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US cannot attain objectives in Afghanistan, without change of behaviour by Pakistan: Gen Dunford


i am only trying to say we have it under control.

bunch of random Pakistanis know about this and discuss this on an internet forum

need i say anything more?

We have control in our territory and ready for it. That doesn't mean it won't happen.
We have control in our territory and ready for it. That doesn't mean it won't happen.

It still will not be our problem if War is imposed on us.

We have a defensive battle to fight which we are most prepared for.

Anybody who questions this needs to look at the map.

Indeed. 9/11 was terrible event, but those who committed this crime are still there in power and got more reasons now to commit something similar when their global hegemony is under pressure by other power centers.

I admire your optimism. But I have seen enough bloodshed on the streets of Pakistan to question your logic, respectfully.

There is no harm to be prepared for worst case, specially when we have been found out in past for which we paid dearly.

The bloodshed happened because of our own mistakes when you have the masses detached from the reality.
These are things of the past. The public got tired from being flung by one slogan to the other. Be it ethnic political racial or sectarian. Done it all. Seen it all.

I understand your concerns and admire your patriotism.

But to conclude we are not prepared is quite a long shot.
It still will not be our problem if War is imposed on us.

We have a defensive battle to fight which we are most prepared for.

Anybody who questions this needs to look at the map.


@Taimoor Khan we are prepared for this upcoming battle. Also why do you think the Chinese had the air exercises just recently?
Indeed, last time when US Russia indulged the losers were Afgan and Pakistan, now history will repeat,
There is ample amount of cheap blood in the region which both parties will buy with aids/ funds / weapons to fight their wars while they enjoy the show 1000s of Kms away.

Last time Pakistan offered its services and payed with WOT and regional instability and Afgan got ruined, this time they have changed masters Afgan on US side / and Pak on other, however the string pullers wont feel the heat of destruction.

This is not the whole story. If one pays a bit of attention, the regional power scuffle has been shifted totally in favour of parties belong to this region yet India went to US side due to rivalry with Pakistan and China along-with Sri-Lanka and few other parties, with a dream to contain others. Saying of Pakistan lost in Afghan war, there are many factors that indicates as Pakistan did the right thing at that time however, what happened later, one can call it mishandling of situation.

Not just the Pakistan or any other party; when speaking of arms race etc, one can see how India is spending bundle of money for weapons and recently went in US block openly by signing LEMOA for which, in my opinion and observation, the old Indian friends too are not very happy hence, majority of atomic powers are together in this region to do the right thing except India. US will push India with everything like what happened to many of its friends in past so just read your own post and think where India is heading and what others are trying to do in Asia. India can still make a choice for betterment of region if not so, the shots are already fired and powers are gathered to face it that I am sure, will be seeing another looser in the list.

There are few red lines, drawn by all parties and agreed upon that I think; are out of sight of common people and public though, statement for public consumption as well as making a party happy for the time being, are made accordingly. Forget the war by US directly however, country like India, whosoever dreaming to contain the rival with help of US, will mostly be burnt and America itself will be enjoying in D.C while seeing a pawn being roasted.

The wars and bullets are not some sort of words that may spare the life but extremists in black suits while sitting in high offices have nothing to do with public life hence, innocent will die for their diplomatic and arms business.

Rest about subjected statement through any mean; General spoke, people took it the way as wishes, India is happy so that the purpose is served.
It still will not be our problem if War is imposed on us.

We have a defensive battle to fight which we are most prepared for.

Anybody who questions this needs to look at the map.

The bloodshed happened because of our own mistakes when you have the masses detached from the reality.
These are things of the past. The public got tired from being flung by one slogan to the other. Be it ethnic political racial or sectarian. Done it all. Seen it all.

I understand your concerns and admire your patriotism.

But to conclude we are not prepared is quite a long shot.

The false flags and black swans of this world are neither planned by us or executed by us, we are the the recipient of all the consequences which follow. How can we be at mistake when we dont even have any say or input in such events? A wargaming was done after 9/11 at the highest level to test the results of saying NO to America and according to Mushy, we lost horribly. Can you say NO to American in future with our present sitation and capability? I am sure you know the answer to this.

ICBMs and Thermos instantly take the "sending to stone age" option out of the bargaining table. And that is the good start. I repeat, no one is asking for war, deterrence is the key.


@Taimoor Khan we are prepared for this upcoming battle. Also why do you think the Chinese had the air exercises just recently?

Chinese cooperation is mutually beneficial arrangement. Do you want to put the security and well being of your people at the assurance and good will of your friends? Do you not think its a big risk? Unless and until we as a nation are sufficient for each other and can ward off any external and internal threat on our own strength, noting will do.
we as a nation left no stone unturned to become another Cambodia . anyways the general did disclose many future options wrt Pak in between the lines ------- your views sir @MastanKhan
ICBMs and Thermos instantly take the "sending to stone age" option out of the bargaining table. And that is the good start. I repeat, no one is asking for war, deterrence is the key.

We have enough to defend ourselves now. 9/11 to now, very different in our defence capabilities.

US will use heavily armed proxies, won't be a direct attack.

Do you want to put the security and well being of your people at the assurance and good will of your friends? Do you not think its a big risk?

China has a major stake besides friendship.
We have enough to defend ourselves now. 9/11 to now, very different in our defence capabilities.

US will use heavily armed proxies, won't be a direct attack.

You got nothing which can reach US mainland.

China has a major stake besides friendship.

True but, when push comes to shove, can you rely the safety of your household on someone else? After Allah , look for inner strength and be confident that we got enough to ward off any enemy. We DO NOT have sufficient strength, yet.
You got nothing which can reach US mainland.

We are not going to have a direct war with USA and USA doesn't directly attack nuclear countries - unless they plan to write new history. USA will support India however, and China will fully support Pakistan when the big war comes.

True but, when push comes to shove, can you rely the safety of your household on someone else? After Allah , look for inner strength and be confident that we got enough to ward off any enemy. We DO NOT have sufficient strength, yet.

We have sufficient for defence in the coming limited war.

And we have sufficient for Israel too - a full on direct attack by USA will result in nukes flying everywhere and that includes Israel that USA is sworn to protect. But it won't come to that.

And strong alliances are a deterrent in itself.
Well you guys need to understand the enemy's 2.5 front war logic correctly.

It is called the Squeeze in strategic terms and has been going on since 2007. What do you think the TTP in Swat were all about and the BLA in Balochistan were all about.

In 2011 and in 2013 they were presented with golden opportunities but fate has different things planned for Pakistan than these learned mathematicians and strategist.

Sadly when the enemy was planning its 2.5 front war. Pakistan created a simple strategy.

It is an established fact that India due to its political turmoil and internal frustrations needs a face saving short war. They need a reason and they need a blame.

Pakistan refuses to play that boogeyman for India and any aggression from any side of the border will result in direct confrontation between Pakistan and India. We have already assured India that mutual destruction is the inevitable result of a war between India and Pakistan no matter how limited the start may well be.

Pakistan poses no existential threat to USA nor USA pose any existential threat to Pakistan. Both countries enjoy good diplomatic relations when it comes to strategy. USA will not be drawn into any war with Pakistan no matter what the lobbyist and ego hurt generals may say.

If USA needs a reason to have a face saving withdrawal from Afghanistan, there are political and other means to do that which can be discussed on a table rather than some photo ops.
IMO the feelings are mutual. "Last Afgan" is fine, but once it comes to herself even a solitary "Kung fu" kick becomes too much for India....
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we as a nation left no stone unturned to become another Cambodia . anyways the general did disclose many future options wrt Pak in between the lines ------- your views sir @MastanKhan


Thanks for the tag---my views have been on this board for the last 12 plus years talking about a threat like this---.

Come to us with your full might....
Its Now or Never....:D:D:D:D

WTF fck---you 16 years old fool hiding under your mothers britches and threatening the americans for a war on pakistan---.

Criminals like you need to be hanged on every street corner

Thanks for the tag---my views have been on this board for the last 12 plus years talking about a threat like this---.

WTF fck---you 16 years old fool hiding under your mothers britches and threatening the americans for a war on pakistan---.

Criminals like you need to be hanged on every street corner

Very much political statement, Gen seems frustrated. Not the first time. Senator Maccain has solid reason when he addressed Vietnam in his discussion. Senator Mccain grilled Gen deep down . Keep in mind whole Vietnam war scenario. Sen Mccain recently visited FATA and been offered to pick the spot, where he think any terrorist camp exist inside Pak territory...
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WTF fck---you 16 years old fool hiding under your mothers britches and threatening the americans for a war on pakistan---.

Criminals like you need to be hanged on every street corner

Hey old man, Go hide some where....
If you don't have any thing to contribute then you can leave....

I can use abusive abbreviations much smoothly and efficiently....
But i don't want to divert negative attention to old timer like you....

I can also pass judgements by using keyboard....

Have a cup of tea or coffee and don't mess with me....
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