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US Bill On Balochistan

Before talking out of your @ss you should have educated yourself about there being a Balochistan in Afghanistan and Iran as well and both are experiencing insurgencies as well. It would be suicide for them to join your "effort" because in the end their Balochistan would be lost as well.
Also before talking about Balochistan, why don't you consider what's happening in Occupied Kashmir and the Red corridor in India. Or is that something I will need to educate you about as well?

Well there will be some balocho in afghanistan and iran. That is normal in any border area. Most of part of it is in pakistan. It has everything to became independent country. If USA passed resolution means it is matter of time for when.

Couple of A/C in Indian ocean, 10 billion usd, a new country.
Well there will be some balocho in afghanistan and iran. That is normal in any border area. Most of part of it is in pakistan. It has everything to became independent country. If USA passed resolution means it is matter of time for when.

Couple of A/C in Indian ocean, 10 billion usd, a new country.
Yeah , If USA passes resolution that tomorrow it will be 14th Feb , Naive people like you would believe it just like you did with Iraq WMD's factor :lol: ... Have some prozac and establish contact with reality again ! :D Baluchistan ai'nt East Pakistan ... It doesn't have a mutinying population nor it is 2000 km's away from mainland ... Do you even share a border with it ? :azn: ... Even if US gets this resolution to UNSC , there's no chance of it getting passed from there ... VETO ! ... Wake up this isn't 1971 ! ... Pakistan maintains 7th largest army in the world and is a country with nuclear weapons ! :pakistan:

P.S Atleast learn the spelling of the name of people you are trying to get freedom for ... :rofl:

India should step in and help the aspiration of Balocho people. India is capable to create another country like Bangladesh.
Afghan and Iranian will also join in this effort.
India will be then very much capable of turning itself into a nuclear wasteland ... Afghan and Iranians ... Shows your level of intellect :rofl: ... You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about ... Perhaps it is not good to type under the influence :azn:
I see the bharatis getting more interested in this ceremonial waste of time than Pakistanis. :lol:

I bet folks at GHQ are probably laughing their ***** off at these dumbasses in US congress.

Look at the hearing on Balochistan that happened last week. Did anyone in the media report it? :lol: Only bharatis heard about it and, more or less, they were the only ones talking about and trying to show it to the whole world.

And what did Pakistan do about it? Make one statement and pretty much forget about it. :lol:

That tells you how much we care about this ceremonial douchebaggery.
India should step in and help the aspiration of Balocho people. India is capable to create another country like Bangladesh.
Afghan and Iranian will also join in this effort.

Only bharatis are taking him seriously. :lol:

Even no one in the US taking this seriously.

This tells you how utterly and completely the bharatis are obsessed with Pakistan, despite all you hear to the contrary from them. :lol:
It is like France passing bill to recognize Armenian genocide.

Overall, Kiyani said it is not interested to operation in Balochistan, what can we do? :undecided:
We don't need to pretend that we don't care.. Right or wrong, USA has its influence and presence in the world and they still can pull few strings which can hurt Pakistan.

@Pakistanis, you don't have to win a battle here before Indians and you don't need to prove them wrong. Indians are Indians they will prove themselves Indians. If you feel the pain and want to do something so this MF state fails its designs, you got to think what is "The Right Path to Choose". If you have reached conclusion, you got to ACT. Otherwise throwing anger upon US or Indians won't help the cause. Lets grow out of our self-defence and self-victory and do something which is genuinely helpful for Pakistan and people of Pakistan, wherever they are, in Baluchistan, in FATA in Punjab, Sindh or Kashmir.

Stop being reactive.. be Pro-Active! That is the only way to survive and win this battle.
Pakistan is fragile 2 inch wave is enough !!

0.5 inch will be enough for India. :lol:

guys, it is not just Pakistan but also Iran too.

The text says that there is also an insurgency underway in Sistan-Balochistan, which is being repressed by Iran.

Rohrabacher’s resolution says that it is the US policy to “oppose aggression and the violation of human rights inherent in the subjugation of national groups as currently being shown in Iran and Pakistan against the aspirations of the Baloch people.”
Sometime these type of news hype show the weakness of Obama foreign policy in Pakistan and Afghanistan. These type of tactics are shown weakness of administration, where they are pushing Pakistan to obey Obama administration endorse policies for the region, which has negative impact on countries of the region, excluding India.
All the known intelligence of the known countries like CIA, MOSSAD, RAW are trying with all their limits to divide Pakistan! Its an old strategy of their's divide and rule! But if God's will with us then no power can break us into pieces!
Lol its like Pakistan vs Rest of the World!!!
They have to keep this thing in mind that everything on this planet comes to an end! Take the example of US for a chance, it was 80s,90s and 2000s era when America was at large(used to a ruler of the world) but its ship is drowning and one day it will come down!
Pakistan should learn from India how to solve the problem by learning how they deal with Kashmir = stick and carrot.
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