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US defence analyst ‘admits’ role of US in ousting Imran Khan

This. Although the indians may never go to war with the Chinese the west/nato may encourage the indians to be a regional hindrance to China at the very least.

Yes, and they may use India as launch pad for proxies against China in Indo-Pacific region.

It's possible Quad may put boots on ground in some way to assure India support if India do border level skirmishes with China.
Utter slaves bro.

Sad but true........:(

Yes, and they may use India as launch pad for proxies against China in Indo-Pacific region.

It's possible Quad may put boots on ground in some way to assure India support if India do border level skirmishes with China.

Agreed but they won't put boots on the ground for indians. Will definitely give them weapons though.

Yes, and they may use India as launch pad for proxies against China in Indo-Pacific region.

It's possible Quad may put boots on ground in some way to assure India support if India do border level skirmishes with China.

Rebecca grant is a part of the american establishment. She has served as vice chief of united states naval operations:

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This is what is termed as an foreign plus domestic combined onslaught on Pakistan's sovereignty. Where on one side, we have the utterly corrupt, thieving liars, traitors who proclaim themselves as Pakistani politicians but are in essence feudal mafia families that have looted and plundered Pakistan's wealth. And on the other side, their benefactors, the American state establishment, which has continually sought to undermine, disrupt and dismember other countries' sovereignty through subversive and clandestine means, to support these thugs and criminals into power, in Islamabad.

What is more revealing and of far greater danger, is that Pakistan's military leadership has been caught out twice (2008 and 2022) of foregoing the thefts and corruption of these criminal, traitor politicians, in order to bring them back into power. One has to ask, why is it that Pakistan's military leadership, you the one responsible for protecting Pakistan's sovereignty against enemies that are both foreign and domestic .... have chosen to align themselves with such criminals? The only answer is that Pakistan's military leadership is complicit and an accessory to American hegemony.

The Sharif (haramkhor) family, has amassed enormous wealth, on the back of state sovereign credit. Meaning that they borrowed from the West (IMF), funneled the money into the State Treasury, then borrowed the foreign loaned funds and used them for their own private enterprise, instead of using said funds to improve Pakistan's economic state. These traitors, liars, thieves and murderers have also committed acts of treason, by eliminating State Court Case evidences, whenever they came into power. Not only did they do this domestically, but on the international stage, they did so with the help of their benefactor Western accomplices. For example, in Switzerland, the British Government managed to secure under the umbrella of their own hot pursuit of off-shore wealth, to extract records, names and cases of british citizens who have accumulated wealth without paying state taxes. And guess what, they managed to extract records of the Sharif family's wealth in Switzerland, and destroyed the evidence.

So for anyone who is faithful to Islam as a Muslim and true to Pakistan as a citizen, would recognize that America and Britain are ENEMY STATES to Pakistan. Because when a state actively meddles in the business of another state, this then defines the meddling state's classification as being an enemy to the state its interfering with. Even an idiot will have the brains to recognize that America and Britain are as much an enemy of Pakistan, as India is. As their meddling in Pakistan's internal affairs by destroying records of corrupt politicians in Pakistan and bribing Pakistani politicians with millions of dollars is equivalent to what India did by deploying spies in Iran to sabotage Pakistan.

To those Pakistanis who identify themselves as Muslim and support such criminal politicians as Zardari, Nawaz, Shebaz, Bilawal and Maryam. You people have proven to be a shameful example of a Muslim is not suppose to be. You people have also proven that you are by far the most JAHIL of all people in the country. You people have proven that you are not really Pakistani, rather self-absorbed, self-preserving, narcissistic, traitors who are driven by plundering Pakistan's wealth, having a better life for yourself and your families, while the 220 million of your fellow countrymen are plunged in abject poverty.

One has to ask this question to Pakistanis .... What are you going to do about it? If you so proudly proclaim yourself to be Muslim, then where is your IMAAN? And if you proclaim to have Imaan, then where is your courage and defiance against oppression, tyranny, lies, deception, thievery, persecution of Pakistanis? You had a Prime Minister .... sorry, it is Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah who blessed you with a Prime Minister (Imran Khan) that has integrity, honesty, dignity, character of a true Muslim. Now that Imran Khan has been removed from power, where is your Imaan? Where is your love for Pakistan?

Or have you forgotten that millions perished in 1947 for the creation of Pakistan? Or is it that you choose not to care what happens in your country? In 75 years of Pakistan's existence, what has Pakistan accomplished under such JAHIL leaders? South Korea was created one year after Pakistan came into existence. Where is South Korea today and where is Pakistan?

Pakistanis, let me give you a reality check here ... they (Sharif family) will now become more aggressive in their plunder and rule over Pakistan. And if you sit around like cowards and expect some Messiah to come and save Pakistan, then I think that you deserve as a nation, such corrupt, depraved, soulless leaders such as Nawaz, Zardari, Shebaz, Bilawal and Maryam.

I can tell you why Pakistan has been in the state it has been for the last 75 years. You are not going to like it, but for those who seek the TRUTH, will accept this bitter pill. Pakistanis have foregone their loyalty to Islam, and instead have chosen to remain in the darkness of Westernization and Bollywoodization. Those who remained defiant, were unprotected as they never truly studied the Noble Quran, studied our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

In Pakistan's society, progress is measured by haves and have-nots. You talk of the abject poverty in the country, yet you elect politicians that are the CAUSE OF PAKISTAN's ABJECT POVERTY. You talk of becoming modern, enlightened, yet you have a FEUDAL SOCIETY THRIVING IN THE 21st CENTURY. You talk of becoming economically prosperous, yet you clamor to the SHYLOCK THAT IS THE WESTERN CAPITALIST SYSTEM. You consider yourself to be progressive, yet you are actively committing acts of depravity that has plunged Pakistanis into an illiterate country.

So if you seek to address calamitous acts of self-destruction, the way forward is to unite and establish a plan of action. Without unity, you are weak, and the only element that can unite you is ISLAM, QURAN & MUHAMMAD (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam). Once you have understood and conformed to Islam and subsequently united, you then march collectively and in coordination, to boycott the government and the establishment.

Let me remind you, none of this will bare fruit unless you are willing to make sacrifices. These sacrifices are a test from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that ensures that you are true Muslims. For only true Muslims will fight for Islam, willing to loose their wealth, live in hunger, in poverty and lose loved ones. Because if you think that there is an easy way out, it is clear to me that you have no clue what sort of Muslims existed at the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, who sacrificed their wealth, family, lives and hunger in order to establish Imaan.

So Pakistanis .... have you got what it takes to fight and destroy this monster? Are you brave enough to proclaim yourself to be Muslim? Are you willing to fight with established Imaan and forego all the pleasures and necessities of this world?

The ball is in your court, Pakistanis .... it's time to choose .... 75 years has been a LONG GOD DAMN TIME, WAKE THE HECK UP!!!!!

Post of the year...kudos
IK claims he knows the west better than anyone else in Pak which is patent nonsense.

Anyone with basic understanding of history knows that goras dont tolerate independent foreign leaders which is especially the case when it comes to leaders from the Islamic world. Jailing of Colonel Arabi, crushing of 1906 constitutional revolution in Iran, planned breakup of Turkey and conspiracy against Mossadegh and Nasser are some of the very well known actions conducted by goras against the interest of muslims. Less well known is the destruction of Syria which was outlined in great detail by a scion of a great American dynasty:

All these conspiracies have succeeded because goras bribed the press, judiciary, law enforcement officials and local politicians. Yet IK acted in ways which empowered the very group of people that have played a prominent part in destabilising the Islamic world.

Even worse, IK has tried to act as second coming of Salahuddin in the international front without having the resources to back himself. There is no reason for him to bring up 9/11 - an event which took place over two decades back. GWOT is history and more importantly it has no bearing on future of Pakistan. Moreover he scares away potential western allies by claiming Pakistan should have stood idly by while Al Qaeeda took shelter in Pakistan. Even Russia backed Americans on war against Afghanistan which had UN authorisation. Pakistan would have been turned into Iraq at best had it sided with Al Qaeda against civilised world.

IK therefore has no one else to blame for his plight other than himself. In comparison, Jinnah dealt with far more dangerous circumstances and still conjured the miracle that is Pakistan. The way Zia and Musharraf dealt with Americans should have been a lesson but IK's ghuroor got in the way. Zia developed the nuclear program while being an American ally. And Musharraf supported the Taliban while getting American aid. And his reward: his removal by Americans in which IK played a critical role by supporting the same elements which have now succeeded in removing IK's gov. Here I am referring to Geo News, judiciary and corrupt politicians who were IK's allies against Musharraf.

It is sad to see Pakistanis hellbent on undoing Jinnah's miraculous achievement. Despite his past follies, IK still represents the best hope. From a worst position, Jinnah pulled rabbit out of the hat. For the sake of our future, we should pray history repeats itself.
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PTIians what if Rebecca or another defense analyst comes on TVand denies any conspiracy?

Really PTI is making it complicated for them by defending claim by with some 35 second TV show clip. IK is getting very stupid advises. Those who support you will keep supporting no matter what and those who don't they will not. But actually those who are in middle will keep them away with this kind of baseless TV talk shows clip. Since when TV talk shows clips are credible evidence?
White women makes statement on white news channel, people take it as gospel. LoL there is no doubt that the Yanks did not like IK, the Chinese also disliked him for the same reason, his unpredictability, policy even foreign policy made on a whim.

The reason that IK is not PM is simply the fact that he had no majority of his own, Intel had helped him cobble a majority with PML Q, MQM, Independents, Baloch Parties.

Knowing Pakistani politics and horse trading when Intel stopped coralling all these disparate groups in Khans favor, they immediately made a deal with PDM for their own selfish reasons. IK could not hold together his own coalition for more than a few months. But keep believing the conspiracies.

It is funny actually, but IMHO it will be exceedingly difficult for Khan to become PM again, not because of some conspiracy, but because of his volatile and maverick nature, anyway best if luck to him and his crazies
Ms. Sadiq and Ameen Grant has granted all the wishes of propagandists by her absolutely innocent confession.
PTIians what if Rebecca or another defense analyst comes on TVand denies any conspiracy?

Really PTI is making it complicated for them by defending claim by with some 35 second TV show clip. IK is getting very stupid advises. Those who support you will keep supporting no matter what and those who don't they will not. But actually those who are in middle will keep them away with this kind of baseless TV talk shows clip. Since when TV talk shows clips are credible evidence?
It was an off the cuff remark, so it can be considered genuine, however if she denies it now, it will appear scripted. BTW aren't u done #Noonibot??
It was an off the cuff remark, so it can be considered genuine, however if she denies it now, it will appear scripted. BTW aren't u done #Noonibot??
Dy Speaker gave ruling based on NSC meeting and whole PTI was backing its claim based on that. When they say conspiracy not happened. You guys start cursing them. Koi haal nahi hai. Now backing claim from some random tv show and debunking NSC meeting press release. :rofl: Bas is p banda hans sakta aur kuch nahi kar sakta. Conspiracy PTI walon ky demagh k saath ho gayi hai asal mein. :laugh:

White women makes statement on white news channel, people take it as gospel. LoL there is no doubt that the Yanks did not like IK, the Chinese also disliked him for the same reason, his unpredictability, policy even foreign policy made on a whim.

The reason that IK is not PM is simply the fact that he had no majority of his own, Intel had helped him cobble a majority with PML Q, MQM, Independents, Baloch Parties.

Knowing Pakistani politics and horse trading when Intel stopped coralling all these disparate groups in Khans favor, they immediately made a deal with PDM for their own selfish reasons. IK could not hold together his own coalition for more than a few months. But keep believing the conspiracies.

It is funny actually, but IMHO it will be exceedingly difficult for Khan to become PM again, not because of some conspiracy, but because of his volatile and maverick nature, anyway best if luck to him and his crazies
Usually, I am polite but are you really that stupid? The fact is, IK was the largest party in the NA, they won the most seats albeit with the help of the establishment. All these parties you are mentioning have always sided with what the establishment tells them to do. This is the reason they are still kept alive. I pity the people like you who still believe it was khan's fault and not the Americans and the establishment the way he is thrown out.
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