be raised in United Nations (UN stands for United Nation if u don't know).. It is simply the case of unrest and increased incidents of terrorism in Pakistan as a country due to US Drone attacks.. Ultimately, the WoT is being fought for people of the world to get rid of terrorists isn't it?..

UN is not only composed of US alone.. it includes other strong players also.. put the case of Pakistan's sovereignty and people's suffering in front of every one.. I don't think that other countries would support what US is doing right now..

Once the case is put.. then Pakistan holds a position in front of the world that we placed our concerns in the biggest organisation of the world.. If even after that US continues.. then war is eminent.. If dying is the only option for people of Pakistan (either from terrorists and US drones or through war against invaders) then why not die gracefully with head held high??

Another thing for your consideration.. If (Allah forbids) war between US and Pakistan starts.. don't think that India's problems will be reduced.. think practically.. a war right now is going to destabilize whole of South East Asia and that includes some BIG players, not only Pakistan.. Go ask someone from your Army's planning department.. PA and ISI knows it, and thats the reason there hasn't been a reply till now.. US is playing the bully's role right now.. as soon as Pakistan takes a sold stand, they will back down and you'll hear simple "Political solution" bullshit from them again..

Please don't come up with OBL's capture from Pakistan excuse, people who sit in UN are not bloggers.. they are a lot grown up and intelligent..

Hope you get it now..
Pakistan Needs a 5 million man Protests it also needs to get rid of American Aid and finally shoot the drones down Will Pakistanis let Jinnah Pakistan get destroyed ?
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