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US Black Hawk crashes near N Korean border.

Well, I don't believe Gambit is the one derailed the thread. Look at post 2.

Nor anyone defending his action.

If you want quality argument, then please refrain someone from derailing the thread first, and if you have to point the finger, then please point to both side of the pond, this is what I was asking. Pointing one side and blame all the responsibility to is even worse then you say nothing at all

Congrat on the JrTT by the way

Well the one before him generalized the whole American nation which was extremely wrong , but a professional member like gambit instead of showing restraint and reporting him and getting the post deleted , continued the derailment of the thread , constantly offering trolls an opportunity to continue further , the result of which is in front of you now . A thread in gutters !

Good to hear that . Your post seemed like it . Sorry for that .

Mate , there would always be members who like to troll , make off topic/racist posts , so should we just join in and ruin the thread like this one ? There's a good reason that we have " Report Post " for . I am not pointing at one side but the continued exchanges of hate posts was the result of the posting of the link in post#3 .

Thank you for that . :)
Well the one before him generalized the whole American nation which was extremely wrong , but a professional member like gambit instead of showing restraint and reporting him and getting the post deleted , continued the derailment of the thread , constantly offering trolls an opportunity to continue further , the result of which is in front of you now . A thread in gutters !

Good to hear that . Your post seemed like it . Sorry for that .

Mate , there would always be members who like to troll , make off topic/racist posts , so should we just join in and ruin the thread like this one ? There's a good reason that we have " Report Post " for . I am not pointing at one side but the continued exchanges of hate posts was the result of the posting of the link in post#3 .

Thank you for that . :)

I do not condone any trolling, whether what they support with their argument. Problem is, by just pointing out Gambit let loose with the troller, the poster had intentionally or unintentionally accepted that trolling is okay if they are on their side of the argument.

My point is exactly that. I do not condone nor okay with any form of trolling, in fact, I had admitted that Gambit was trolling by saying "It takes two to tango"...

SO, I don't really know why you think my post have any problem to goes with....
Well the one before him generalized the whole American nation which was extremely wrong , but a professional member like gambit instead of showing restraint and reporting him and getting the post deleted , continued the derailment of the thread , constantly offering trolls an opportunity to continue further , the result of which is in front of you now . A thread in gutters !

Good to hear that . Your post seemed like it . Sorry for that .

Mate , there would always be members who like to troll , make off topic/racist posts , so should we just join in and ruin the thread like this one ? There's a good reason that we have " Report Post " for . I am not pointing at one side but the continued exchanges of hate posts was the result of the posting of the link in post#3 .

Thank you for that . :)
I do not report anyone. I have enough testosterone to take it. Just as people expects something from me, so shall I expect the same from them. So if someone is willing to drag the thread into the gutter, I have no problem going there.
I do not condone any trolling, whether what they support with their argument. Problem is, by just pointing out Gambit let loose with the troller, the poster had intentionally or unintentionally accepted that trolling is okay if they are on their side of the argument.

My point is exactly that. I do not condone nor okay with any form of trolling, in fact, I had admitted that Gambit was trolling by saying "It takes two to tango"...

SO, I don't really know why you think my post have any problem to goes with....

I certainly didn't want to point that trolling was right if it was on my side of argument , I merely singled him out because he carries a certain tag and he isn't expected to start/continue that being a well respected " Professional " . That is all .

Thanks for that , I guess I misunderstood that post of yours , mate .

There's no problem at all .

I do not report anyone. I have enough testosterone to take it.

There lies the problem , Mr Bond . Why cant you report and get it deleted ?
There lies the problem , Mr Bond . Why cant you report and get it deleted ?
I believe in the democratic virtue of 'freedom of expression' along with a healthy dose of testosterone. Places like this one on the Internet encourages people to expose what they are: Either the best or the worst or anywhere in between to represent their country. So when anyone immediately contribute to the decline of a discussion like in post 2 of this one, I get a kick out of it. Immensely.
I believe in the democratic virtue of 'freedom of expression' along with a healthy dose of testosterone. Places like this one on the Internet encourages people to expose what they are: Either the best or the worst or anywhere in between to represent their country. So when anyone immediately contribute to the decline of a discussion like in post 2 of this one, I get a kick out of it. Immensely.

Freedom of speech or expression doesn't mean that you start to break forum rules by becoming a part of trolling and justify it later using the same freedom provided to all , there is a report button after all , you saw how many members got banned , use it . Why get emotional and join in , mate ? I still cant understand the reason . You have been in the technical life for so long , haven't you yet learned to control anger ?
Freedom of speech or expression doesn't mean that you start to break forum rules by becoming a part of trolling and justify it later using the same freedom provided to all , there is a report button after all , you saw how many members got banned , use it . Why get emotional and join in , mate ? I still cant understand the reason . You have been in the technical life for so long , haven't you yet learned to control anger ?
Here is something you ignored: We can safely assume that the nationality of post 2 is not American, agreed? :lol: And that it is Chinese, agreed? So why none of the Chinese contingent took the initiative in self policing? Because the majority of the participants of this forum do not have the necessary maturity to conduct themselves in the manner of adults, mentally speaking. And when it comes to America, every mentally 12-yr olds enjoys seeing the US dragged thru the rhetorical mud.
Here is something you ignored: We can safely assume that the nationality of post 2 is not American, agreed? :lol: And that it is Chinese, agreed? So why none of the Chinese contingent took the initiative in self policing? Because the majority of the participants of this forum do not have the necessary maturity to conduct themselves in the manner of adults, mentally speaking. And when it comes to America, every mentally 12-yr olds enjoys seeing the US dragged thru the rhetorical mud.

I ask you , mate , does it matter at all ? For me , he was simply trolling . They didn't oppose it because it was favoring their side , I know , but does that mean , that others should join in ? Leave the majority aside , hit the report button , get it done , why waste precious time in needlessly bickering with people who aren't going to agree with you by any chance ?
I ask you , mate , does it matter at all ? For me , he was simply trolling . They didn't oppose it because it was favoring their side , I know , but does that mean , that others should join in ? Leave the majority aside , hit the report button , get it done , why waste precious time in needlessly bickering with people who aren't to agree with you by any chance ?
When that Chinese baby got ran over by her own countrymen, I had no part in that discussion. I could have descended to the level of the Chinese membership here and had a field day in that thread. I could have attributed the worst of humanity to the Chinese people, ala post 2 here. But I did not. So since the Chinese contingent make such trolling important to them, to the point where they considered it a 'useful' post, which I failed to see the intellectual significance of it, then I see no reasons to deny them the pleasure of seeing the discussion turned into crap.
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