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US considered operation inside Pakistan to rescue American soldier


Feb 21, 2014
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US officials had considered carrying out an operation inside Pakistan to rescue US soldier Bowe Bergdahl,Washington Post(WP) reportedon Wednesday.

Bergdahl was released on May 31 after five years in Taliban captivity as a result of a prisoner swap agreement. He disappeared in June 2009 from a base in Afghanistan’s eastern Paktika province, with the Taliban later saying they had captured him. His captivity saw him transferred between various militant factions along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

TheWPreport quoted a former senior administration official who participated in discussions related to the soldier’s release as saying: “US officials began to contemplate an operation to rescue Bergdahl.”

“But their concern was angering Pakistan’s government and Inter-Services Intelligence,” the official added, pointing at the May 2011 raid in Abottabad to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and subsequent strain in relations between the two countries.

The report stated that those who supported a rescue operation included Admiral Mike Mullen, then chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and then-CIA Director Leon Panetta.

US considered operation inside Pakistan to rescue American soldier – The Express Tribune
US officials had considered carrying out an operation inside Pakistan to rescue US soldier Bowe Bergdahl,Washington Post(WP) reportedon Wednesday.

Bergdahl was released on May 31 after five years in Taliban captivity as a result of a prisoner swap agreement. He disappeared in June 2009 from a base in Afghanistan’s eastern Paktika province, with the Taliban later saying they had captured him. His captivity saw him transferred between various militant factions along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

TheWPreport quoted a former senior administration official who participated in discussions related to the soldier’s release as saying: “US officials began to contemplate an operation to rescue Bergdahl.”

“But their concern was angering Pakistan’s government and Inter-Services Intelligence,” the official added, pointing at the May 2011 raid in Abottabad to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and subsequent strain in relations between the two countries.

The report stated that those who supported a rescue operation included Admiral Mike Mullen, then chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and then-CIA Director Leon Panetta.

US considered operation inside Pakistan to rescue American soldier – The Express Tribune

why did they back off?? :devil:... because this time Pak Army would have responded unlike OBL operation..
This is only to test the strength of Pak Army, nothing more. Whatever they call it OBL operation or like they were considering operation inside Pakistan, the target was & is only one thing to check how strong is the army.
This is only to test the strength of Pak Army, nothing more. Whatever they call it OBL operation or like they were considering operation inside Pakistan, the target was & is only one thing to check how strong is the army.

And we failed in the test
why did they back off?? :devil:... because this time Pak Army would have responded unlike OBL operation..

There are different stories, to say Pak Army did not respond during the OBL Ops's is wrong because there was a
And we failed in the test

In my opinion we did not we just became a victim of incompetency of politicians & then by Gen. Kayani, who didn't defend & kept quiet like he always did.
We will always look the other way when it comes to US, reason well we need to see first who's sitting in the parliament. There is no change in policy be it Nawaz or Zardari.
If however it would had been Imran, things might would have turned ugly but than again the key word is might. After all rhetoric dies down once reality strikes.
We will always look the other way when it comes to US, reason well we need to see first who's sitting in the parliament. There is no change in policy be it Nawaz or Zardari.
If however it would had been Imran, things might would have turned ugly but than again the key word is might. After all rhetoric dies down once reality strikes.

To be fair, there are very few countries in the world that can militarily oppose the US and survive the consequences. Any sane leader in Pak would refrain from a suicidal misadventure like that.
Grapes are sour.... Afterall they had to save their face after that video was released by Talis, and giving such statement for sure will help them save their bottoms.... It is ironi they couldn't stop their guy to desert hours lost and left a note saying, he wanted a new start and it is believed that he taught some tactics to Taliban, and yet US had the audacity to blames us, imean wow

To be fair, there are very few countries in the world that can militarily oppose the US and survive the consequences. Any sane leader in Pak would refrain from a suicidal misadventure like that.
Oh boy, let me tell you something, we are talking about same mike mullen and leon panetta, who carried out the so calld unilateral op in Pakistan to kill obl, so they must have had the guts to do it again, right? So why did they not do it??
Honestly I don't understand the attitude of USA towards Pakistan. No matter what goes wrong they some how try to dump every thing on Pakistan. If you go read CNN it feels like it was Pakistan in first place responsible for all the events that happened related to this abduction and then deal. :sick:
Now that the US did not carry out the op , Pak posters are attempting to take credit for it !

All ops & especially cross border ops are not knee jerk Gung Ho type ops. They are deliberated carefully and executed only if time is at premium/ critical or no other alternative is available.

In this case , had the US intervened the NS Govt would have fallen. This is not in the US & world interests.Besides, they found another way to get what they wanted.

For those who find it despicable that an exchange took place it would be worth noting that a now credible back door link has been established which will pay dividends in the days ahead.
why did they back off?? :devil:... because this time Pak Army would have responded unlike OBL operation..

As if PakMil wasn't involved in the OBL operation!! The whole drama was carried out with the consent, rather collaboration, of PakMil.

Pak army was also ordered to shoot down any planes from America if they enter Pak after OBL fiasco..

Incorrect, the Army forward bases were provided ANZA MK III's to engage American Helos only after Salala massacre by American Gunships, on the contrary nothing happened post OBL.

Plenty of drones have entered Pakistani airspace since then.

And all with our permission and blessings.
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