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US defence analyst ‘admits’ role of US in ousting Imran Khan

You're just reiterating Imran khan's foreign policy.

He said, we'll trade and be friends with everyone in peace. But not in conflict or war

Pakistan under IK govt was trying to get cheaper wheat and oil from Russia, which would have been extemely beneificial for Pakistan's ailing economy.

Whole world is getting energy from them, so why not Pakistan? Why such hypocrisy..

Even EU member germany is importing gas from Russia.

Pakistan is not a slave, and never will be a slave. This country was founded on Quaid's vision which is based on Islam.

No country or foreign puppets can make this nation slave of west.

India gets Russian oil and wheat through major concession. You know what the Americans say in their press conferences?

The Americans present all kinds of excuses for Russian Indian relations. They literally defend Russian Indian relations.

In Pakistan, the Americans overthrow a sitting government with the help of a rougue COAS. Don't get upset when ordinary Pakistanis accuse the Americans of double standards.
You're just reiterating Imran khan's foreign policy.

He said, we'll trade and be friends with everyone in peace. But not in conflict or war

Pakistan under IK govt was trying to get cheaper wheat and oil from Russia, which would have been extemely beneificial for Pakistan's ailing economy.

Whole world is getting energy from them, so why not Pakistan? Why such hypocrisy..

Even EU member germany is importing gas from Russia.

Pakistan is not a slave, and never will be a slave. This country was founded on Quaid's vision which is based on Islam.

No country or foreign puppets can make this nation slave of west.
Imran Khan's actions and words are world's apart, he is brainwashing our people against the West starting with the EU and their letter when infact the EU had written the exact same letter to India too, and later-on with the US which he is continuously doing. A mid-level US diplomat tells our Embassy staff that the US and Pakistani relations are not good and may not be good under Imran Khan, which was the sentiment in US and in Pakistan; and this sharing of sentiment was twisted into a political agenda at the cost of our relations with the US. How does alignment with the US mean becoming a slave???

It is not as simple as you make it to be, we cannot buy Oil and Gas from our next door neighbour because of sanctions on the country, there are sanctions on Russia and more are coming every day. Besides, we need a balancing act with purchase of Oil and Gas especially with Saudi Arabia & UAE. Protecting our interests is NOT equal to being a slave; sticking with friends does not mean becoming a slave.
Don't you think that America is overly obsessed with Pakistan despite claiming that it has left and the country holds no value?
They read ahadis more than muslims themselves. Especially 10 penny made in India Pakistan mullahs.

Maybe you think I am a backwards Izzlamist or radical.

But when you study ISIS you will realize how immaculately they set the trap for worldwide Muslim population at a time when Islamic sentiment and dedication was rising in the youth through YouTube channels. They set the trap according ahadis of eschatology to lure all these muslims out and slaughter them.

If ISIS claimed to be such a big khilafa/caliphate. Why it never attacked Israel? The biggest threat to muslims right now? They only attacked once and immediately apologized. Got their sick treated in Israeli military hospitals.
They read ahadis more than muslims themselves. Especially 10 penny made in India Pakistan mullahs.

Maybe you think I am a backwards Izzlamist or radical.

But when you study ISIS you will realize how immaculately they set the trap for worldwide Muslim population at a time when Islamic sentiment and dedication was rising in the youth through YouTube channels. They set the trap according ahadis of eschatology to lure all these muslims out and slaughter them.

If ISIS claimed to be such a big khilafa/caliphate. Why it never attacked Israel? The biggest threat to muslims right now? They only attacked once and immediately apologized. Got their sick treated in Israeli military hospitals.

Very well summed up.

Even on PDF there are agents of chaos hiding under muslim flags.
ذرائع کے مطابق غیرت کی ابھی تک کوئی شہادت موصول نہیں ہوی
I believe you just came out of hibernation.

Let me explain it to you. Align with the US and you are doomed, we were very much aligned with them earlier, what exactly did we get in return? Lost billions of $ and thousands of people died. We were sitting fully in the lap of US and the west, what support we had from them in 71? While russia openly supported India in all possible way. US is not a reliable partner. US is a declining superpower, China is the rising one, China is sitting on our doorstep yet you came up with a brilliant idea to align yourself with the one that is sitting thousands of miles away, and when push comes to shove will run with their tails between the legs. India with a much bigger economy despite all the lucrative offers and threats is not willing to mess with china on the behest of the US yet you are recommending we should.

As you said how stupid does one have to be?

And when we talk about big boys table be it US or China its either you are with them or against them.
You want to get into that discussion? We never aligned with them, we double crossed them at every turn and that's no secret. We harbored and protected Talibaan and that is the reason the US were so pissed off with us. But where did it all lead to? It led to a position where our relations with the US are estranged and we are all looked at as if we are terrorists; and worst of all, now we have problems with the Talibaan, our border with Afghanistan is not secure and we are facing threats from those whom we fed and nurtured at the cost of our own country for decades.

We are reaping what we sowed and it is divine justice. Had we actually aligned with the US and taken out all the ungrateful Talibaan then we would not have been in this mess, the US wouldn't have eventually turned a blind eye to the presence of RAW and their nexus with TTP in Afghanistan, the NDS etc., would not be actively working with anti-Pakistan agencies and groups and we would have been much much safer and financially better off.......alas, here we are, reaping what we sowed!
You want to get into that discussion? We never aligned with them, we double crossed them at every turn and that's no secret. We harbored and protected Talibaan and that is the reason the US were so pissed off with us. But where did it all lead to? It led to a position where our relations with the US are estranged and we are all looked at as if we are terrorists; and worst of all, now we have problems with the Talibaan, our border with Afghanistan is not secure and we are facing threats from those whom we fed and nurtured at the cost of our own country for decades.

We are reaping what we sowed and it is divine justice. Had we actually aligned with the US and taken out all the ungrateful Talibaan then we would not have been in this mess, the US wouldn't have eventually turned a blind eye to the presence of RAW and their nexus with TTP in Afghanistan, the NDS etc., would not be actively working with anti-Pakistan agencies and groups and we would have been much much safer and financially better off.......alas, here we are, reaping what we sowed!

Don't be so naive. The Americans only care about their interests like any other country. If anything, decades of relations reveal the exploitative nature of dealings between both nations.

The Americans are propping up India and they are doing it at the expense of Pakistan. At the same time the Americans have the nerve to ask Pakistan to do more. Do more for India and the US that is.

The Americans are opposed to Pakistani independent foreign policy. The US shamefully admits that it demands an obedient and subservient Pakistan. From official cables to talk on media. You have to be in grave denial to defend the Americans. Pakistan gets nothing out of a exploitative relation. To top it all, the Americans have now blatantly overthrown a legitimate government without remorse.

Pakistan recently bombed TTP in Afghanistan. We are rectifying our mistakes. The Western and US media is crying as usual for their Afghan brethren. Even as Pakistan attacks TTP terrorists the Western media openly supports TTP terrorists.
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You want to get into that discussion? We never aligned with them, we double crossed them at every turn and that's no secret. We harbored and protected Talibaan and that is the reason the US were so pissed off with us. But where did it all lead to? It led to a position where our relations with the US are estranged and we are all looked at as if we are terrorists; and worst of all, now we have problems with the Talibaan, our border with Afghanistan is not secure and we are facing threats from those whom we fed and nurtured at the cost of our own country for decades.

We are reaping what we sowed and it is divine justice. Had we actually aligned with the US and taken out all the ungrateful Talibaan then we would not have been in this mess, the US wouldn't have eventually turned a blind eye to the presence of RAW and their nexus with TTP in Afghanistan, the NDS etc., would not be actively working with anti-Pakistan agencies and groups and we would have been much much safer and financially better off.......alas, here we are, reaping what we sowed!
Again I have to remind you of history. You are talking about the very recent past, when you talk about we "doubled crossed" "aligned" etc, first let's talk about who, why, and when the Taliban were created, as soon as the US was done with USSR they left the mess for us to handle, this is the exact problem that made us change our strategy for Afghanistan 2.0 and it points out to the same problem, US comes to this regions, asks for all the support, F**** it up, run with the tail between their legs and leave the mess for others to handle.

Again in 70's, there was no Taliban, no double-crossing, etc, we were very much aligned, where was the Seventh Fleet, it was coming for our support, it has been 51 years they have not reached yet.

Americans are the most selfish bunch out there, and I do not blame them, it helps their country, their people, their government, and their establishment. The question is why are we not selfish for our country, our people? We are always running around to please them, if this is not slavery then I wonder what it is.
It is just another talk show. We have more important personal 'testimony' of Donald Lu when he didn't negate the charges in India.
Does anyone have a video of that press talk of Donald Lu in India?
looool so a randomn Fox news analyst=conspiracy confirmed.. Alright guess i better start accepting the statements from the venerable Dr Aamir liaquat...
looool so a randomn Fox news analyst=conspiracy confirmed.. Alright guess i better start accepting the statements from the venerable Dr Aamir liaquat...

Donald Lu is also a small-timer...
Every side is using whatever they can get their paws on to prove out their own side of the story.

Pathetic situation with hate, intolerance, violence on the rise across all segments of the society.

At the end of the day, it is the collective responsibility of ALL leaders including the governing party AND Imran Khan to cool it but neither side is interested and they are bound to repeat another debacle similar to the few major ones in the past.

The way things are going, unfortunately the same mistake of "Udher tum, idher hum" is being repeated by the politicians yet again.
ahem… did fact check just suggest she never worked for the US government ?

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