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US Black Hawk crashes near N Korean border.

It wasn't a black hawk was it? A blackhawk is a UH-60, while the crashed one was a CH-53 Sea Stallion.

Also look at the wreckage. Easiest way to distinguish both, look at the landing gear, CH-53 has a two wheel bogey.
21 on board all survived they may come down more often but you probably have a better chance of walking away you cant autorotate with a 737

yeah, auto-rotate is really something, I too was on a crash once, well, hard landing actually, it's unpleasant to see when you are in a free-falling spin but man, you need to admire those engineer. How the heck they can make a chopper to ground dead stop without crashing.
It really does not matter. It will embarrass them both.

Well right now its time for u to get embarass your toys are falling from sky. Apache(which is my favorite no doubt) and the stealth heli used during Osama raid in its first mission came down. And u people started whining give me my toy back or im going to tell my dadddddy.
LOL Dude, you just now post random comment to try and look like you stayed on topic. Shame

By the way, previous post reported :) Have a nice day

To answer your question, a UH-60 cost around 20 mil, it's so good and cheap, even China bought some.

so I am staying levels above trolls like you

what a shame to almost dancing on your own again

what matter is the copter is made in usa and that could have caused it to crash
Please also include your fellow countrymen, it takes two to tango, not one

We are at fault too, I never said we are perfect, but the fact of the matter is this while it is fact that the Americans are doing damage in the middle east are people not allow to be angry?

The 9/11 casualties are nothing compare to the sufferings in the Middle east.

It is true that Chinese members get defensive, which includes me, but is it not from the constant jabs that the American, and/or whatever you are, throw at us.

If we are to be on topic, notice how the topic says American helicopter crashed at NK border, and we are not allow to say this is provocative? When China launched a second hand Carrier the American media are screaming foul and yet the carrier hasn't even left Asia and doesn't compare to the American eleven.
21 on board all survived they may come down more often but you probably have a better chance of walking away you cant autorotate with a 737

well you can Glide a Boeing 737 for roughly about half an hour (well you must be around 40000 feet to begin with)

by the way in both case of Autorotating and gliding at the end your fate is at the hand of pilot and how expert he is and if he can keep his cool and don't made a mistake.
look at these incidents all of them boeing 737

pilots managed to fly in glide mode and all or at least part of the passengers were saved
this one is also Boeing 737
the flight attendant could not maintain the glide and all the passengers died
I'm not really sure what your problem is? Most people register to have a discussion on politics, military and such, but it seems to me that all you are doing is belittling other countries. Is that what gets you going?

This is a US helicopter crash thread that somehow turned into Chinese women giving birth in America. So what? I know American people who think the world is ran by illuminates and there is a world government that promotes war and responsible for the Boston attack. People who believe word for word of the bible and in ghost angels and such. Yea, when I was a student I seen the underbelly of society.

So what? This isn't a representation of Americans as I have met many more intelligent, hard working, and kind people.

Why didn't you bring up some even crazier stuff, maybe the Tibetan monks, or some other crazy people and say this is Chinese. Why not Tibetans who rather live in Nepal than China and say China sucks worse than Nepal. Isn't this your objective?
So convenient that you ignore who deviated first...

Americans are true scum. Their government has always been unnecessarily provocative.
So convenient that you ignore who deviated first...

So you dispute my claim that you are here specifically to belittle China, Pakistan and co.

Also why didn't you dispute that claim of Americans being unnecessarily provocative with facts instead of resorting to your usual tactics.
We are at fault too, I never said we are perfect, but the fact of the matter is this while it is fact that the Americans are doing damage in the middle east are people not allow to be angry?

The 9/11 casualties are nothing compare to the sufferings in the Middle east.

It is true that Chinese members get defensive, which includes me, but is it not from the constant jabs that the American, and/or whatever you are, throw at us.

If we are to be on topic, notice how the topic says American helicopter crashed at NK border, and we are not allow to say this is provocative? When China launched a second hand Carrier the American media are screaming foul and yet the carrier hasn't even left Asia and doesn't compare to the American eleven.
Cry foul? Why should they cry foul? For what? Just because they reported the news and yanked out some analyst who gave his opinion, you consider that to be reflective of the US government? News for you, the media in the US is far more independent than the media in China.

So you dispute my claim that you are here specifically to belittle China, Pakistan and co.
I will return in kind.

Also why didn't you dispute that claim of Americans being unnecessarily provocative with facts instead of resorting to your usual tactics.
Provocative is a matter of opinion. To you, China can do anything and it would not be provocative, like being aggressive towards a bunch of islands to the point of shooting at ships. But nooooooo...Not provocative at all...
Cry foul? Why should they cry foul? For what? Just because they reported the news and yanked out some analyst who gave his opinion, you consider that to be reflective of the US government? News for you, the media in the US is far more independent than the media in China.

I will return in kind.

Provocative is a matter of opinion. To you, China can do anything and it would not be provocative, like being aggressive towards a bunch of islands to the point of shooting at ships. But nooooooo...Not provocative at all...

First I never said that's the stance of the government, I even said media and not government.

Second, quite a few said of the Chinese threat.

Third, I have always claimed the advanced state of America and never underestimated it America. I may have said things that are critical of US, but no more and some could say less than an American.

Lastly, I always maintained that China should pursue interests, but never said it wasn't provocative to other nations.

You put me in your category, but if you were to read my posts non of my posts said China is perfect, in fact all my posts gives the message China has problems and needs improvement but not the hell hole some people seems to suggest. China is pursuing it's interests and it is provocative.

I'm not blind to what China is doing and I accept it. I judge it to be necessary and didn't try to justify it other than to say that it is in China's interest.

You on the other hand seem to think any actions the US does is not only correct but justified.
First I never said that's the stance of the government, I even said media and not government.
Then you cannot charge that the media 'cry foul'. To do so is to express moral outrage at a wrong committed against self. Who in the media said that China is morally wrong in deploying an aircraft carrier?

Second, quite a few said of the Chinese threat.
What else do you expect analysts to say? You think Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea do not consider the Chinese threat from this?

Third, I have always claimed the advanced state of America and never underestimated it America. I may have said things that are critical of US, but no more and some could say less than an American.
Then instruct your fellow Chinese members here to be equally restrained. Else they will receive what they dole out.

Lastly, I always maintained that China should pursue interests, but never said it wasn't provocative to other nations.
Then why do you think that US flying near the border is 'unnecessarily provocative'? If anything, what we are doing is in response to North Korea's provocativeness in developing nuclear weapons.

You put me in your category, but if you were to read my posts non of my posts said China is perfect, in fact all my posts gives the message China has problems and needs improvement but not the hell hole some people seems to suggest. China is pursuing it's interests and it is provocative.

I'm not blind to what China is doing and I accept it. I judge it to be necessary and didn't try to justify it other than to say that it is in China's interest.

You on the other hand seem to think any actions the US does is not only correct but justified.
I take the same: Interests.
I take the same: Interests.

But it is Provocative, right? Just because NK started provoking US doesn't mean any actions the US does isn't the same. So we finally landed that you agree it's provocative.

If you don't agree, then Japan bought the Islands in dispute, then that is provocative and anything China does afterwards isn't provocative either.
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