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US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

Read about the Odessa clashes where 41 russians were burnt to death in workers building by ukranain neo-nazis often euphemesitcally referred to as 'nationalists'

Well do you agree that Putin fucked up 2014 when he made his muppet president in Ukraine vote against the EU trade deal, which started the whole chaos? He first lost his muppet, when ukrainians revolted and then flipped Ukraine out his orbit.
ha ha ha ha just drum rolling and crashing world markets for no reason Russian Leader in Olympics watching show
Well do you agree that Putin fucked up 2014 when he made his muppet president in Ukraine vote against the EU trade deal, which started the whole chaos? He first lost his muppet, when ukrainians revolted and then flipped Ukraine out his orbit.
Nice way of deflecting from the blame on burning to death 41 russian innocents.
Its useless talking to you - you have one standard for your own and another for others. No civilized discussion is possible,
Nice way of deflecting from the blame on burning to death 41 russian innocents.
Its useless talking to you - you have one standard for your own and another for others. No civilized discussion is possible,

Btw China just busted its support for Putin in Munich
Read about the Odessa clashes where 41 russians were burnt to death in workers building by ukranain neo-nazis often euphemesitcally referred to as 'nationalists'

yea "for you"

On 2 May 2014, as pro-Russian protests were growing in many of the cities in south and east Ukraine, street clashes between pro-Russians and Ukrainians nationalists ended with the pro-Russians blocked into the five-storey Trade Unions building, which was then set on fire. Dozens burned to death inside.

I Definitely condemn this crime of murder
On 2 May 2014, as pro-Russian protests were growing in many of the cities in south and east Ukraine, street clashes between pro-Russians and Ukrainians nationalists ended with the pro-Russians blocked into the five-storey Trade Unions building, which was then set on fire. Dozens burned to death inside.

I Definitely condemn this crime of murder

Simple condmenation is not enough. I urge you to reflect on what it means and it is possible you will revise your opinion of the whole thing.
you and your delusions of past grandeur. Foundation of west is judeo-christian culture - both of which came from middle east.
A small country security is best achieved through neutrality - not taking side and baying for blood of russians thousands of kms away - who did nothing to you. Only because you have a warped sense of historical delusions.
Wrong. Greece interests are best served by being part of the West and NATO as interests aligned. So i agree with @Apollon on this one.

The fact that you portray Russia as a harmless innocent victim who has never shown any aggression/design on towards its neighbours and as if she is merely a victim of western imperialism shows that you are simply biased against the west and a fan of Russia. Nothing wrong with that though. Everyone has their bias though, but trying to act like its not the case is kinda deceitful. Lol
Ever wondered why most of Russian neighbours are resentful or wary of Russia? Lol As the saying goes: "your neighbours know you better than any foreigner ". 😁
Uncle Sam getting restless. Hasnt started a major ruckus in almost a decade now, very uncharasteristic of him. Too bad Xi and Putin have him by a ball each.
Nice way of deflecting from the blame on burning to death 41 russian innocents.
Its useless talking to you - you have one standard for your own and another for others. No civilized discussion is possible,
I am glad you realized
War in Europe will relive Christian and jewsih pressure on the Muslim world ...
War is war. I come from a very old nation. We know how humans are.

So let me get this straight, you come from an old nation and you know how humans are. Despite that, you choose to be a part of NATO that has imposed war on Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Mali, Cameroon and Yemen?

Half a million Iraqi children died due to lack of medicine as a consequence of economic sanctions imposed by a NATO member state, and this according to you falls under the argument that "war is war?"

So the Iraqi children aren't human enough for you to stand up to your government and hold them to account for what they did in Iraq?

Are you sure you are from this planet?

Without own nuclear weapons and with no military alliance, we would suffer opression.

Oh so by that argument, tomorrow if Iran is attacked it only has itself to blame for not developing Nuclear Weapons and for not being part of a military alliance. That would make Iran's predicament, one which is doomed, right?

It's justifiable to see Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen be destroyed because they had no nukes and they weren't part of a military alliance, correct?

And here I thought Greeks were known for their sound logic. Doesn't sound logical at all from any angle one looks at your argument, my friend.

There are only two options for Europe regarding that without NATO. We would either arm evry country nuclear or create a European Army with around 1000 nuclear weapons to be able to defend Europe against autocratic regimes.

Are you sure about that? Because the last time I checked, Europe's historical track record has been to go to other people's land, occupy it forcibly and then proclaim that land and it's people, colonized. We have countries in three continents that could take Europe to the international court and demand blood for blood and wealth returned, plundered by those oh so noble and non-autocratic Europeans.

Here is another gem from the historical records. European states, under the French and then under the Germans, invaded Russia thrice! Do you honestly think that the immediate neighborhood around Europe, will sit tight and pray to God that Europe wouldn't attack a fourth time, armed with nukes? Come on my friend, use some sense for the love of God.

I prefer NATO because it gives us a greater security since it also binds Turkey.

Here I am in partial agreement with you. I for one do not, under any circumstances, trust the Turkish ruling class, at all. And I say this as a Muslim, and a Pakistani. Surprised as you might seem, not all of us are duped like idiots, into the whole Ottoman Caliphate nonsense.

I view people and history, with the lens of Imaan (Faith in God). I believe Greek Orthodox Christians have more to gain from friendship with Russia, the heartland of Orthodox Christianity.

Put your trust not in those who lie through their teeth, slaughter others in the name of spreading democracy and proclaimed to be benevolent, all in the same breath. Because if you do put your trust in NATO, in time you shall realize how wrong that decision was. But then, it will be too late my friend.

I share one parting observation .... to you, there is no other choice but the one you mentioned, NATO. For all the reasons you have stated, make it an obvious choice. Similarly, for me, there is no real Islamic leadership in the world today, my people are killed by wars and there is no one who has stood to save us, as our leaders are traitors and for lack of a better word, scum! Logically, I should be throwing myself at supporting Turkey, or the Riyadh-Najdains. I don't!!

Why? Because this is a test of faith, my dear friend. When you have concluded that there is no other option left. It here, that faith comes to it's critical mass. You then must summon every ounce of faith in God, use your intellect and approach this predicament with sound judgement. And if you do actually try this method, immediately you will find yourself under a barrage of relentless and ruthless attacks hurled at you by the same ones whom you thought were your people.

Greece has a choice outside of NATO, the same way Turkey does. Both Greek and Turkish people have a real chance to establish peace and friendship. But in order for that to happen, you have to take a leap of faith.
Wrong. Greece interests are best served by being part of the West and NATO as interests aligned. So i agree with @Apollon on this one.

The fact that you portray Russia as a harmless innocent victim who has never shown any aggression/design on towards its neighbours and as if she is merely a victim of western imperialism shows that you are simply biased against the west and a fan of Russia. Nothing wrong with that though. Everyone has their bias though, but trying to act like its not the case is kinda deceitful. Lol
Ever wondered why most of Russian neighbours are resentful or wary of Russia? Lol As the saying goes: "your neighbours know you better than any foreigner ". 😁

You cant accuse a person of bias simple because you don't like their opinions. I am not standing in judgement of Russia of its entire history but responding to current crises and developing an understanding of why Russia is doing what it is doing.

In fact if one traces Modern Russia to birth of Soviet(Tsars are completely different form of government and comprehensively overthrown) - its war crimes simple pale against colonial power of west. Soviets may have initiated wars but they never treated anyone inferior based on ethnicity - no signs of "no dogs or irish/indians/blacks" etc. Infact they actively encouraged people to intermarry. And they have stellar record of standing up for many third world countries. Agreed they managed their own people badly and bought suffering on them due to some bad economic or polticial decisions. But that's completely different to ruling others with malice.

But for arguments sake i can agree with you that Russia has also shown aggression. Then , being reasonable, you have to agree so have many countries. But if putting missiles and nukes of Russia next to Uk is unacceptable then how is deploying nato weaponry in ukraine against russia acceptable?

"Most" of russian neighbours resent russia is not true. But some do. It is easy to see why - Russian neighbours are poor. Ukraine is especially poor so it makes it vulnerable for foreign influence. How fair it is to take advantage of poverty among brothers and deploy arms in one pitting one against other ?
Bidens strategy of releasing intelligence in near real time has been pretty brilliant. Its put Putin on the backfoot. I don't think Putin was prepared for this.
Bidens strategy of releasing intelligence in near real time has been pretty brilliant. Its put Putin on the backfoot. I don't think Putin was prepared for this.
In your confined American thinking perhaps. Much of the world views this very differently. After the Afghanistan debacle the Americans have jumped into yet another conflict. Very characteristic.
In your confined American thinking perhaps. Much of the world views this very differently. After the Afghanistan debacle the Americans have jumped into yet another conflict. Very characteristic.

More and more are taking notice, I don't know if it will prevent conflict but Biden has taken the initiative away from Putin.

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