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Who is traitor ? Imran khan or Generals?

Don't worry about us.

The harder it gets the stronger we will emerge.
Now why is there poverty and open defection in India? Why are you killing minorities and why is rape such a big sport ?
He is a Faujeet not a Pajeet
According to @Signalian IK was brought into power by generals.
So by default generals are traitors. If IK is traitor that’s even worse for generals cuz instead of defending the country their installing traitors as PM.
It's because of Pakistanis like you and your stunted grown IQ that Pakistan is considered a sh!+hole country around the world

Blame the military, the politicians, the judges, the corrupt elites.
Thanks for highlighting the problem
It's people like me who run after maryum nawaz and nawaz sharif, & that's the problem..not just the military
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This is Pakistan.... DHA Islamabad, ... :astagh:

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If cypher is true then when state is going to take action against militarily generals for ousting PM of Pakistan?
If cypher was fake and was opposite what claimed by IK then why dirty hafiz and co. Is hungry to book khan in illegal secret act bill which President never signed??
My dear check the pages of history, General has to listen what the United States of America say. Its openly written on the wall ...bold and clear. Read the history when the Pak army was advancing inside India ... General Malik was changed by the order US.... check the pages of 65 war and then 71 war .... When Chinese open the front with India in 62 , they signaled PA to enter Kashmir .................US govt order Ayub Khan and promised, we ll get you Kashmir through table talk ..... betray ...betray by US , Bangladesh, and the story of the 7th fleet and now we dump Imran Khan in prison because he refused to provide weapons to Ukraine....

If we are stupid and have no effective foreign policy then no one to blame ...
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Alhamdulillah's , in our life time Allah Allowed us 2.5 Years of honest Leader in Pakistan
Honest Civilian man

"Allah Tera Sukar"

70 Years of Corrupt Chor and 2.5 Year of Honest man who looked after his people

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Imran Khan is a nice guy, but I think he is too immature for politics.

Although the Sharif brothers are corrupt, they know politics better than Imran Khan.
View attachment 949740

If cypher is true then when state is going to take action against militarily generals for ousting PM of Pakistan?
If cypher was fake and was opposite what claimed by IK then why dirty hafiz and co. Is hungry to book khan in illegal secret act bill which President never signed??

Pakistan Fauj Generals Murdabad!

Pakistan is a failed banana republic of Faujistan!
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