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US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

The US is the greatest “perceived threat” to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and cross-Straits relationship was the most likely subject to provoke a China-US war, a top Chinese military strategist has said.

“The US is the only country capable of threatening China’s national security interests in an all-round way,” Rear Admiral Yang Yi, former head of strategic studies at the PLA’s National Defence University, said last week to a group of visiting senior US officials.

“Japan has no such ability, while Russia has no such motivation and India is more worried about China,” Yang said while addressing delegates at the weeklong US-China Government Executive Global Leadership Course that concluded last Friday.

Yang said Beijing was hoping to maintain and develop a stable and healthy relationship with Washington but it also needed to make necessary preparations for any possible threat.

“Fortunately, the risk of a Sino-US confrontation is decreasing due to the relaxation of the Taiwan question,” China Daily reported Sunday quoting Yang.

He said the Taiwan question would be solved politically rather than militarily, adding the cross-Straits relationship would become even more stable and secure if it continued to develop positively over the next five to 10 years.

Talking about US arms sales to Taiwan, Yang said: “Those weapons will be ours sooner or later.”

The 17-member US group included directors of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Defence Department and Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

This is the first time that Washington has sent senior government officials to Beijing to engage their Chinese counterparts in a comparative educational dialogue.

Sun Zhe, director of Tsinghua University’s Centre for US-China Relations who planned the course two years ago, said Yang had answered the questions in a frank manner.

“A US navy official in charge of intelligence asked the question and he quickly responded that it was the same case for China about the US,” Sun said, adding it is very unique for naval officials from the two sides to exchange thoughts so honestly.

According to Sun, the frank communication was not intended as a threat, but that it would help the two powers to avoid strategically misjudging the other.

US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert|China Military Power Mashup
Threat is not the same as enemy.

The US citizens are generally good people. Alot of them wants to do what they believed is right
Threat is not the same as enemy.

The US citizens are generally good people. Alot of them wants to do what they believed is right

Exactly my thought!

I used to be extremely anti American even though I'm not muslim.
I lived in Canada for 8 years before stepping foot in American soil and that was only b/c we were traveling through an American airport!

In the past two years I have changed my mind about them. They seem to be very nice people. A lot of them have really good principles and are very pleasant to be around BUTTTTTTT they think that they can do no wrong and that they're always right no matter what.
"we nuked Japan but that saved thousands of lives"
"we attacked AFG to find Osama"
"we attacked Iraq b/c they had nukes and we wanted to free their people"
"we killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese b/c they were good for nothing commies"
"Life is cheap in Russia"
"the middle east is a dangerous place"
"Europeans are good for nothing socialists"
"Canadians are pussies"
The ignorance of the American people has resulted in millions of deaths over the years b/c those in power can easily manipulate the entire population.
They seem to be very nice people. A lot of them have really good principles and are very pleasant to be around BUTTTTTTT they think that they can do no wrong and that they're always right no matter what.

I think same profile fits just about any country. What they think and their principles are in a large way influenced by their educations.
Makes me wonder too why people together as a group under some dude's biddings would do what they would not do by themselves as individuals.

Personally I think ideology is a dangerous thing if not properly handled, and might even got out of control. If someone sets out with doing good service to people in mind, then ideology is not necessary. But power wanting politicians don't see doing good as enough, because everyone is capable of it. So they have to find some way of dividing people into camps. And in the end people's lifes are spilled for the same ideas running around in circles.

I am thinking is it a crime for ignorant people to be led to their own death because they can't see something for what it is? Whether they deserved their fate. I am thinking because without an opportunity for good education am I going to be just like one of them?

And the ironic thing is if you don't have a slogan, you can't get many people to listen to you. So even leaders with truely good intentions for the country will use ideology to rally people, even if they themselves don't believe it, because that's how things work. So then we should judge our politicians based on the merit and result of their work rather than what they supposed to stand for in name.

Because you know what? It does not matter. The slogan you take up does not matter. The method you use does not matter. Only intention and result matters

So next time I see this ideology vs another I am just gonna slam a brick wall.
Probably won't be long until there is a hole.
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that is true. the US is the greatest danger to world peace today. the ignorance of most of their population is apparent in their statements. it has alot to do with their primary education. the SAT is a joke compared to our 高考, the math could be done by a 6th grader here and the skill required for its english is like middle school chinese. added with the daily propaganda of "US is the best at everything"...

the top 1% of the US is the best in the world.
the bottom 95% are good only to be manipulated by the top 1%
the remaining 4% help the top 1% control the rest.
Alot of them wants to do what they believed is right

what they believe is right is normally wrong, and when the us is wrong tens of thousands of people die like insects, which means people no longer care about the intention, just the trail of dead bodies the US leaves.
US corporation almost polluted the whole sea world by exploding oil feild in sea

I AM SURE some muslim also did that damage:cheesy:

Million and millions of animals effected in sea , and god knows what else will happen due to such acts by corporations
that is true. the US is the greatest danger to world peace today. the ignorance of most of their population is apparent in their statements. it has alot to do with their primary education. the SAT is a joke compared to our 高考, the math could be done by a 6th grader here and the skill required for its english is like middle school chinese. added with the daily propaganda of "US is the best at everything"...

the top 1% of the US is the best in the world.
the bottom 95% are good only to be manipulated by the top 1%
the remaining 4% help the top 1% control the rest.

As Indians we admire your country but at the same time is apprehensive.

In another say 50 years China would be where US is today. Most probably the sole superpower in terms of economy definitely and defence to a great extent.

My question is how would you like to see China as ? and how do you think China would be going by the present trends ?

There is worry all around as China is much less tranparent and is differently governed than the present developed countries.

Even after so many years Taiwan maintains seperate identity and Hong Kong would have liked to also even though they are all from same mainland China.

What makes the countries worry about China and not any other developing countries ?

Would like you to throw some light on this. I am not that much knwledgeable about China.
Japan has no such ability

Arrogant PLA officer *******? Give them 5 years, and they'd come back wooping you Chinese.

Talking about US arms sales to Taiwan, Yang said: “Those weapons will be ours sooner or later."

Yeah, maybe the paint scraps! Even the Russians were cunning enough to remove the heavy industries the Japs left in northern China.
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What makes the countries worry about China and not any other developing countries ?

Would like you to throw some light on this. I am not that much knwledgeable about China.

Firstly,what doese your "countries" mean? For developing countries, not every coutry worries about china's rising. Indeed, there are some countries worry about it. That limited to the countries who had a war with china and who occupated china's land.

For developed countries, that is very simple. They fear china's rising will harm them, they fear china would destroy the current world rule which benifit developed countries a lot. They dont worry about the other developing country is bcoz the other developing country doesnt have the capibility.

BTW: Recently, when obama was on a interview in australia, he said if the other 1billion chinese can get their life like australian, that will be a nightmare for the earth. The earth cant offer that, so chinese should find another way to get rich and rise their life level. His meaning is west people can have good life, and the others shouldnt, though the earth belongs to the whole human civilization. This is what they really worry about.:tdown: They dont really worry about poverty and blablabla in developing country, the only thing they worry about is how can they make developing country consum less and less limited resourses.
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Firstly,what doese your "countries" mean? For developing countries, not every coutry worries about china's rising. Indeed, there are some countries worry about it. That limited to the countries who had a war with china and who occupated china's land.

For developed countries, that is very simple. They fear china's rising will harm them, they fear china would destroy the current world rule which benifit developed countries a lot. They dont worry about the other developing country is bcoz the other developing country doesnt have the capibility.

BTW: Recently, when obama was on a interview in australia, he said if the other 1billion chinese can get their life like australian, that will be a nightmare for the earth. The earth cant offer that, so chinese should find another way to get rich and rise their life level. His meaning is west people can have good life, and the others shouldnt, even the earth belongs to the whole human civilization. This is what they really worry about.:tdown:

we should positively interpret his meaning.

what he meant to say was that westerners overall, and especially americans, are fat, lazy and stupid, but have a good easy life anyways due to exploitation of the rest of the world. therefore in the spirit of environmentalism, the best way to protect the earth is to reduce the numbers of australians, or even better, americans.
Firstly,what doese your "countries" mean? For developing countries, not every coutry worries about china's rising. Indeed, there are some countries worry about it. That limited to the countries who had a war with china and who occupated china's land.

For developed countries, that is very simple. They fear china's rising will harm them, they fear china would destroy the current world rule which benifit developed countries a lot. They dont worry about the other developing country is bcoz the other developing country doesnt have the capibility.

BTW: Recently, when obama was on a interview in australia, he said if the other 1billion chinese can get their life like australian, that will be a nightmare for the earth. The earth cant offer that, so chinese should find another way to get rich and rise their life level. His meaning is west people can have good life, and the others shouldnt, though the earth belongs to the whole human civilization. This is what they really worry about.:tdown: They dont really worry about poverty and blablabla in developing country, the only thing they worry about is how can they make developing country consum less and less limited resourses.

That is Racist Hypocracy at its best.

I wonder how Obama truly in his heart feels about this issue of sharing (whether equally or not) the Earth. Obama is 1/2 African Kenyan and 1/2 White Jew descent. Does he also feel that his fellow Africans and Negros should also be mired in perpetual poverty and suffering that his is advocating as well???:devil:

You can't claim to fight for democracy and equality when deep in your heart you don't see other races as "worthy" as your own. :angel:
That is Racist Hypocracy at its best.

I wonder how Obama truly in his heart feels about this issue of sharing (whether equally or not) the Earth. Obama is 1/2 African Kenyan and 1/2 White Jew descent. Does he also feel that his fellow Africans and Negros should also be mired in perpetual poverty and suffering that his is advocating as well???:devil:

You can't claim to fight for democracy and equality when deep in your heart you don't see other races as "worthy" as your own. :angel:

So, That is very simple. Before human technology can make human immigrant to the other planet, there must be a war between new power nation and the old power nation just for resourses, bcoz the earth cant offer another 1billion people to get their life like current west level. This is why developed country worry about china, bcoz if china keep current developing speed there will be a very strong demand of rising their life to the high level from the other 1billion chinese.:lol:

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