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US-based Sikh rights group to rally behind Sangeeta Richard

the indian ones...

Modi supporters here...

No need of source for everything...
Is there a source that you are patriotic towards india...

hey puttar ittar chittar...could you type in english...


This all is politics man...
That attorney is some sikh (preet barara) with kalistani mentality...
Overseas sikhs are of no use to india...
the only reason i dont hate them is because they serve our army...other than that no use for india whatsoever...

Calm down dude!!!

Those guys who are rallying behind Richard are funded by USA agencies. They will calm down once their support is negated. They have nothing to do with Sikhs in India.
This post is beyond retarded. On one hand you say Sikhs are anti-Indian but then concede they are over-represented in the INDIAN army?!


I can't be bothered to properly address the views of a few fools in the US but they are more than likely born and brought up in the US so why would they nesercarily be pro-Indian?

Having said that I'd wager the overwhelming majority of Sikhs around the world are vehemently pro-India.

I'd just like to add- provide proper justice for the 1984 riots and you'll take the wind out of these "khalistani" fools' sails. This is literally the ONLY legitimate grievance Sikhs have. Take care of this issue and it's only a win-win for all.

So once again I'd urge any and every Indian to seek the prosecution of those animals who are responsible.
the person u r replyin to is most probably a 17 years old kid
I've never claimed to be a Kashmiri in any of my Post, I challenge you to show me any of the post. My best friend is Kashmiri + have other Kashmiri friends from collage. This is what I've always said. :angel:
@Aeronaut and I can vouch for that. She has visited Kashmir and wrote great report on Kashmir. She knows quite a lot about Kashmir. She is a Sikh.

BTW can't a Kashmiri be a Sikh ? Its not like all Kashmiris are Muslims. There are Hindus and Sikhs in Kashmir too. ;)

As for others questioning patriotism of Sikhs, look at number % of Sikhs in Indian Armed Forces compared to % of them in our total population.
Calm down dude!!!

Those guys who are rallying behind Richard are funded by USA agencies. They will calm down once their support is negated. They have nothing to do with Sikhs in India.
Why do they need to be funded....they are Americans.
People often confuse ethnicity with nationality/citizenship.

When people migrated to a new country and become citizens of that country they must be loyal to that country, not the country they were from, and the generations that follow. Otherwise the new country would be divided into many separate groups. It would be chaos and ungovernable.

That's why the internment of the Japanese and German Americans were condemned by not just other countries, but the US citizens themselves as well. It was unjust. It was wrong. But the people who carried out these draconian measures had the same uncivilized ideas as you Indians do thinking these Japanese and Germans would help their originating countries and plotted against their host country.

The Indians are still living in the old world, uncivilized, have no concept of citizenship.

These Sikhs are US citizens. They are loyal only to one country alone and that is the USA.
You better should not generalize things. Not all overseas Sikhs are anti-national and I'm one of them. :)

He is saying that you being a Sikh are not loyal to India. And that you should not be an Indian. I wonder if many people think this way.

People often confuse ethnicity with nationality/citizenship.

When people migrated to a new country and become citizens of that country they must be loyal to that country, not the country they were from, and the generations that follow. Otherwise the new country would be divided into many separate groups. It would be chaos and ungovernable.

That's why the internment of the Japanese and German Americans were condemned by not just other countries, but the US citizens themselves as well. It was unjust. It was wrong. But the people who carried out these draconian measures had the same uncivilized ideas as you Indians do thinking these Japanese and Germans would help their originating countries and plotted against their host country.

The Indians are still living in the old world, uncivilized, have no concept of citizenship.

These Sikhs are US citizens. They are loyal only to one country alone and that is the USA.

These Sikhs should be loyal to USA if they are American citizens. If they are like @JayAtl, then they would betray America.
He is saying that you being a Sikh are not loyal to India. And that you should not be an Indian. I wonder if many people think this way.

These Sikhs should be loyal to USA if they are American citizens. If they are like @JayAtl, then they would betray America.

LOL how did jayatl betray America?
LOL how did jayatl betray America?

@faithfulguy, he is just mad at me because because I have called his lot in america as being seditious and the contribution they have made in america , his forefathers were as railroad slaves and the women as a part of sex trade history in america ( it is documented history in our country afterall). he came off the boat and shrills for china just like them... and so he tries to play it in reverse at me :lol:

if you go through history of posts here he is fixated on two things India and me... and so you will see him invoke my name every 3rd or 4th post he makes...I've made my house B--- here ;) every now and then he gets mad and says he has me on /ignore here but then comes back to invoke my name .
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