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US authorities impounded the Ukrainian IL78 for Pakistan


Nov 21, 2007
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The US, far from the public perception and official claims of supplying Pakistan with substantive military hardware, is actually impeding Pakistan’s efforts to upgrade its capabilities. According to inside sources, only recently, the PAF, which has an agreement with Ukraine for the purchase of air to air refuellers, asked Ukraine to send a trainee plane so that the PAF personnel could familiarise themselves with the systems that were expected later. The Ukraine agreed to send the required aircraft which happened to be in the US. However, before it could fly to Pakistan, the US authorities on learning of its destination, impounded the plane. Earlier, the US had tried unsuccessfully to block the deal itself.


USA was never reliable. We dont need to have 112th confirmation test to understand that. When Nations forget their past, future forgets those Nations altogether. We've been deceived so many times in the past that it looks Childish to think of being an Ally to USA. If USA is here with us, it is only as long as it expects us to do some dirty job and once that got done, it will fly by night.

It is unfortunate that Pakistan had people who were friends with USA instead Nation being friend to them. When now when we see few guys looking towards USA with their tongues out, they are seeking personal benifits instead of National Interests. I wish we would have another Ahmadinijad, Putin or Our own Quaid-e-Azam back who called USA devil and decided to go with England who was yet another Devil but the one we already knew.

We can make Americans suffocate in Afghanistan for being deceitful to us. We just need somebody who has two balls and 33% brain in working form.
The US, far from the public perception and official claims of supplying Pakistan with substantive military hardware, is actually impeding Pakistan’s efforts to upgrade its capabilities. According to inside sources, only recently, the PAF, which has an agreement with Ukraine for the purchase of air to air refuellers, asked Ukraine to send a trainee plane so that the PAF personnel could familiarise themselves with the systems that were expected later. The Ukraine agreed to send the required aircraft which happened to be in the US. However, before it could fly to Pakistan, the US authorities on learning of its destination, impounded the plane. Earlier, the US had tried unsuccessfully to block the deal itself.



G reat s***t News!
wow, here our govt. giving them open hand , even allowing thier bad, blood BLACKWATER, THING & here they are backstabing pakistan, what allay! shamefully?:angry:
The news itself is trash - it has been published in the "Nation" newspaper, and the story is unattributed.

As you read the lead piece in the thread, think about where the story is datelined from??? and Date??

See, if you can tell WHO, WHERE, WHEN, HOW and Why in the lead story - see, generally, anything story, other than in pakistani or Indian newspapers, must have Who, what, where, when, how and why - these elements tell the story ?

Additonally, why was the aircraft in the US? or was it impounded outside the US? by whom?? Was it Ukraine Flag or Pakistan flag?
Yea why would the Ukrainains only have this one aircraft for traning purposes and that aircraft just happens to be in the US right? and our bad luck that was suppose to leave for Pakistan for the Paf ! source for this rubish plzz anyone?
i got this from the net

Abandoned Soviet Air Tanker Is Not Just an Ilyushin​

By Keith Barry September 18, 2009

A massive Soviet-built air tanker impounded at a tiny Michigan airport for almost three months may be sold as abandoned property if its owner doesn’t claim it soon. An abandoned Soviet-built air tanker? In Michigan?

Supposedly, a company called Tactical Air Defenses was to use an Ilyushin Il-78 tanker similar to the one in the pic to fuel planes in war zones and fight fires in Southern California. According to a press release, the plane was to be the only Il-78 actively flying in the United States. Missions included “refueling during air combat training sessions and for contract refueling of military squadrons” and helping state and local authorities “combat the increasing threat of wildfires.”

After being serviced by Air-1 of Denison, Texas the plane took off for Oshkosh, Wisconsin on July 17 enroute to parts unknown. Some say it was headed to Europe, others say it was going to Pakistan. Wherever it was going, it was diverted to Sawyer International Airport in Marquette County, Michigan, reportedly after being denied entry to Canadian airspace.

That’s when things really got interesting.

The Il-78, first flown in 1983, can hit 460 knots and carry 18,000 gallons in its giant removable tanks. Of course, when a Soviet tanker ends up in small town America and the crew is sent back to the Ukraine, rumors abound. We know for sure the plane has been in the United States for at least three years, it is owned by TADS and it is leased by Air Support Systems in Newark, Delaware.

And it has been parked on the tarmac at Sawyer since July 17.

The first sign of trouble came when immigration authorities in Michigan detained the Ukrainian crew for administrative violations. Their visas had expired, and all five voluntarily returned to Kiev via commercial flights on July 23rd. Witnesses reported the airplane had been blocked in with snow plows and, later, concrete barriers.

According to FlightAware, shortly after the crewmembers went home, someone filed a flight plan to fly the plane to Keflavik, Iceland. It never left. The Marquette County Mining Journal says the plane was impounded after Air-1 filed a lawsuit alleging that the plane’s owners owe more than $62,000 in unpaid bills for all the work Air-1 did on the plane back in Texas.

Tactical Air Defenses has not responded to the lawsuit, so a hearing has been scheduled to see about selling the plane in order to pay for what the Mining Journal says are “numerous months of hangar rental, more than 1,500 gallons of jet fuel, preparations to start and move the aircraft and maintenance for such things as reinstalling some of the plane’s instruments, recharging batteries and rewelding a metal fence at the Texas airport blown down by the jet’s exhaust.”

That lack of interest is in stark contrast to the glowing press releases in which TADS trumpeted its tanker’s capabilities and said as recently as May that it anticipated lots of mid-air refueling and firefighting contracts. We don’t see TADS getting much business, but we’ll keep you abreast of developments.

In the meantime, we suggest that anyone interested in buying a 202,821 lb aircraft should start saving their pennies.
Super interesting - Who are tactical Air Defense?? Anyone know whether IL76 or IL78 are JAA certified???

Supposedly, a company called Tactical Air Defenses was to use an Ilyushin Il-78 tanker similar to the one in the pic to fuel planes in war zones and fight fires in Southern California. According to a press release, the plane was to be the only Il-78 actively flying in the United States. Missions included “refueling during air combat training sessions and for contract refueling of military squadrons” and helping state and local authorities “combat the increasing threat of wildfires.”

I think the only other operator of fire fighting IL76 are Mexico. "Contract refueling of military squadrons" -- super interesting - it could not be for USAF, could it? So who then has military refueling on a "contract" basis?

Abandoned for fees of US$ 62.000?? Anything else sound fishy?
That would be reasonable - the owners are identified as tactical Air Defenses.

It would be interesting to learn who (editor) at "Nation" newspaper approved the story being printed there. Didn't do wonders for the credibility of Asian Defense either
That would be reasonable - the owners are identified as tactical Air Defenses.

It would be interesting to learn who (editor) at "Nation" newspaper approved the story being printed there. Didn't do wonders for the credibility of Asian Defense either

Can't agree more than that.
the owners are identified as tactical Air Defenses.
Sir, if they truly are the owners, then they can do whatever the heck they want with it. The Ukrainians may have "requested" that they let it be used for training purposes (though, like you said, the report doesn't look reliable) but it really is up to the owners.

Though why would you ever abandon an aircraft as versatile as an IL-78. I would imagine that there would be plenty of forces around the world that could make use of a second hand, broken up Ilyushin. It does seem extremely odd.

So this is just a rumor that it is one of PAF's IL-78, Right?
No, the rumor is that it was supposed to be used by the PAF for training purposes, before out Ilyushins arrived. The IL-78 we ordered were directly from the Ukrainians.
No, the rumor is that it was supposed to be used by the PAF for training purposes, before out Ilyushins arrived. The IL-78 we ordered were directly from the Ukrainians.

It makes sense that the Ukrainians would ask one of their customers with a spare Il-78 lying around to send it to Pakistan for a while. It doesn't make sense that the USA would impound it knowing that the Ukraine will just send one of theirs instead, they have plenty left over from the Soviet era.
The US, far from the public perception and official claims of supplying Pakistan with substantive military hardware, is actually impeding Pakistan’s efforts to upgrade its capabilities. According to inside sources, only recently, the PAF, which has an agreement with Ukraine for the purchase of air to air refuellers, asked Ukraine to send a trainee plane so that the PAF personnel could familiarise themselves with the systems that were expected later. The Ukraine agreed to send the required aircraft which happened to be in the US. However, before it could fly to Pakistan, the US authorities on learning of its destination, impounded the plane. Earlier, the US had tried unsuccessfully to block the deal itself.



I do not know what "inside sources" this article is talking about but the PAF personal that i have talked to who in fact stationed in Chaklala air base told me that one IL-78 came here for test evaluations under a lease agreement and now has already left the country... PAF will again "only" lease 4 IL-78 from ukraine.
In another words.. this source is a nothing but a conspiracy bull sh1t.
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